Hackaday (unofficial) January 31, 2024 1:00pm Resistor Swap Gives Honda Insights More Power #transportationhacks #battery #drivetrain #fuse #honda #horsepower #hybrid #insight #resistor #shuntresistor #upgrade #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Resistor Swap Gives Honda Insights More Power A common complaint around modern passenger vehicles is that they are over-reliant on electronics, from overly complex infotainment systems to engines that canβt be fixed on oneβs own duβ¦
dubbel mubbel January 27, 2023 2:33pm Modern times or "When Bull Power Meets #Horsepower" https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1618691571968364545/pu/vid/720x810/YnuIvM75N9e4iwiR.mp4?tag=12
Hackaday (unofficial) March 26, 2022 12:00am DIY Prony Dyno Properly Displays Power Production #enginehacks #212cc #dynamometer #dyno #engine #harborfreight #horsepower #pronydyno #torque #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 DIY Prony Dyno Properly Displays Power Production When hackers in the US think of a retailer called Harbor Freight, we usually think of cheap tools, workable but terrible DVMβs, zip ties, and tarps. [Jimbo] over at [Robot Cantina] looked at β¦