

DAVdroid DAVdroid (Sync contacts, calendars and tasks with CalDAV/CardDAV) - https://f-droid.org/app/at.bitfire.davdroid

So I found this on #Fdroid. I think it's my next step towards a #lifewithoutgoogle. Only now I need to find a server where I can connect to. Not sure where to find that yet. I could try to make it own server, but not sure yet if I'll do that. The temptation might arise that I would do more than just a server.

Tags: #dandelíon

via dandelion* client (Source)



I'm #newhere. The reason I signed up for diaspora* was part of my bigger plan to see if I was able to live without handing data to any large tech company. Trying to see if it's possible to live without Google and Facebook. I was disgusted at the amount of data they compile and the money they make out of it. It kind of made me realize how important data is and has become and especially the control of that data. I feel my data has become the new money and that it just feels wrong.

So right now, I'm slowly transitioning to a life without Google:
1. Sign up with a new mail account that respects my privacy, which I already did.
2. Sign up to a diaspora pod with email above, which resulted in the account you see now.
3. Download and install Lineage OS on an old phone without the Google products.
4. Search for apps that make the phone useable. Although I'm not sure if this quite possible. Most apps are in the Google Play Store.

Anyhow, I'm thinking of making a report here of the progress under #lifewithoutgoogle
So with the first steps made, thanks for having me and I look forward to meeting people here.