

Новый кроссовер Lotus Eletre уже в России: европейцы рассказали, стоит ли за него преплачивать


С недавнего времени на российский рынок поставляется электрический кроссовер Lotus Eletre в исполнении S. Ввезенные в нашу страну автомобиль оценили дороже 18 миллионов рублей. Такая стоимость отчасти обусловлена тем, что даже в базовой версии кроссовер комплектуется двумя моторами, выдающими до 600 л.с. Есть еще и более мощная модификация с совокупной отдачей в 900 л.с. Поэтому […]

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Zodiac Sign or #Anuradha #Nakshatra Rashi- #Scorpio
Anuradha Nakshatra Ruling Planet- #Saturn
Anuradha Nakshatra Lord or God- #Mitra
Anuradha Nakshatra Symbol- Staff; a #Lotus; a furrow
Anuradha Nakshatra Degree Range- 3°20’ - 16°40’ Scorpio
Anuradha Nakshatra Mode of Functioning- Passive
Anuradha Nakshatra Quality- #Divine
Chara Rashi/ Navamsa- Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio
Anuradha Nakshatra Lucky Number- 8
Anuradha Nakshatra Yoni- Mrig or #Deer
Anuradha Nakshatra Dosha- #Pitta
Type of Nakshatra- #Soft or #Mridu
Anuradha Nakshatra Dasha- 19 yrs
Anuradha Nakshatra Numerical Potency- 17
Anuradha Nakshatra Gender- #Male
Anuradha Nakshatra Guna- #Tamasic
Anuradha Nakshatra Gana- Dev
Anuradha Nakshatra Element or #Tattwa- #Fire
Anuradha Nakshatra Mobility- #Fixed
Anuradha Nakshatra Caste- S#hudra
Anuradha Nakshatra Animal- #Female Deer
Anuradha Nakshatra Names Starting Letters- Na, Ni, Nu, Ne
Anuradha Nakshatra #Bird- #Nightingale
Anuradha Nakshatra Lucky Stone- Blue Sapphire
Anuradha Nakshatra Lucky Color- Dark Red
Anuradha Nakshatra #Tree- #Vakula (the Spanish cherry)
Anuradha Nakshatra Traits- Virtuous, kind, grievous, fortunate, travel-loving, organizational skills, social, jovial, intelligent, harmonious, rational and secretive
About Anuradha Nakshatra
Known as “the Star of Success”, Anuradha is the 17th Nakshatra in the series of 27 Nakshatras. It is the group of three stars forming the shape of “a staff”. The names of three stars in Western astronomy are - Beta Scorpionis, Delta Scorpionis (Isidis) and Pi-Scorpionis. All these stars lie at the beginning of the Scorpio #constellation and can be easily spotted in the dark night sky from the terrain.

Etymologically, the word Anuradha means “Another Radha” or “After Radha”. It is closely linked with the asterism Radha (Vishakha) and despite any clear similarity, Vishakha is paired with star Anuradha like Purva Phalguni and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Alternatively, the name of the Anuradha constellation refers to “Subsequent success”. It indicates the chances of finding fame and success by Anuradha star natives in their later life with hard work and devotion.

Symbolized by the staff, the Anuradha constellation represents power and protection. It also signifies wisdom, learning and close association with the Universal forces. Anuradha star is also symbolized by the “lotus” representing purity, auspiciousness, knowledge and enlightenment. It shows the attainment of knowledge through intellectual, mental and emotional upheavals. The alternative symbol of Anuradha Nakshatra is a “triumphant gateway adorned with leaves”. It speaks of victory and attainment of goals through group and collaborative activities.

Mitra is the presiding deity of the Anuradha star. He is one of the twelve Adityas (solar deities) and God of friendships, good faith and warmth. He is associated with the light of the dawn and invoked along either with Varuna (the deity of Shatabhisha) or Aryaman (The Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Lord). Mitra offers an optimistic view to Anuradha star natives and infuses qualities of lightheartedness, leadership and helpfulness to them.

Anuradha is the ruling Nakshatra of the science of Numerology. Its numerical potency of 17 in Numerology is seen as a medium to bring celestial energies to the earth. It decodes the secret working of the Universe and relates to the movement of Kundalini through Chakras (seven sacral centers). Anuradha is the first star where the exploration of Chakras occurs on the full scale to bestow fruits and get access to the functioning of the Universe.

Anuradha is the star that strikes harmony and understanding in all the forms of existence. It befriends the Universal energies and makes everyone work together even if they are enemies. This Nakshatra is associated with learning and accumulation of Knowledge and thence Goddess Saraswati can be also said to be connected with the Anuradha constellation.

Anuradha Nakshatra in English is referred to as Anuradha/ Anuraadhaa. Anuradha Nakshatra in Tamil is referred to as Anusam Natchathiram (அனுஷம் நட்சத்திரம்). The name of Anuradha Nakshatra in Malayalam is Anizham Nakshatra (അനിഴം നക്ഷത്ര) and the name of the Anuradha constellation in Telugu is Anuradha (అనురాధ).

Anuradha Nakshatra Physical Characteristics
Children born in Anuradha Nakshatra exhibit stout and hairy bodies. They have a tough facade that hides their sensitive and emotional interior. These natives tend to gain weight and have protruding bellies as they mature in age. Anuradha Nakshatra males and females are blessed with a friendly countenance and secretive eyes.
Anuradha Nakshatra Behavioral Characteristics
Anuradha Nakshatra speaks of exploration, harmony and devotion. It bridges the gap between unagreeable forces and thus invokes the desire to give and receive affection in its natives. The constellation motivates its natives and inspires them in all their actions.

Anuradha Nakshatra males and females are full of feelings of love, passion, romance and friendship. They treat others well and expect the same from them. They speak the truth and do not like lies and untruthfulness. At times, they use their truthful speech as their weapon which often hurts people and creates discord in the relationships.

The devotion and commitment of children born in Anuradha Nakshatra are remarkable. They set high standards of performance for others and make sure that they attain success in whatever work they are assigned. They are good communicators and have the ability to foster communication between all the extremes.

Anuradha is the Nakshatra of the revolutionaries. They rebel against the old thinking and outdated perspectives. Extended in the realm of Scorpio, Anuradha males and females possess the ability to see through reality and unreal things. They are open to all perspectives but are discriminative to who they allow to let into their personal circle.

People born in Anuradha Nakshatra are inclined towards devotional and ritualistic practices. They possess the qualities of Anuradha Nakshatra Lord, Maitreya and thus behave friendly to every being. They are known to bridge the gap between different persons, groups and even different nations.

Ruled by Saturn, Anuradha Nakshatra men and women exhibit heavy pressure from family and society. They have heavy duties and responsibilities and spend their initial life in hard work, perseverance and patience. These natives demonstrate good governing abilities. They tend to achieve their goals with their intelligence, rationality, discipline and forbearance.

Anuradha constellation is associated with “Aradhana Shakti”. It is the power of worship that offers Anuradha star natives the ability to understand both higher and lower realms through devotion, offerings and prayers.
Career Options for Anuradha Nakshatra Natives
The professions that are favorable for Anuradha Nakshatra born people are:

All professions that are associated with dealing with Foreign nations are best for Anuradha Nakshatra natives.
Hypnotists & Psychic mediums and occultists.
All occupations involving night shift duty.
Astrologers and Numerologists
Jobs as artists, photographers, promoters, explorers and musicians.
All the professions associated with cinema and theatre.
Institution and Organization head.
Jobs related to counseling and psychology.
Miners and factory workers.
Scientists, Mathematicians and Statisticians
Industrialists and managers.
Professions that require group activities such as event management.
Diplomats and Spies.
Favorable Activities For Anuradha Nakshatra
Anuradha Nakshatra is a very auspicious Nakshatra for all the group-related activities. You can meditate, explore nature, travel or spend time during this period. As per Vedic texts, Anuradha Nakshatra is very favorable for managerial activities that demand quick decision-making. For healing, finances and accounting-related works, contemplation and secretive activities, Anuradha Nakshatra is considered very propitious. Researching and studying science or occult subjects may also prove fruitful when Anuradha star is in the sky.

Unfavorable Activities For Anuradha Nakshatra
Anuradha Nakshatra is not auspicious for marriage. It is not good for the inauguration or beginning anything new. In Anuradha Nakshatra, one should not confront someone directly or indulge in mundane or routine activities.

Anuradha Nakshatra Remedies
People suffering from afflictions of Anuradha Nakshatra should worship twelve Adityas, especially Mitra or Maitreya. They should worship Hari Hara (the fused representations of half Lord Vishnu and half Lord Shiva) to utilize the positive energy of the Anuradha constellation.

As per Vedic Astrology, practicing Raj Yoga is also one of the best ways to invoke the powers of Anuradha Nakshatra. Raj Yoga is the Kundalini Yoga that involves raising Kundalini through the seven sacred centers.

The natives should recite the root Mantra- “Om Yam” and “Om Ram”. Chanting this Anuradha Nakshatra Mantra 108 times during the lunar transition and in the corresponding month of Anuradha Nakshatra alleviates afflictions and bestows happiness.

Anuradha star men and women can increase the positive effects of Anuradha Nakshatra by wearing moderate colors such as red, blue and gold. People born in Anuradha Nakshatra should undertake all the important actions corresponding to the position of Anuradha star for the most auspicious results.


Электрический кроссовер Lotus Eletre S за 18,9 млн рублей вышел на российский рынок


На российском автомобильном рынке стал предлагаться электрический паркетник Lotus Eletre S 2023 по цене от 18,9 млн рублей. Об этом сообщает портал Autonews.ru. Отмечается, что модель попала к нам в страну по параллельному импорту из Китая, где собирается на площадке концерна Geely (г. Ухань). Eletre S -- крупный кроссовер. Длина его кузова составляет 5103 мм […]

#lotus #автоновости #новости #электро #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру


Компания Lotus может выпустить первый спортивный универсал в 2026 году


Компания Lotus, которая принадлежит китайской Geely, может представить свой первый «заряженный» универсал с электрической силовой установкой. Об этом сообщил коммерческий директор бренда Майк Джонстон, отметив, что вкусы у потребителей постоянно меняются и им нужно соответствовать. Однако упомянутое событие состоится не раньше 2026 года, так как пока в Lotus заняты другими проектами. Например, скорым дебютом нового […]

#lotus #автоновости #новости #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру


( #photo found on the internet with #noattribution )
#blond #beauty #beach #seat #lotus

Senya Ichiya Monogatari (A Thousand and One Nights, 1969)

Adaptación de "Las mil y una noches". La historia se centra en Aladino, quien ama y pierde a la hermosa esclava Miriam, y en sus aventuras cambiará de nombre, llamándose Simbad.
Forma parte de la trilogía "Animerama", formada por "Las mil y una noches" (1969), "Cleopatra" (1970) y "Belladonna of Sadness" (1973). Ideada por Osamu Tezuka, padre del manga/anime, la trilogia se caracterizó por dos elementos: fueron pensadas para proyectarse en pantallas de cine -algo poco común para la época- y se trataba de animación para adultos, adelantándose a obras como "Fritz the Cat" de Ralph Bakshi.


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#Anuradha #Nakshatra in #Astrology
Anuradha Nakshatra is a ‘Bright Star’ or ‘ #Star of #Success’. Anuradha means ‘following Radha,’ representing love, beauty, fame and success.

However, #Goddess #Radha was born in this Nakshatra. Natives falling in this Nakshatra have ‘Radhana #Shakti,’ which means the power of ‘ #worship’. They are embodiments of compassion, devotion and friendship. Their deity is Lord #Mitra – one of the names of #Surya, the #Sun. The name itself means ‘friend’.

Anuradha natives are the sovereign principle of human solidarity who bring friendships, partnerships and relationships together. Their symbol is a ‘staff’ representing the strength of self-defence and a ‘ #lotus #flower’, representing the ability to rise above dire circumstances. In those circumstances, you may feel lost, but you are never alone! Talk to our astrologer today and get rid of your issues. The first consultation is on us!

If you belong to this Nakshatra, you may have a better chance of success away from home or in a foreign land. You have a welcoming aura and are very accepting of uniqueness in every being. You can make friends easily and quickly. You are very helpful and go out of the way to get someone out of trouble. Travel is part and parcel of your life, and you grow up and live far from your native place.

Although this Nakshatra is a star of success, the natives have to go through a turbulent life. They achieve success late in their life, be it in business, career or relationship. They are very spiritual and have an interest in mysticism. They are wise, loving, creative, mystic and thoughtful individuals.

Anuradha folks get less support from their father and siblings. Whatever they achieve, it’s because of their own efforts and persistence.

In the zodiac wheel, Anuradha Nakshatra is connected to the Scorpio sign.


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#Pushya #Nakshatra in #Astrology
Pushya nakshatra is the 8th lunar mansion in the Nakshatra series. This nakshatra is called ‘the #star of #nourishment, and it is right at the heart of Cancer. So, naturally, all the traits of Cancer will be in Pushya native. The relevant symbols of this nakshatra are the udder of the #cow and the #lotus #flower.

Cows are motherly and nurturing. Their milk, urine, and dung are used for the betterment and growth of others. In this way, it is symbolic of this nakshatra. They are symbolised as lotus flowers because they have the ability to blossom into their best through their generosity and service towards others.

So, the theme of this nakshatra has many elements, from being motherly, nurturing, and generous to forgiving and accepting. Pushya natives love children and take care of others’ children as well if there is a need to. Saturn is the planet that rules this nakshatra, and the deity is Lord #Brihaspati. #Saturn is the planet of Karma, whereas Brihaspati is the endower of wisdom.

Pushya Nakshatra natives are often good-looking and possess a good voice too! They have great conversational skills and touch people’s hearts with their kind words. They are modest. They are empathetic and have a soft spot for everyone. They are also calm and patient. They aim to educate others and tend to give valuable advice. They are mature, philosophical, and very thoughtful with regard to their actions.

They always have plans for the future in place. They live in the future and ignore the present, and because of this they are always not able to achieve their goals. They are motivated by a number of things such as comfort, family, home, responsibilities, and ethics.

They are exceptionally creative and artistic. They aim to keep learning and simultaneously share their knowledge. Owing to their optimism, sometimes they don’t foresee danger. They often misjudge people. Other people’s opinions really matter to them.

They are naturally attracted to spirituality because they want to keep growing. Also, Jupiter is a signifier of expansion and growth. Religious ceremonies are a crucial part of their life.

They need to be very cautious of their friends as they are likely to dive into the wrong relationships. They have a strong impulse to have a family and live a very pleasant life. However, they are not very ambitious or materialistic.

In the zodiac wheel, Pushya Nakshatra is connected to the Cancer sign.

Pushya Nakshatra Padas
Pushya Nakshatra is the 8th of 27 Nakshatras, ranging from 3 degrees 20 minutes to 16 degrees and 40 minutes in Cancer



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Pushya – which means, quite literally the #nourisher. #Brhaspati ( #Jupiter) is #Guru to the gods and is the #deity of this lunar house. He is connected to wisdom, expansion and subtle thought.

Pushya is an auspicious star, that shines nourishment, prosperity and growth to us on earth. The Motherly Pushya Nakshatra is contained within the constellation of Cancer and has 3 stars. Pushya Nakshatra occurring on an ascending Half Moon is a powerful and auspicious placement that helps us to see into the consequences of the decisions we make. Pushya offers us the energy conducive to nourish new beginnings, decisions and opportunities.

The #Star #Goddess #Tara has her #Jayanti (annual commemoration) upon this night of nourishment. Tara appears only at night, just as her name which means Star implies.

Tara has the wisdom of converting poison into nourishing medicine. She feeds us with the healing blue twilight milk of her celestially starry breast. Hers is the twilight milk that dissolves the sharp definitions between dark and light, safety and fear, seen and unseen.

The story tells us that when the mighty Shiva suffered great turmoil for drinking the Halahala poison. Out of maternal compassion, Tara fed #Shiva from her breast with a generous helping of healing Starry #Moon #Milk.

Brhaspati is the planet Jupiter. He is the Guru to the gods. He is the deity of this lunar house and is connected to wisdom, expansion and subtle thought.

Pushya is the amplifier, Pushya as an adjective indicates someone who is well nourished, healthy and rosey-cheeked like a well fed baby.

Brhaspati knows which things give nourishment and which things do not. Brhaspati sees into the subtle underlying forces of the phenomenal universe and knows and shows exactly which things are magically reflected back by the decisions that we take. When we look at the meaning of his name we see this principle at play, Brhas means that which nourishes and magnifies, Pati means master. So literally Brhaspati is the master of that which nourishes, magnifies and increases.

In this Nakshatra,
Brhaspati brings us this very teaching,
giving us the vision
of the mirror of nourishment.

The mirror of nourishing force might be smeared, if so, it won’t fully reflect things back to us. If the mirror is pristine then it reciprocates that which is given into it. Nourishment is like this. We could just as well say, if the soil is well tilled and receptive, then it will give back of the seed that we sow there. If the soil is hardened and strewn with rocks then the seeds will fall into a barren death.

We sometimes put our energy into things where nothing comes back to us. If we focus our concentration and go into the subtle underlying forces of the phenomena of our lives, we might get closer to the vision of what we are actually feeding. The reasons we might be feeding some things that do not nourish us is a lesson of the highest magic, this is the investigation of the Tantric. Nourishing dead soil naturally leads us into a life of malnutrition. If the soil fertilizes the seed then we have harvest. Harvest starts on the subtle planes and manifests into the tangible.

Pushya is the magical milk of nourishment. The lunar vessel on the night of Pushya is half full with the illumination of Moonlight. The Moon will be beaming the rays of Pushya to us on earth on this coming half Moon. As it is the rising Moon, it will continue to expand the psychic action and decision we take upon this night.

This is a most favourable position
to give an impetus of growth
to our visions and decisions.

The half rising Pushya Moon brings an impetus of nourishment that can profoundly support our human undertakings. This Nakshatra is aptly symbolised by a milk-filled fortifying cows udder and a lotus flower in the height of bloom.

The Pushya Half Moon is a good time for new undertakings and making clear resolutions of the stray and fraying edges of the psychic fabric of our being. The lunar energy on the half rising Pushya Moon, reveals, two roads of our destiny in stark distinction. It is a time of thinking soberly about where we are going and perhaps even seeing into… what the outcome of our endeavours could really be.

Pushya pours milk-like nourishment and fulfilment into the infancies of our visions upon earth, it is a mothering star for this reason, who like a mother, gives flesh, form and nourishment to the infancy of any vision and undertaking. Those new ventures undertaken on a Pushya full Moon can bear great fruit and success if one continues the ever attentive work of nourishment.

The lesson of Pushya Nakshatra is all about developing the awareness of nourishing the opportunities we receive. There might be opportunities around us that we don’t always see. There might be openings that we are not able to recognise as doorways to power.

There is an old Indian teaching story of a person wandering in a dark labyrinth-like place. They went round and round, ever and always looking for the doorway out of their prison, but each and every time they actually reached the door to their freedom, the draft that came in, caused a moment of distraction in which they scratched their head, and so they ever missed the way out and continued in eternal circles.

It is perhaps easy
to take our health, successes
and opportunities for granted.

Even if our receivings are generous, they dwindle away if the law of nourishment is forgotten. What is that law? Perhaps the work of a good earning is never to be taken for granted and one must remember that the soil must be eternally nourished and tilled. Perhaps we are brought to question our notions of wealth by the Pushya star constellation.

If we realise that there is no resignation or retirement in magical matters of growth, then we might be spared from psychic death. Living off the fat of the land and laying down one’s tools is perhaps the biggest and most crippling of all

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Pushya also carries another law of nourishment to us by its rulership over the lotus flower. The law of nourishing by halves is implicit in our lives. A period of exertion is naturally followed by respite. Living by the sun is replaced by the nightly retirement into the darkness.

This law of dualisms is starkly reflected in the being of the lotus flower. A flower held in high esteem by the Yogins. The Lotus is a flower with far-reaching roots that gains her nourishment from deep dark of marshy subterranean places. The lesson and law of nourishment by the way of polarity is inherent in the Lotus. This flower is greatly prized for its beauty and honest and generous teaching of the laws of reality. The Lotus flower spreads magnificence and emanates an aura of an almost otherworldly beauty. This mystical bloom shows us how it’s beauty and nourishment comes from the underground of dark, womb-deep places. The precious Lotus flower that spreads her colour and scent in the visible world obeys – perhaps like no other – the law of nourishing by polarity. The Yogins tell us time and again to be like the Lotus flower.

Pushya is the deep introspective study
of the Lotus flower…
so magical and so natural.

Pushya is regarded as the lucky star, but luck is dependent upon the actions that we take. What is luck exactly? The luck that Pushya offers us is conditional upon the choices that we make and the energies that we nourish. A bloom is a thing of beauty. Throwing seed upon wintery granite grave and hoping for luck to bring us the beauty of a blossom growth is obviously an act of absurdity. The same seed cast upon fertile moist soil in spring is far more likely to result in growth. We see in this way that what we might term as luck, is dependent on choices of wise vision.

Karmic effect
is the manifestation
of a resonant energy field
that lives in the psychic hemisphere
of our being.

When something involves us and touches all the aspects of our being then it becomes a web that catches the phenomena of our lives. Tantric ritual practices work with the principle of the psychic web of energy, by attempting to engage the full range of our being, both the unrevealed and revealed parts of ourselves.

The law of Karma is often summed up as ‘what you sow you reap’. Karma is not as simple a matter as to reduce actions to a moral code of obedience, that is punished or rewarded according to the degree of abidance or deviation.

Karma lives in the very psychic realities that we align ourselves to. Some of what we align to might be out of sight and invisible to us. The Tantric process of making the invisible become visible, then becomes a way to navigate beyond the psychic webs of Karma. What lays beyond the webs of Karma is unknowable while we are within the web, we are dealing with a great mystical voyage.

The psychic karmic realities that are we aligning to, become the investigation of Pushya.

Karma could aptly be described as a magnetic psychic web.

What kind of web are we weaving?
Perhaps we are the spider and the fly?
Are we catching life of death?
Or perhaps a little bit of both?

What are the reasons why we might be feeding dead soil and therefore reaping a desolate harvest? Might it be based on the illusions that we have taken in? These illusions are called the Granthis by the Tantrics. Granthis are like smears on the psychic mirror of the self. It is these smears that cause the reflection of life to be reduced to obscure knotted forms.

Brhaspati (Jupiter) is the Guru of the gods and he is a strict discriminatory force. He is most generous indeed but he only gives to those who meet his subtle psychic standards.

Shukracharia (Venus) is the opposite of Brhaspati. Venus is the Guru who gives generously and indiscriminately of his riches. This is why he is the chosen Guru of the Asuras.

The Asuras are the beings of dualistic destruction. Very often we see that the Asuras are described as demons, but this does not at all translate correctly what the Asuras really are and carries too many foreign connotations to be accurate. Venus gives us prosperity, joy and pleasure in an earthly sense (Shukra in his name literally means the essence and seed). Venus spreads out and down and is received by laying down. Jupiter on the other hand moves up and out and takes the opposite action to gravity. In other words…

…to reach the levels of Jupiter,
it takes a psychic climb
through the winding
labyrinths and stairways
of the mind.

Brhaspati (Jupiter) is reached through psychic Tapasya (effort). Tapasya could be called the polishing of the Psychic Mirror of the self.This is the effort to go beyond the frontiers of consciousness and towards the ultra-terrestrial potentials of the psyche.

Brhaspati is the master of magical ritual formulae. It is he who leads us beyond the limits of consciousness through his penetrating force within magical ritual. He is the Jupitarian high-priest with the magical wisdom that transforms the subtle layers of reality… which in turn change the experience of reality itself. He is the doorway keeper to the mysteries beyond the known, his conditions take the work of undoing and outdoing oneself. Unlike Venus who gives it for free.

Pushya brings a blessing of vision to us on earth. That blessing is the ability to make the right decisions. There are other Nakshatra’s that bring us different lessons pertaining to nourishment. The Yogin studies the lessons written in the stars, by tuning into the celestial forces through ritualistic formulae and devotion.

In conclusion, Pushya’s particular lesson, as we have seen, is very much concerned with finding the distinction between that which nourishes and that which does not. One of the symbols of this Star is the cow’s udder. This is the naturally most nourishing place for the baby. The soul that finds the nourishing breast in all arenas of life, becomes the baby, nourished by Mother Nature.


Vishakha and #Anuradha #Nakshatra: The #Ironwood or #Nagkesar #tree is the nakshatra tree of these natives. The people will benefit if they offer milk to this tree. Additionally, if the natives plant one in their homes, they will inevitably draw prosperity into their homes and lives
As per #VedicAstrology, the ruling planet for Anuradha Nakshatra is Planet #Saturn. It looks like a Row of Furrow, #Lotus. The Hindu deity for this Nakshatra is #Mitra. The gender of this star is male. If you belong to Anuradha constellation, check out predictions related to it such as characteristics, personality and traits, education and income, family life, and much more.

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3°20" to 16°40" Scorpio (Vrshchika)
#Nakshatra #Shani #Mitra #Anuradha
The 17th Nakshatra: ANURADHA.
Anuradha is Nakshatra that's ruled by Shani (Saturn) and is located in 213'20" to 226'40" degrees of zodiac (3'20" to 16'40" Vrshchika (Scorpio) ruled by Mangala (Mars).

The quarters (Padas) are ruled by:
Sūrya (Sun) - the 1st quarter,
Buddha (Mercury) - the 2nd quarter,
Shukra (Venus) - the 3rd quarter,
and Mangala (Mars) - the 4th quarter.

Other aspects of this Nakshatra:
Purushartha (life's vector or motivation) - Dharma.
Totem animal - #Hare or #Deer (female).
Symbol - a #Lotus flower.
Deity - Mitra.
Dosha - Pitta.

This is 17th Nakshatra of the zodiac. While the planet of hardships and efforts, Shani (Saturn), rules this Nakshatra, the fiery and aggressive planet, Mangala (Mars), rules the sign. Mangala (Mars) and Shani (Saturn) are mutual enemies, having some of the most different characteristics. Thus, people born in this Nakshatra also show some very peculiar characteristics.

Anuradha born children are somewhat weak in the beginning, but become stronger as they grow up. These people have a good height, lean and yet strong physique. As a rule, Anuradha born have to face several obstacles in their life, and hence they have a somewhat defeated look on their face. They are fairly straight forward, but if they get a feeling that some one is unnecessarily creating obstacles in their path, then Anuradha born are likely to harbor a feeling to take the revenge. These people are ready to wait long for the opportune moment to take the final action.

While Mangala (Mars) gives them the soldierly abilities to march forward and achieve the objectives at any cost, the planet of efforts, Shani (Saturn), enables them to keep on trying again and again till they reach their destination. These people have an independent nature and will do anything to preserve their independence. This fiercely independent nature also makes them start earning at a very young age. But the lord of Nakshatra, Shani (Saturn), makes them struggle at every step till the second half of their life, after which, they enjoy a smooth sailing.

Anuradha born, are not on good terms with their parents and other close relations. Seldom anyone from these relations becomes helpful for their progress in life. On the other hand, their spouse gives them the all round support necessary to make their marriage a success.

Male Natives

  1. Physical features: The native will have a beautiful face with bright eyes. In some cases where combination of planets is not good, the native has cruel looks.

  2. Character and general events: He is liable to face several obstacles in his life. Even then he has special aptitude to handle the most difficult situation in a systematic way. However, if we look at his face, a peculiar frustrated face can be noticed. The main reason for such a gloomy appearance is the problems, which he has to confront on several occasions. to be more specific, there will not be peace of mind in his life. Even a smallest problem will start pinching his mind repeatedly runs after one and the same problem.

He always think of taking revenge whenever opportunity comes. In spite of these drawbacks he is the most hardworking and ever ready to complete the task before him. Come what may, march forward is the motto of this native. In addition it can be said that after several reversals he ultimately achieves the desired result.

He is a firm believer of god. He cannot keep a permanent stable relationship with anybody. His life is full of helplessness but independent. Even in several reversals he will not leave optimism.

  1. Education, sources of earning/profession: He can be successful in the business field. If he is employed he has a special caliber of how to pocket his superiors. He starts earning his bread at quite young age say on or about 17 or 18 years of age. Life between the period of 17 years to 48 years of age will be full of problems. When it's said "full of problems", it does not mean that there will not be any good period in between the above-mentioned period. Occasional benefits and favorable results will be definitely noticed. The life after the age of 48 years will be extremely good. It is in this period he can settle down in his life to the desired way and become free from most of the miseries of the life. If Chandra (Moon) is in the company of Mangala (Mars), he may be a person dealing with drugs and chemicals or a doctor.

  2. Family life: No benefit will be derived from the co-borns under any circumstances. He cannot enjoy or derive any benefit from his father. In some cases, frequent friction with his father has also been noticed. Same way there is no luck of receiving love and affection from the mother also. Normally, he settles down away from the place of his birth. Even though several adverse results have been commented above, one of the favorable points is that his married life will be completely satisfactory. His spouse will have all the qualities of a good housewife. As is the god's gift, he always looks back to his life while dealing with his own children and at any cost he likes to provide all necessities of life as far as possible and the love and affection. Hence his children reach a height position, much more than that of the native.

  3. Health: His health will generally be good. He will be prone to asthmatic attack, dental problems, cough and cold, constipation and sore throat. Due to non-care nature of his own health he does not take medicines properly.

Female Natives

  1. Physical features: Her face is innocent looking. Even an ugly looking woman with beautiful waist is attracted to man. Whereas, in the Anuradha native, in addition to her attractive face and beautiful body her beautiful waist is further added to her attraction to males.

  2. Character and general events: There is no room for arrogance in her life. She is pure-hearted. She does not believe a life of fashion whereas she likes to lead a simple life. A selfless, agreeable and attractive disposition. She can shine well in social and political field. She will respect her elders. Her friends will cordon her as if she is the head of friend's circle.

  3. Education, sources of earning/profession: She will be more interested in music and fine arts. She may obtain an academic degree or high degree of knowledge in music or dance. Professional dancers are also found to have been born in this Nakshatra.

  4. Family life: She is very much devoted to her husband and observes religious norms. She can be called as a model mother as far as upbringings of her own children are concerned. Her devotion to her in-laws pours further glory in her personal life.

  5. Health: She may suffer from irregular menses. Severe pain will be felt at the time of bleeding, as the flow of spoiled blood will be quite intermittent. In some cases it has been told that, after appearance of monthly menses, there will be break for some hours or for one or two days before commencing actual flow. She may also suffer from headache, nasal catarrh.


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#Anuradha #Nakshatra English Name : Delta Scarpi

Anuradha Nakshatra Symbol: Staff of an ascetic, #Lotus Flower

Anuradha Nakshatra Lord: #Saturn

Anuradha Nakshatra Rashi: 3:20’ Scorpio to 16”40’ Scorpio
Anuradha Nakshatra Gana: Dev

Anuradha Nakshatra Diety: #Mitra – God of Friendship

Number of Stars in Anuradha Nakshatra: 4

Anuradha Nakshatra Yoni / Animal: #Deer

Anuradha Nakshatra Nadi: Madhya

Anuradha Nakshatra first pada: name first letter is “Naa”, pada Lord ‘Sun’
Anuradha Nakshatra second pada: name first letter is “Nee”, pada Lord ‘Mercury’
Anuradha Nakshatra third pada: name first letter is “Nu”, pada Lord ‘Venus’
Anuradha Nakshatra fourth pada: name first letter is “Nay”, pada Lord ‘Mars’
Anuradha Nakshatra Sacred Tree: Nagkesar (नागकेसर) (Mesua Ferrea)