

“Millions will get #fluoride added to their tap water in biggest expansion of controversial scheme since the 1980s”

We not joking when we say the #State and its #functionaries are #intent #on #harming you…

As one commenter wrote:

“The 1930s National Socialists added this compound to the water in their camps - to keep the inmates placid and #compliant! It seems we have come full circle and the National Socialists have infested this country and the world.”

Indeed. But if the last 3 years didn’t #wake you #up, I doubt this will either…

Now, You could write or email someone about this and that it’s not your wish or will to have this #neurotoxic substance added to the #public #water without either a referendum or fully, informed consent before going ahead with this, but the same people are considering putting #GrapheneOxide in the #water or the other ‘healthy and perfectly safe’ metal I’ve seen mentioned, #Lithium.


Millions to get fluoride added to tap water in expansion of scheme