

and then... feels a bit late to get this kind of thing. called "granny killers" when attempting to warn about it. primed for an hour of hate, to protect the totalitarian corporate state.
#inflamation #documented #whistleblowersarenotgrannykillers #hourofhate #wetriedtowarnyou #theysaidtheyweregoingtodoit #itwasintheirplans #youdontread #operationlockstep #forprofitmedicine #genocide #myocarditis
#health #wecanstillmendthis #healthevictims #boostyourimmunity #balanceyourimmunesystem
#disobeyTERROR #youAREbetterthanthat
it was never viable to vaccinate that part of our virome, as we should have learned and protested during the flu vaccine scandal. let alone for the viruses they made and patented (and fraudulently). let alone the new mrna "vaccines" (as warned by its creator!). and not with the old adjuvants, let alone the newer ones. every level of that making mess and worsening what it purports to treat. #forprofitmedicine is an oxymoron. #cantgettherefromhere
even in #hopelessness with no #hope in sight, we can still head #mendwards.
take responsibility for your own health. cease blind faith in a system that corrupts " #experts ".

educate yourself so you may educate others. #educateyourselfsoyoumayeducateothers
#followthemoney #theylookdownonyou #dontobeycrooks #itsjustpeople #peopledidthis

we can still mend this.