

yellow stainer (Agaricus xanthodermus), so called bc it stains yellow with contact/bruising/cutting/beating with a hickory rod and calling it names as you chase it around the village (not recommended - spores). They are exceptionally good at looking similar to more well-mannered mushrooms, which they are not! sneaky.
the pink gills turn brown with age
nibbled on by creatures not human
grows in association with anything. it has no moral standards.
spore print: dark brownish purple which may sound attractive but it isnt; the colour of the dried-mud remnant of Nature's watercolour set from Toyland
smells like phenol. (again, not attractive. yet people eat them, every year)
kills people.
they hate us. dont eat them.
#mushrooms #toxic-edibles #agaricus-gone-bad #cuntuvathing #mycology #fungus #funghi #fungi #photo #happysnaps #myphoto #mywork


i felt eyes, many eyes, behind me and lo! Hunty's back for the winter :D Could be the great, great, really great grandchild of Hunty by now. But whichever, they sojourn to the cooler adjoining room for the summer and choose to winter in here. How lovely <3
pointed toe to pointed toe, across 10cm. i dont think this is the original Hunty, unless they shrink. Naaw! How very lovely - the dynasty continues :D

#spiders #photo #happysnaps #arachnids #huntsman-spiders #fren #gentle-creatures