nytimes August 19, 2021 11:00am How Superweeds Like Palmer Amaranth Are Changing Agriculture #weeds #defoliantsandherbicides #geneticallymodifiedfoodgmos #agricultureandfarming #biotechnologyandbioengineering #seeds #monsantocompany #kansasstateuniversity #news Attack of the Superweeds Herbicides are losing the war — and agriculture might never be the same again.
nytimes July 20, 2021 10:01am Learning to Love G.M.O.s #geneticallymodifiedfoodgmos #geneticsandheredity #geneticengineering #fruit #biotechnologyandbioengineering #organicfoodsandproducts #agricultureandfarming #dietandnutrition #science #news Learning to Love G.M.O.s Overblown fears have turned the public against genetically modified food. But the potential benefits have never been greater.