#Prosecuted for their #thoughts in the privacy of their #mind...?
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=GzWOyuxCulM
no rights only wrongs
The #first #conviction of its kind in modern #British #history.
#Prosecuted for their #thoughts in the privacy of their #mind...?
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=GzWOyuxCulM
no rights only wrongs
The #first #conviction of its kind in modern #British #history.
John O’Looney- #Thoughts for the Day - 19th September 2024
Alles Liebe und Gute zu Deinem Geburtstag heute lieber @Indiefotog! 🤗🍀🍀🍀🌞
#Geburtstagswünsche #Gedanken #meinFoto #Regenbogen #mywork #birthday wishes #thoughts #myphoto #rainbow
Sit down, experience life directly, without concept
#zen #meditation #mind #thoughts #reality #silence
Not only does this seem incomprehensible, but it totally is.
#zen #silence #thoughts #mind #practice #meditation
"But they don’t care about what we think. They turn a deaf ear to us," some people complain. That is not true. They care very much about what you think. In fact, that is the only thing about you that holds their attention and concern. They don’t care if you go hungry, unemployed, sick, or homeless. But they do care when you are beginning to entertain resistant democratic #thoughts. They get nervous when you discard your #liberal complaints and adopt a #radical analysis. They do care that you are catching on as to what the motives and functions of the national security state and the US global empire are all about at home and in so many corners of the world. They get furiously concerned when you and millions like you are rejecting the pap that is served up by corporate #media and establishment leaders.
By controlling our #perceptions, they control our society; they control public #opinion and public #discourse. And they limit the range and impact of our political #consciousness. The plutocrats know that their power comes from their ability to control our empowering responses. They know they can live at the apex of the social pyramid only as long as they can keep us in line at the pyramid’s base. Who pays for all their wars? We do. Who fights these #wars? We do or our low-income loved ones do. If we refuse to be led around on a super-patriotic, fear-ridden leash and if we come to our own decisions and act upon them more and more as our ranks grow, then the ruling profiteers’ power shrinks and can even unwind and crash—as has happened with dynasties and monarchies of previous #epochs.
We need to strive in every way possible for the revolutionary unraveling, a #revolution of organized #consciousness striking at the #empire’s heart with full force when #democracy is in the streets and mobilized for the kind of irresistible upsurge that seems to come from nowhere yet is sometimes able to carry everything before it.
There is nothing sacred about the existing system. All economic and political #institutions are contrivances that should serve the interests of the #people. When they fail to do so, they should be replaced by something more responsive, more just, and more democratic.
--- Michael Parenti, in his book Profit Pathology and Other Indecencies (highlights added by me)
Every day I tell myself a story.
It does not always start the same, but it always has the same elements. What has been, what might be, and what might connect those two things together.
The narration is frequently interrupted by happenings that change the story. At the end of the day the story comes to a conclusion, of sorts.
Examined in my dreams. Prepared for the next day’s story.
Silent home
I often lack the fitting words, like a silent observer in a busy world. It has always been my belief that silence often says as well as the endless chatter that surrounds us. In this world where people talk incessantly I find more exhaustion than enrichment. Their words shower down on me like a constant rain and I seek refuge in silence. Again and again I am drawn away, far into the unknown. There, where language falls silent, lies a peculiar form of peace, and in the distance I recognise home.
#streetphotography #cityscapes #taipei #taiwan #travel #mywork #life #sunset #thoughts
The Simpsons Predictions
#pa #Quote Posted by amor (here)
Re Example 3 by Matthew: The Translator of Baby Speech (should be Thoughts of Baby).
This episode of the Simpson's gives me an opportunity to say that this is a forecast of the fact that they have engineered your computer monitor and your Television Monitor TO READ YOUR THOUGHTS. I have actually had this happen to me twice where I instantly understood what was happening and had a speech exchange with the man on the other side of the screen.
Now as to your computer, It has been engineered TO READ YOUR THOUGHTS, WHICH UNDOUBTEDLY ARE STORED AT THE NSA, ETC. In the meanwhile, it speeds up finding what you are looking for in their SEARCH section, as it shows up even before you can type it in. Further, I have found dense pages of print passing my eyes when I am in the bathroom facing the white floor tiles. This brings up the distinct possibility that they are PROGRAMMING YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS. A good way to produce HUMAN COMPLIANT ZONBIES!
The print is passing my eyes so quickly that it is not possible to read it or even identify individual words as spaces between words seem to have been omitted (I suspect as an energy saving device).
Many decades ago, while reading a Popular Mechanics Magazine, I read a small paragraph reference as to the fact that experiments were being done towards thought reading and having it register on a computer screen, first as words, then as pictures. I realized this would allow them to do all they are doing today, reading the thoughts of ALL ANIMAL LIFE as well as programming the subconscious minds of humans, and collecting and storing their thoughts. NO! I AM NOT CRAZY, JUST OBSERVANT, KNOW WHAT IS POSSIBLE AND AM VIGILANT.
I've have had similar experiences.
Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals
"About 1.5 weeks ago I was sitting on my stationary exercise bike and pondered that the seat was rather narrow. Within the hour I was on the #internet and got hit with advertisements for bicycle seat covers that I never searched for. If they're #reading my #thoughts and sending that #information somewhere then where's the receiver? Is it local, cell tower, satellite or do I have #brain implant(s)? "
Vor 21 Tagen haben wir von Dirk seine letzte Nachricht bekommen... Der Abschied von dem Welt, den Dirk für uns verfasst hatte, damit wir besser mit seinem Tod umgehen können... Er wollte einfach nicht weg alles hinter sich lassen und vergessen, sondern eine kleine Spur, einen Roten Faden zwischen zwei Welten überlassen... Der Dirk, er war schon immer ein lieber & guter Kerl.✨️🕯✨️
RIP (((Dirk Weber)))🕊✝️
#Allerheiligen #Erinnerungen #Gedanken #Foto #meinFoto #mywork #All Saints #Memories #Thoughts #Photo #myPhoto
"home of the autumn thoughts"
the rules of the game are simple - choose a photo (preferably your own), edit with gimp and tag #sundaygimp on a Sunday ;-) … and follow the tag.
(and also #Sunday-photo-edit )
Note: if you do not use gimp, but still want to play along, just use the tag #Sunday-photo-edit and edit the images with your favorite image editor
#AB, #AB-SG, #AB-29-10-23, #10-23, #gimp, #gmic, #Sundaygimp, #Kunst, #Art, #Bildbearbeitung, #Bildmanipulation, #manipulation-de-photos, #image-editing, #retouche-d-image, #Herbst, #Gedanken, #schreiben, #heimat, #farben, #Füller #automne, #pensées, #écriture, #pays, #couleurs, #plume #autumn, #thoughts, #writing, #home, #colors, #fountain-pen #mywork (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Freundschaft 👱🏻♀️ & 🐴
Das Gefühl haben, dass ein Mensch oder ein Tier unser bester Freund/beste Freundin ist es, das fühlt sich einfach gut an und es hilft uns sich nicht alleine zu fühlen, sicher zu fühlen und verstanden zu fühlen.
Eine Freundschaft ist wie ein ganz großer und wichtiger Schatz, den man pflegen, schützen und gut bewahren muss, damit uns immer wieder das Gefühl geben kann wertvoll und wichtig zu sein. 🍀🍀🍀❤️☯️🌈🌞
#Gedanken #Freundschaft #Foto #meinFoto #Kind #Pferd
#mywork #thoughts #friendship #photo #myphoto #child #horse
It's called the " #Devil's #Interval In #Musicology" when you play #741Hz with #528hz.
Albert #Einstein once said, " #everything in our #Universe is #vibration." The #atoms in our #bodies, the #molecules and atoms in inanimate objects, #thoughts and #sounds - all things in our Universe are in motion, vibrating . Even the planet itself vibrates and resonates at its own #frequency.
The #human #ear can only hear a limited range of #vibrations per second. In sound science, the number of vibrations per seconds is known as "frequency", which is measured in Hz.
The human ear is only capable of hearing sounds that vibrate at the frequency of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). #Dolphins and #bats are capable of #hearing #sound up to 100 kHz, so you can see #how limited the human capacity for hearing sounds is.
At the #heart of solfeggio frequencies is the belief that the vibrational signature of certain sounds, ranging from 174 Hz to 963 Hz, can positively impact our #mental, #physical and #spiritual #health.
Und eine weitere Tagebuchseite ist gefüllt. Die Zeit vergeht aber auch wie im Fluge.
#rückblick #tagebuch #pictures #thoughts #review #diary #mywork
Richtung Herbst | schubladenerinnerungen.de