

I had two small oaks on the edge of my property taken down. They grew as volunteers right in the middle of a large lilac bush and were shading out the lilac as well as some of my garden beds. Now, with the trees removed there should be full sun on my plants, and hopefully a healthier future for the lilac (though it needs a heavy pruning). If all goes to plan, the wood will become fodder for a 3rd Hügelkultur bed this fall.

#trees #gardening #hügelkultur #hugelkultur


While I was convalescing Hügel number 1 became infested with ragweed, which I finally pulled out. However, the roots on that stuff are no joke, and I lost a significant amount of soil. Luckily I had plenty of compost to back-fill it with and enough straw mulch to make it look halfway decent again. Unfortunately it's a little late in the season to be planting new things, but I'll see what I can do.

#hügelkultur #hugelkultur #gardening #weeds