

Adverse Effects in Switzerland

An insurance company reveals the consequences of #Switzerland’s #vaxx campaign:

According to #Helsana, a major #Swiss health insurance company, since 2016 the number of patients receiving #cancer treatments has decreased. However, something changed in 2021 and 2022.

In 2021, Helsana’s data shows there was a dramatic increase of 73% compared to 2020 in the number of patients receiving cancer treatments. And the high number of cancer patients continued in 2022 with an increase of 74% compared to 2020. Switzerland began its mass covid vaccination campaign on 23 December 2020.

  • 2017: 33,339 heart attacks, 27,584 strokes and 116,603 cases of cancer.
  • 2022: 170,000 heart attacks, 124,515 strokes and 460,771 cases of cancer.

So, that’s a 410 percent increase in #heart-attacks, 351 percent increase in #strokes, and 295 percent increase in #cancer. All of which are directly attributable to the #Covid #vaccines.

Never, ever, trust the #science or the #experts. It will literally kill you.


Trois mille milliards : les #secrets d'un #État en #faillite | Le film de #ContribuablesAssociés


Sur un rythme enlevé et dans une démarche didactique, mêlant #analyses, #témoignages d’ #experts et graphiques, le #documentaire 3 000 milliards : les secrets d’un État en faillite a pour objectif d’expliquer aux #Français l’ #engrenage de la #dette et comment nous en sommes arrivés là. Mais aussi de pousser les responsables #politiques à agir, tant l’heure est grave.


00:00 Introduction
11:28 Chapitre 1 : Impôt, élus, service public
24:47 Les collectivités locales
37:35 Chapitre 2 : Le contrôle des dépenses
53:46 La gestion de l'Etat
1:08:33 Chapitre 3 : La matrice de la dépense publique
1:18:46 Le système de santé Français
1:27:48 Chapitre 4 : La dette
1:36:58 Les conséquences du non-paiement de la dette


Jean-Marc Daniel - Économiste et essayiste - Professeur à l'ESCP
Christian Saint-Etienne - Économiste et essayiste - Professeur au CNAM
Marc Touati - Économiste et essayiste - Directeur ACEDFI
François Ecalle - Ancien rapporteur général de la Cour des comptes - Président de FIPECO
Édouard Balladur – Ancien Premier ministre (1993-1995)
Benoît Perrin – Directeur de Contribuables Associés
Virginie Pradel - Avocate fiscaliste - Présidente de l'Institut Vauban
Olivier Babeau - Économiste et essayiste - Président de l'Institut Sapiens
Jean-Michel Fourgous - Maire d'Élancourt, ancien député
François Facchini – Professeur de sciences économiques Université Paris-Sorbonne
François Lainée – Consultant, Data Expert
Jean-Baptiste Leon – Directeur des publications de Contribuables Associés
Benoîte Taffin - Ancien maire 2e arrondissement de Paris
Paul-Antoine Martin – Ingénieur et essayiste
Hervé Novelli - Ancien ministre, député et maire
Charles Prats - Ancien magistrat de la Délégation Nationale à la lutte contre la Fraude (DNLF)
Pr. Michaël Peyromaure - Chef du service d'Urologie à l'hôpital Cochin et essayiste
Lisa Kamen-Hirsig - Enseignante et essayiste

#France #Economie #DettePublique #Politique



The Disappearance Of Integrity From The Western World

Paul Craig Roberts

Independent #scientists, #experts and journalists who are seen as lesser threats than #Assange find themselves #cancelled, de-platformed, marginalized, fired, and their medical licenses stolen for refusing to follow the deadly Covid protocols. Just the other day Germany convicted one of the country’s own judges for listening to the expert evidence and ruling against the government’s mask mandate. In other words, evidence that contradicts the narrative has been criminalized by the German judicial system

Remember, George W. Bush’s election was so questioned by Democrats that it had to be decided by the US Supreme Court.


#Plagiat ou #influence ? - #PianoJazzConcept


Emprunt caractérisé, influence stylistique, le #monde #musical est régulièrement secoué par des #affaires de plagiat. Mais qu’en est-il vraiment ? Deux #experts de la #Sacem nous aident à y voir plus clair.

Chapitres :

00:00 Intro
03:48 Plagiat
04:28 #Méthode de #travail
08:26 Les éléments #techniques
11:41 #Copies comparatives
15:19 #Outils #créatifs et contexte
19:38 #Parasitisme
24:09 #PharrellWilliams vs. #MarvinGaye
30:07 #JohnWilliams vs. #ErichKorngold
40:06 #JohnBarry vs. #MontyNorman
43:05 Champion's League vs. Haendel
46:43 #EricCarmen vs. #Rachmaninov
47:56 #Intelligence #artificielle
48:57 Outro

#musique #music #blurredlines #gottogiveitup #jamesbondtheme #starwarstheme #championsleaguetheme #allbymyself #IA


and then... feels a bit late to get this kind of thing. called "granny killers" when attempting to warn about it. primed for an hour of hate, to protect the totalitarian corporate state.
#inflamation #documented #whistleblowersarenotgrannykillers #hourofhate #wetriedtowarnyou #theysaidtheyweregoingtodoit #itwasintheirplans #youdontread #operationlockstep #forprofitmedicine #genocide #myocarditis
#health #wecanstillmendthis #healthevictims #boostyourimmunity #balanceyourimmunesystem
#disobeyTERROR #youAREbetterthanthat
it was never viable to vaccinate that part of our virome, as we should have learned and protested during the flu vaccine scandal. let alone for the viruses they made and patented (and fraudulently). let alone the new mrna "vaccines" (as warned by its creator!). and not with the old adjuvants, let alone the newer ones. every level of that making mess and worsening what it purports to treat. #forprofitmedicine is an oxymoron. #cantgettherefromhere
even in #hopelessness with no #hope in sight, we can still head #mendwards.
take responsibility for your own health. cease blind faith in a system that corrupts " #experts ".

educate yourself so you may educate others. #educateyourselfsoyoumayeducateothers
#followthemoney #theylookdownonyou #dontobeycrooks #itsjustpeople #peopledidthis

we can still mend this.


#teacherandlearner #teacherandlearnerexperiment
as pointed out amidst misinfo flies in the ointment in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB5Z-wfPnvY
* "please continue."
* "the experiment requires you to continue."
* "it is absolutely essential that you continue."

* "you have no other choice but to continue."

says the authority, the expert, in that experiment. ... two thirds kept pushing the button, in deference to the expert, even killing the human subject right in front of them screaming in agony.
"ordinary people". weaponised people. obedient people. mass murder complicity compliant people.

#authority #experts

... " #Evil "

"If only it were so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them.
But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own hear?"
– Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago.

#wecanstillmendthis #facethehorror #wecanstillmendthis
#philosophy #sociology #anthropoogy #psychology #wisdom


#WorldHealthOrganization #WHO #SAGE #Experts Update #COVID-19 #Vaccine Guidance



a paste from the blurb from #JohnCampbell 's video on the topic.

WHO covid vaccine revised roadmap
Dr. John Campbell
2.74M subscribers

216,562 views 1 Apr 2023
WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (people who are good at stuff)


revised the roadmap for prioritizing the use of COVID-19 vaccines,

to reflect the impact of Omicron and high population-level immunity due to infection and vaccination.

The roadmap newly considers the cost-effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination for those at lower risk

– namely healthy children and adolescents –

Revised roadmap reemphasizes the importance of vaccinating those still at-risk of severe disease,

mostly older adults and those with underlying conditions,

Chair Dr Hanna Nohynek.

“Countries should consider their specific context in deciding whether to continue vaccinating low risk groups,

like healthy children and adolescents,

while not compromising the routine vaccines that are so crucial for the health and well-being of this age group.”

The high priority group

and frontline health workers.

SAGE recommends an additional booster of either 6 or 12 months after the last dose,

Medium priority group

healthy adults – usually under the age of 50-60 – without comorbidities

Although additional boosters are safe for this group, SAGE does not routinely recommend them,

The low priority group

healthy children and adolescents aged 6 months to 17 years.

Primary and booster doses are safe and effective in children and adolescents.

The public health impact of vaccinating healthy children and adolescents is comparatively much lower than the established benefits of traditional essential vaccines for children

Vaccinating pregnant persons – including with an additional dose if more than 6 months have passed since the last dose – protects > both them and the fetus

Other meeting highlights include:

Polio, OPV

Regional reports on measles

With measles cases increasing in all WHO regions in 2022

In 2021, with 25 million children missing out.

Status of new tuberculosis vaccines

Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading cause of death and a vaccine that prevents disease in adolescents and adults is urgently needed.

A substantial effort for vaccine development is underway, with several candidates in late-stage clinical trials


Introducing the RTS,S malaria vaccine has resulted in a substantial reduction in severe malaria and all-cause mortality among age > eligible children.



so i guess now we can repeal whatever new anti-freedom rules imposed at the time,
just like we did when we learned there were no hoards of terrorists out to get us (nor the alleged "weapons of mass destruction")
or maybe we'll start listening to those who seem to know these things ahead of the time they happen, and tried to warn us...?

... so with that, next in the PNAC plans... as i recall... after #operationlockstep which we just had the first round of, is:
fake nuclear wars, fake alien invasions, fake climate disasters...

yes, false flag attacks can still kill (and these things could also really happen ~ so extra dangerous that they cry wolf with these). ... but we should not succumb to the problem-reaction-solution ploy of them. we should not let them keep scaring us away from democracy, into the hands of their abusive kleptarchy. stop giving them your power. stop losing your mind in terror.

#covid #coviddebunked #debunked #experts #falseflag #psyop #problemreactionsolution #kleptarchy #overtonwindow
#stopfallingforit #stopgivingthemyourpower #stoplosingyourmindinterror #defyterror #defyterrorism #wakeup #theylie
#democracy #standupfordemocracy


Bestselling author Michael Lewis on why Americans don’t trust experts - Vox

. The problem, he says, isn’t that we lack experts; in fact, we have lots of experts and some of them have likely saved your life before. The issue is that we don’t value expertise and are therefore really bad at recognizing it when we see it.

THIS! This is is not only limited to Americans!

#society #experts #stupidity
