

#Anuradha #Nakshatra, spanning 3:20-16:40 degrees Scorpio, is ruled by the planet #Saturn and the deity #Mitra, one of the Sun’s avatars.
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This is one of the most auspicious of the 27 Nakshatras.

Mitra being one of the Sun’s deities lends strength to the Sun in this Anuradha Moon and offers the ability to shine a light on some dark corners in our mind and lead us back to the spiritual path.

Anuradha is often used as an indicator for good timing when it comes to romance and marriage, but even above the romantic kind of relationship Mitra is the god of friendship, partnership, compassion, love and devotion, in all forms – romantic and platonic.

Anuradha gifts the ability to find balance in relationships and honour the other person(s) without losing a sense of self. Mitra has high standards for holding true to this commitment and people who have planets placed in Anuradha Nakshatra will have a good sense for a natural give-and-take, understanding that relationships are not one-way streets, and may have the expectation that their own values and standards are met by the other person(s). This can make them disappointed and foster resentment when their own standards are not met.

This Nakshatra also strengthens community and encourages team-work. It’s a Nakshatra of prosperity which can be gained through working and combining with others. With some planetary placements here money may come from a partner or spouse rather than alone through your own efforts.

No Mud, No Lotus
The symbol associated with Anuradha Nakshatra is the #Lotus flower, the indicator of perseverance and good coming from trial and tribulations. We so often hear the words “no mud, no Lotus” which basically means that the most beautiful things and experiences (can) come from the most unpleasant and difficult situation that make fertile ground for a higher, more appreciated beauty.

Anuradha also shares Vishaka Nakshatras symbol, the #gateway covered in leafs, since Vishaka and Anuradha are one of the four Nakshatra pairs out of the 27. In some texts Vishaka is also called Radha – as in the original Radha or the first Radha, whereas Anu-Radha means the “other” Radha or “additional” Radha. Both Nakshatras share not all but some qualities and are connected to Radha, Krishna’s consort.

This is a time of devotion, of worship, of offering friendship and love freely without expectation, but also giving this same love to ourselves and recognizing all the hard work we have already done to get to where we are.

It’s a soft Nakshatra which makes it auspicious for the more pleasant things in live. Take a journey, get together with friends, do some yoga or journaling.

The best way to honour this auspicious day is to consider some of the self-care/purification methods I mentioned above and make a commitment to yourself to treat yourself with the love you want to receive from others.


#Anuradha #Nakshatra, spanning 3:20-16:40 degrees Scorpio, is ruled by the planet #Saturn and the deity #Mitra, one of the Sun’s avatars.
enter image description here
This is one of the most auspicious of the 27 Nakshatras.

Mitra being one of the Sun’s deities lends strength to the Sun in this Anuradha Moon and offers the ability to shine a light on some dark corners in our mind and lead us back to the spiritual path.

Anuradha is often used as an indicator for good timing when it comes to romance and marriage, but even above the romantic kind of relationship Mitra is the god of friendship, partnership, compassion, love and devotion, in all forms – romantic and platonic.

Anuradha gifts the ability to find balance in relationships and honour the other person(s) without losing a sense of self. Mitra has high standards for holding true to this commitment and people who have planets placed in Anuradha Nakshatra will have a good sense for a natural give-and-take, understanding that relationships are not one-way streets, and may have the expectation that their own values and standards are met by the other person(s). This can make them disappointed and foster resentment when their own standards are not met.

This Nakshatra also strengthens community and encourages team-work. It’s a Nakshatra of prosperity which can be gained through working and combining with others. With some planetary placements here money may come from a partner or spouse rather than alone through your own efforts.

No Mud, No Lotus
The symbol associated with Anuradha Nakshatra is the #Lotus flower, the indicator of perseverance and good coming from trial and tribulations. We so often hear the words “no mud, no Lotus” which basically means that the most beautiful things and experiences (can) come from the most unpleasant and difficult situation that make fertile ground for a higher, more appreciated beauty.

Anuradha also shares Vishaka Nakshatras symbol, the #gateway covered in leafs, since Vishaka and Anuradha are one of the four Nakshatra pairs out of the 27. In some texts Vishaka is also called Radha – as in the original Radha or the first Radha, whereas Anu-Radha means the “other” Radha or “additional” Radha. Both Nakshatras share not all but some qualities and are connected to Radha, Krishna’s consort.

This is a time of devotion, of worship, of offering friendship and love freely without expectation, but also giving this same love to ourselves and recognizing all the hard work we have already done to get to where we are.

It’s a soft Nakshatra which makes it auspicious for the more pleasant things in live. Take a journey, get together with friends, do some yoga or journaling.

The best way to honour this auspicious day is to consider some of the self-care/purification methods I mentioned above and make a commitment to yourself to treat yourself with the love you want to receive from others.


Компания Lotus представила новый спорткар Emira GT4: он оснащён двигателем от Toyota и имеет высокую стоимость


Пару дней назад компания Lotus объявила о своей новинке Emira GT 2022. Вчера новый спорткар, созданный для гонок, ездил на испытательном треке. Вместе с этой новинкой на гонках будет выступать Lotus Type 30, который был выпущен 57 лет назад. Он оснащен 4,7-литровым V8. Его нынешний преемник в свою очередь имеет под капотом 3,5-литровый бензиновый двигатель […]

#lotus #автоновости #новости #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру


В 2023 году выйдет новый седан от Lotus: он станет конкурентом Porsche Taycan


Признаться честно, мы не могли подумать о том, что Lotus вслед за своим кроссовером начнёт производить новый седан на электричестве. Раньше все были уверены, что компания просто будет дальше продавать свои старые модели, давая им обновления и современные функции. Однако всё изменилось, когда бренд Geely выкупил Lotus. Уже в этом году официально запущен кроссовер Eletre. […]

#lotus #автоновости #новости #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру


Lotus официально представил серьезного конкурента Porsche Cayenne: вышел новый кроссовер Eletre 2023


После выпуска последнего автомобиля на топливе, компания Lotus вошла в эпоху всесторонней электрификации и представила свой первый полностью электрический кроссовер Eletre 2023. Новый автомобиль позиционируется как среднеразмерный паркетник с чисто электрическими характеристиками. Он является сильным конкурентом Porsche Cayenne. Eletre будет запущен в производство в Китае в течение этого года, а в Европу и на другие […]

#lotus #автоновости #новости #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру


Абсолютно новый кросс Lotus Type 132 полностью раскрыт до премьеры: названа точная дата презентации


Несколько дней назад в автомобильных интернет-изданиях было опубликован рендер будущего городского кроссовера Lotus Type 132 2023. В сочетании с ранее выставленными тизерными и патентными изображениями и «шпионскими» фотографиями, мы видим, что паркетник демонстрирует новый язык дизайна, а его общая форма станет более динамичной. Спереди автомобиль будет оснащен активной решеткой радиатора с ромбовидным рисунком. В сочетании с […]

#lotus #автоновости #новости #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру


Yoshitaka Amano Nichiren Lotus Sutra illustration

As mentioned previously, this Amano illustration is special. The reason for this being that this is a unique commissioned artwork to celebrate Nichiren Shonin, the creator of the Nichiren Shu sect of Buddhism. As you can see above, Amano has illustrated his interpretation of the Lotus Sutra in his signature style. [+]

#YoshitakaAmano #lotus #sutra #illustration #art


Le lotus est effrayé par la splendeur du soleil et, tête baissée, il attend rêveusement la nuit.
La lune est son amante, son éclat le réveille et il tourne vers elle son doux visage fleuri.
Il s’ouvre, brille et scintille, regarde le ciel en silence ; il embaume, pleure et tremble d’amour et du mal d’aimer.

‒ Heinrich Heine

"Die Lotosblume" par Robert Schumann.

#mossa #art #aquarelle #symbolisme #lotus


_While lotus
an emergence, surface
sun rippled
as I get closer to its fragrance, 
it vanishes emptiness
in place of the water lily
in the measureless distance!
peace settles
fills emptiness, in the fullness, mind settles,
caressed by emptiness, O thou endless peace!
ones who had been there before, some say,
they vanished into the thin horizon 

shantha hulme 

#lotus #emptiness #peace #fragrance