

It is time for us as citizens of the world to regain our strength in the face of adversity. When other people attack us with trucks, with knives, axes, guns, with bombs or airplanes, we should not be sinking into collective depression and panic and asking "Why?!". Instead we should be asking "What can we do?!". Right now, right here, in the middle of it. No more running away from evil, but facing it head-on and standing in its way to protect those behind us.
It is a way not free of sacrifices, it is still a way moistened with tears. But it is the only way for us to stand as one. Not as mere targets, but as free women and men! Together as a people, who do not simply ask that respect be given to our lives and customs, but leave no questions about it at all!
Let it be known, that it is so...

#thoughts #public #self-responsibility #good-versus-evil