

The occupation army asked Dr. Adnan Al-Barash to stop an operation he was performing on a young man who had been bombed, but he refused, so they shot him in the foot and arrested him. Last week he tortured body was found in Gaza.




Words Whispered to a Child Under Siege

No, we are not going to die.
The sounds you hear knocking the windows and chipping the paint
from the ceiling, that is a game
the world is playing.
Our task is to crouch in the dark as long as we can
and count the beats of our own hearts.
Good. Like that. Lay your hand
on my heart and I’ll lay mine on yours.
Which one of us wins
is the one who loves the game the most
while it lasts.
Yes, it is going to last.
You can use your ear instead of your hand.
Here, on my heart.
Why is it beating faster? For you. That’s all.
I always wanted you to be born
and so did the world.
No, those aren’t a stranger’s bootsteps in the house.
Yes, I’m here. We’re safe.
Remember chess? Remember
The song your mother sang? Let’s sing that one.
She’s still with us, yes. But you have to sing
without making a sound. She’d like that.
No, those aren’t bootsteps.
Sing. Sing louder.
Those aren’t bootsteps.
Let me show you how I cried when you were born.
Those aren’t bootsteps.
Those aren’t sirens.
Those aren’t flames.
Close your eyes. Like chess. Like hide-and-seek.
When the game is done you get another life.
By Joseph Fasano


Une enquĂȘte indĂ©pendante de ACLED (ONG spĂ©cialisĂ©e dans la collecte et l'analyse de donnĂ©es de manifs dans le monde) dĂ©montre que 99% des manifs Ă©tudiantes en solidaritĂ© pour la Palestine ont Ă©tĂ© pacifiques contrairement aux mensonges de Biden et des mĂ©dias. #GazaGenocide


Journaliste : Les États-Unis ont-ils un standard cohĂ©rent sur les violations des droits d de l’homme par đŸ‡źđŸ‡± ?

Porte-parole đŸ‡ș🇾 : Le standard varie selon les pays.

Journaliste : Donc ce n'est pas un standard s'il varie d'un pays Ă  l'autre !


Il n'y a plus aucun doute sur la nature génocidaire des massacres perpétrés par #Israël à Gaza

"Il s'agit d'un génocide auquel en assiste à #Gaza" - rapporteuse spéciale de l'#ONU

#Palestine #GazaGenocide #GenocideJoe #ICJGenocideConvention



Amidst Israel’s #GazaGenocide, AXA divests from all Israeli banks EXCEPT ONE! Escalate #BoycottAXA now!

New research by Ekƍ shows that AXA has sold all its shares from Israel Discount Bank and Bank Leumi that finance Israel’s illegal settlements, but still owns shares worth $2.6 million in Bank Hapoalim, one of the largest Israeli commercial banks that is blocklisted by the UN for financing Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise.



However, the murder of thousands and the deliberate starvation of millions did not constitute the positive proof of Israel's malignant intent than the targeting of the WCK workers. If there ever was a shred of doubt about Israel that still exists, it's completely gone now.

â™Č jonburr - 2024-04-05 04:46:12 GMT

The deliberate targeting and murder of 7 #worldcentralkitchen volunteers is tragic, but equally tragic is the fact that western politicians are "Outraged" by these deaths,
but they were not "Outraged" by the 40,000 brown civilians also murdered by Israel, and the 2 million civilians Israel is attempting to starve to death.Perhaps we should expect a little less white supremacy from our "democratic" politicians?

#Gaza #gazagenocide #Palestine

Biden 'outraged'...


« L’armĂ©e amĂ©ricaine sommĂ©e par Joe Biden d’établir un port Ă  Gaza pour acheminer de l’aide humanitaire. »

C'est du jamais vu qu'un minuscule pays par la taille et la moralité mais d'une sauvagerie inégalée, puisse laisser sciemment mourir de faim 2,2 millions d'individus, en bloquant toutes les aides extérieures, et ce aux yeux du monde entier.

À l'Ă©chelle planĂ©taire IsraĂ«l ne reprĂ©sente rien mais sa capacitĂ© de nuisance est Ă©norme.
#GazaFamine #GazaGenocide


#palestine #AlAqsa #GazaGenocide
La chaßne hébraïque 12 a déclaré que les images satellite européennes montraient qu'au moins 68 pour cent des bùtiments avaient été détruits ou endommagés dans le nord de la bande de Gaza, au moins 72 pour cent dans la ville de Gaza, 39 pour cent dans les camps centraux et 46 pour cent à Khan Yunis.