


Cat Ivins

..."the whole month flavored by an INTENSE Sun/Mars conjunction on November 18th when they (as we) start a new cycle together in #Scorpio.

(Sun/Mars conjunctions are important launch pads - four years ago they met in Virgo and we spent the next two years enmeshed, collectively, in health and work matters, two years ago they met in Libra and we spent the past two years enmeshed in balance, relationship and partnership matters and now we usher in two years of Scorpio drama - death, merged monies, transformation, sex, gender, secrets. Oh course Mars was debilitated in Libra and is now strong/stable in Scorpio, that's good.)

We are the heroes we have been waiting for guys, so how are we going to handle these November challenges?
If we are haunted right now by the beating of the drums of war, maybe the most important thing we can do - with the Sun in Scorpio - is what we don't do.

Let's not normalize any of this sh*t. Let's catch ourselves projecting our shadow onto THE OTHER and welcome it back into ourselves like we might a long lost cousin. Let's not over-indulge our pandemic weary minds in death and destruction.
Anyone born in the 1960's with Neptune in Scorpio, maybe I am especially talking to you - stop idealizing death in any way you are idealizing death. Pray. And you, Pluto in Scorpio generation (roughly born 1984-1995), we need your power and not your manipulations, please bring us your best and highest selves. And the Uranus in Scorpio generation (roughly late 1974-late 1981) - the world needs you to show us how to change! What do you need to change?

This won't be about stuffing what is uncomfortable because Sun/Mars with that Scorpio vibration for the next two years tells us the dead are not going to stay buried. The North Node in Aries is answering to Mars, so this all matters more than ever. There is only one way through - NEW ACTION. Courage. Yes, maybe fighting. But we don't have to kill each other. Yes, Scorpio rules death. But, Scorpio is also the phoenix rising from the ashes. We can TRANSFORM each other. "...


#astrology #lunareclipse #taurus #scorpio
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

..."During a lunar eclipse, Gaia casts her shadow upon Luna, the ultimate intermediary presence within astrology. What has been slumbering in shadow awakens with startling force. We become released by what has previously been binding with fixed attachment. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse on 28 October possesses a particularly potent cathartic force that will incite bold movement. The changes that emanate can ultimately be empowering but will feel stressful while dealing with associated challenges.
Mars in Scorpio is the ultimate warrior willing to fight unconditionally for core values. Though Mars is connected with violence and discordant strife, in our personal lives it is also an essential aspect of applying willpower to create the life we wish to live. During the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, Mars will be united with Mercury in Scorpio while forming a volatile opposition with Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. In many situations we will need to be mindful of the potential for harsh verbal conflict to erupt where tension has been building, whereas in other circumstances we will realize the need to take a stand and endure whatever conflict follows. We will need to face our own shadows when feeling wronged, recognizing the kindling of vengeful fires being lit from within.
Taurus as the fixed sign of earth can be the most resistant to change, corresponding with the greater ease that comes from having stable and sufficient resources and the attachments we form with patterns and activities that sustain them. The volatility of a lunar eclipse in Taurus increases the potential for overturning old attachments and breaking fixed patterns in radical ways. The disorientation may feel stressful, but a profound reorientation can take place full of dynamic creativity."...


Far sought, darkest, deepest dreams so far, long departed before consciousness rewakes ghosts, impure images, whispered wraiths may haunt beyond sensory acceptance vague nauseas, involuntary shakes, subtle odors suggesting graveyards in rain and mist and pain yet never really say where forward leads

Rain, wind, I almost expect to see spectral faces briefly glaring against the windowpane. It is an intense season. More violins than percussion in the mix as I hear it tonight. The weeping oboe more than the screeching saxophone, strains of late night heavy blues on keyboard, and of course that bass fiddle, that deeply booming bass. Scorpio is a season I can feel gripping tingling through my guts. I think Nietzsche was a Scorpio -- all about that inheld power so intense that only the starkest expression will do.

Scorpios look realer than real to me. It's as if they are fully three dimensional in a two dimensional world. Tom is so completely Scorpio. He thrills me with mere memory, the thought of his name. He is so very there, so intensely present. While I fly hither and yon, he is my staunch fixed point. He is the exhilaration of the wild storm and my secure harbor. Beauty and Beast, the fulfilled fairytale reveals me to be the enrapt child laughing and clapping in awe and enthrallment. Yet I have exiled myself from my soul's safe home. I am walking in the rain buffeted by angry winds and icy pellets, opening myself to helpless pain, even horror. How appropriate for the season of transformation through mortal trial. The snake of power coiled in my spine is not fooled by my blushing protestations. I have allowed myself to become an emotion junkie, leaping into the magnetic attraction of that which leaves me trembling but more alive. Thus am I Tom's equal and other self. We are a parrying of challenge and resolution, storm and harbor, at play. I am working on a birthday e-card poem to send him, looking through googled images, discovering a route to music through picture and words. It's all ultimately music. I feel it in my every movement, in all the ambient sounds and vibrations.

Moving to the groove of the eternally mutating symphony, we could, if we were closely enough connected, dance ecstatically through it all. There are times when I feel that is exactly what I do.

I have heard about people who believe sharing music can change and save the world. It does seem to be a basic value; but it can also divide us, like probably anything we can find to disagree on. How well will I get on with a friend who insists on a constant background of commercial country music or Italian opera, or any musical dialect I can't stand. Because I am so attuned to the vibrations, sound sequences I find unappetizing often give me actual symptoms of sickness, headaches at least. Yet there are plenty of otherwise seemingly fine people who actually prefer these to me horrid sequences of sound. I might reflect that I need to broaden my ear; but it's not just me. Music can be as divisive as any other means of expression. Souls are different. We are not all one. Or, if we are, it is a one of many disparate parts. Is there a music we can all agree on, all feel speaks within us, moves us to dance together, to join, joyfully, in song? Or are we divided by our separate drummers?

We pagans dance around a sacred fire to bring our visions to magical fruition. People dance. People sing. People throughout the world, from earliest history, find ways to express musically. We must eat and eliminate the unacceptable of what we've eaten. We must breathe, in and out, the right mixture of elements. We must take in fluids and let excess fluids flow. We must find shelter from storms and predators and heat and cold. There are necessary conditions for the continuation of life as we know it. We seem to need music, an ethereal and ephemeral formulation. What else do we need to be healthy and whole that scientists have not unraveled? If humans are some amalgamation of animal and angel, or Earth spawn and alien, are there neglected necessities that keep us from our potential abilities? Is that why so many of us suffer and die early from illnesses that make no sense if we were engineered for survival? Is that why depression is rampant and anti-depressants so often exacerbate suicides? Something seems to be missing from a great many lives. Do creatures have analogous problems in the wild? If enough wilderness still exists to make that relevant, because such illness in wild creatures might well be due to encroaching civilization. When all that is left of the wild is an open zoo paid for by tourist dollars, what will have become of us? Or is that what we already are? I stroke the soft fur of my small, to me, feline companion, knowing we are both far from wild, yet atavistic enough to feel alive.

#fiction #serial #scorpio #witch

excerpt from
Something Sacred gestation pages
Persephone in Fall


#poem #scorpio #dark

Too redundant for horror.
Each night to feed wrapped in repugnancy.
Hidden, alone, hunting streets of death.
No hope, nothing legitimate.
Days escaped in self-made mausoleum;
no relief of dreams, blocking memories,
Creature of frigid streets, abandoned.
Preternaturally cruel air. Sulphur, tar,
stench of rot sans remorse or resolution.
Unnatural world devoid of end or warmth.
Even when blood runs hot into aching jaws,
metallic, raw,
no heat penetrates.
Nights stretch to nowhere.
More filth, barbarity
too familiar to offend
solitary stalkers crowding all the secret places.
There is no exit here.
No respite, release of sleep, no prayer to soft salvation.
There is only eternal degradation of soul.
Not possibility, no properties of love or fond relation.
Trial of existence with no useful expression, no expiration.
Yet in this ceaseless odium, this carnal Hell,
in this my desolate home, cold, without mercy,
in this cage of unrelenting dark,
a spark, a circle red and black calls to enter.
Here, where awareness centers, threads of bleeding vein
play at art, at shocking beauty.


#poetry #scorpio

Here, in my room, waiting. Silent as I close the door, turn out the light, turn out the world.
I feel presence from behind, reaching to touch my clavicle, soothe vagal impulse to turn.
I feel hands, supple, strong, heat through in contact; healing sacred touch fortified with love.
We kiss; swirl like cotton candy, sweet, sticky, surreal.
We touch into solidity, each synapse response exquisite field of permeability.
We taste.
There are no words.

I know I said (I prayed):

To be adored beyond embarrassment,
I who can do no wrong, because beloved.
To be gifted reflective critique.
To fall securely into open arms and heart.
Each blessed day to start
gazing into shining eyes that see so deeply,
so wisely, my precious wondrous being.
What I have taught myself severely
I can never have.
Too bad. So sad. Can’t let fantasy
keep me from my daily dance with debt.
My perfect
never to be met.

We meet secretly, in places that can’t be mapped or tethered.
Embrace in rapid burst, seductively slow motion to subtly trace desire.
Emotively charged ecstasy, pulsing electrically beyond space/time.
Fluid majesty, gently shaping eternity. We are ouroboros, ancient fantasy, modern physics.
This is the charm I need to cast the spell, to open the fortress. I become energy that feeds
on ambrosia of essence. I become beloved.


A Little Night Music
#poem #scorpio #lyric

She appeared
out of the night.
Dark mystery arousing
distraction, concern.
(When will I ever learn
to let these heartbreaks
in the making
pass me by?)

Voodoo of attraction,
sacrosanct intimacy.
Impelled to submit in throes
of flagrant ecstasy.
Do what you will with me
in our secret rendezvous.
Then relinquish me to go
back to my wastrel ways.

She grabbed me with such force
I felt I could die.
And that was just her eye
pulling me close
to continue
our conversation.
Great conflagration
arose in my heart.
So adept at her art
of igniting

Cruel fate
mocks nocturnal fantasies.
Yet, swept up in delight,
facing dualities,
the wrong and the right,
I too easily sell my immortal soul
for her eternal night.

She tastes my sin
drip laughing from my skin.
I freely forswear my life.
Fierce pierce and suck
lunge in the for kill.
There’s no greater thrill.
We descend into dark fall.
Fade into shadow before approach of light.


#poem #scorpio

In secret unlit chambers
guided by wizardry
all eternity his(Hers) to see.
Omniscient night, he(She) stirs wonders,
bubbling sublime,
catches fluid rhythms in catechisms,
spells out vivid ceremony,
illumined rhyme before his(Her) avid mind.
Walls of obsidian crystal, unable to penetrate.
What we do for love’s allure; allowing
liens upon a will of magic.
Enchanted inward, intense, piquant elixir.
Decanted pure fumes,
deep draughts of ecstasy,
conjured music
commingle to frolic with merry sprites,
lost in beauty and laughter.


#poem #scorpio

I tell you my heart, wrapped in bloody
papers, rots ripe with brutal stench of
rapacious cruelty.
I deny your lilting hail, call to healing beauty.
Entranced, I wallow in respite,
the invisibility of sleep,
tightly coiled cold, alone.

Yet I fall open as you touch me.
Eyes melt shining into eyes,
lips into ecstasy.
Your fingertips feather down,
soft, alluring along my
long parched skin.
I want so to believe again
in two hearts beating wholeness.


#Scorpio #poetry

Here at the bar again, bar nothing to me.

Here at the bar again, bar nothing to me.
Early Scorpio warm, warm village 2 pm poetry reading
at Chumley's
Searching for bargains, found a Paul Goodman book
with cat and dog and baby photographs
to give to Cindy
a gift of love for a fragile child
Still afright from last night's heavy scene
Wherein the police took my man away again,
This time with my blessing and accomplicement.
. . . A man is a hard thing.
Also a drag on my developmental aspirations
When all he does is cry and threaten
Big Brute Violence
To storm my sensibilities.
(What's frustrating is he doesn't hear me cry.)
Laughing in the park we loved
Crying in the night we parted
Oh, beseech I, god above
Why must you leave me broken-hearted
(and I know he'll be returning with more disregards
and diatribes and possibly pistols drawn to fire.)
So I sit here in the bar, again
Drinking sweet Kahlua and awaiting the poetry
Taking a respite, you see.
Oh, god, for this while,
Bar nothing to this troubled child
(for child I feel, though woman grown)
Let peace alone assail me.

Sister Scorpio

Black as hate; white and bloodless
shrieking Fury
punishing Saint.
Your patient, erratic torture
has left me broken,
bleeding torrents of pain
unable to move
unable to sleep
or engage in
polite discourse.
Yet you were never satisfied.
It was not me you wished to sacrifice.
I was merely inconvenient,
or too convenient.
Dressed in a goatsuit,
queued up to be driven to slaughter,
how could I expect compassion,
fellow feeling?
But it was the Executioner's blade
I expected,
not frenzied repetition of
back stabbings, epithets,
steel-wielding rage.
We could have been sisters,
giggling secrets in the schoolyard,
smoking pcp in the girls' room,
shooting up the classroom,
dying in each other's arms.


The forest is old
obscured in ghosts and mysteries
Come out in the wild night with me
dressed in the stars
Serenades from the Moon
intoxicate air aged in adventure
Exult with me in pleasure
Far from decay of leaves, sad savagery
That strange stained light in the darkness
Silence, a pause in cycling
Tender reflection in the settling sky
a throne to reign
weary tantrum waves below
I can relate
the deals reality baits me with
so overrated
I'm left unsated
staring at fate's rear
Now escapes me
running into future skyscapes
holding yestereves
stiff and strained
closer than this moment
as it slips
into one more
I seek that honest sigh,
that joining smile that art
of distilling meaning
Pictographs along the wheel
to distract from
its unceasing
an instant
surrounded in space
demanded in time
tells the reaper
is in the eye



Cat Ivins
#astrology #scorpio #pluto

..."In the Kabbalah, Scorpio (our fixed water sign) is the season of the great flood (yes, of Noah's ark fame). Water is usually a life giving and life sustaining resource, but it can also be very DESTRUCTIVE. Scorpio has a connection with destructive water/destructive emotions. And, of course, the modern ruler of Scorpio is Pluto, the grim reaper himself/God of the Underworld.

Scorpio people come at us with alot of intensity (they are not always even aware of this). They are generally powerful people, especially Scorpio women (sometimes, not often, men and women carry these energies differently, for example a Leo woman is GENERALLY more powerful/controlling than the same Leo energy in a man. Leo men can be a bit more lazy - think about the way the lioness goes out and does the hunting and the "king" of the jungle kind of supervises - and, of course, I am talking about differences on an ENERGETIC level here and, also, mostly, not always). You want to stay on a Scorpio's good side, and I am a Scorpio rising with a daughter with a Scorpio stellium and, so, am allowed to say this. :) Plutonian energy comes into a situation and destroys it ... that's kind of its job.

A thing to keep in mind with Scorpio is they are TRUTH TELLERS. And we can't always handle it/want to hear it. So, Pluto can come in now, and remember he is squaring Mercury as well as the Sun and bring us news and conversations and even ideas that we might not want to talk and think about. So, pay attention to all the messengers and messages that come in. Especially the stuff that makes you uncomfortable.

Arguments can flare up over small things ... that are not really small things.

If we can allow ourselves the time to respond and not react, if we can take in what we are hearing without being defensive - we can see this stuff as preparing us for what is coming next, there is gold to be mined now. And I am not talking about taking abuse here, because Pluto in Cappy when taken too far can be abusive and we aren't needing to put up with that, but interactions and information that is uncomfortable/intense are important catalysts now. If we are busy defending ourselves then the light that is coming in is wasting its time with us. Listen. Take it in. Sit with it. There will be a time for responding if we need to, but our immediate reaction will probably be out-of-whack with these energies, so LISTEN."...



Cat Ivins

..."Mars out of #Libra, the sign of his ancient discomfort, and into Scorpio, the sign of his ancient COMFORT is energizing/powerful. Mars hasn't been in Scorpio for two years and we are going to have to CHECK IN WITH OURSELVES AND OUR MOTIVATIONS until we can get a handle on this. Mars in Scorpio is relentless/about commitment/pulls us into the shadows - nothing says HALLOWEEN like Mars in Scorpio! Excellent for uncovering the stuff we have stuffed - the buried treasure that only looks like a pile of crap/fear because we haven't looked CLOSELY ENOUGH YET.

Mars in Scorpio can be impelled by fear, passion, jealousy, revenge. Be careful. Take your time. Yes, you will have some kind of super-ninja powers now, but that doesn't mean you have to burn the whole place down. Mars will be in Scorpio until November 24th when he enters Sagittarius arm in arm with Ceres (Mother Earth).

(Ceres is in Scorpio now, too, so Mars steps into the landmines of - who owns what?, situations outside of our control, mother issues, season of life situations, the planet Earth)

For now, the water trine to Saturn will help. Our REAL feelings are being revealed for us to take ownership of them or to see the ways they are unreal/not responsible. What we DO with what we unearth says more about us than the stuff we are unearthing or the people/situation that buried it.
The Moon will be conjunct Mercury at the New Moon and Mercury will be opposing Chiron, so we can expect WORDS/information/conversations to be triggering very old wounds.

We can see the way all of this is playing out in the world in very dangerous/dramatic ways. Can you hold a higher vibration/hold space for peace and love in your heart/stay neutral? This is more helpful to the energy of those in pain and those directly impacted than our anger, judgement and fear. "...


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#Jyeshta ("The Eldest") (226°40′ to 240°00′ #Scorpio)

Jyeshta #nakshatra is identifiable in the night sky as the brilliant red star #Antares. This star resides at the heart of Scorpio and is many times larger than our own Sun. Jyeshta means the "eldest" and is a #star associated with #seniority.
#People born under this star have the capacity for great accomplishment, but they must first learn to deal with their inner conflicts and wield their power responsibly. The symbol of Jyeshta nakshatra is an ear ring or disc which represents the energy of Lord #Vishnu and #Mercury. This bestows protection and intellectual abilities. Those born under Jyeshta will defend the vulnerable or under privileged. The ruling deity, Lord #Indra, gives a shrewd and courageous nature. Jyeshta people must be cautious of the tendency to become overly concerned with recognition. Their generosity and charity is the key to establishing authority.

Sacred Energy Vortex
#Pasupathi #Koil #Sri #Varadharaja #Perumal #Temple

Varadharaja Perumal Koil is located in the village of Pasupathi near Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu, India. It is commonly referred to as the Jyeshta Temple because the energy of this shrine resonates with that of Jyestha star. An incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Sri Varadharaja Perumal resides at this sacred vortex. Varad means boon and Raja means king. Thus, Sri Varadaraja Perumal is the royal one who offers blessings to the world from this temple.

Just as Lord Vishnu manifests among the stars in the heavens, he also manifests among those who visit Pasupathi Koil. The twenty-seven nakshatra goddesses visit this temple each day and perform a marriage festival to Sri Varadaraja Perumal. Also at this sacred energy vortex, Sri Periya Nambi Swamigal meditated on Lord Vishnu with full devotion and contemplation. On Jyestha nakshatra day, Lord Vishnu appeared before him in the form of Sri Varadaraja Perumal and offered Divine Grace. The samadhi (still meditation) of Sri Periya Nambigal is located adjacent to the main shrine at Pasupathi Koil. It is auspicious to light a lamp containing three oils and receive darshan at the samadhi of Sri Periya Nambigal on Jyestha star day.

Those people born under Jyestha nakshatra should visit Pasupathi Koil with their family. It is favorable to visit the temple when Jyestha star falls on a Tuesday, combining the power of Mars and Jyestha. Siddhas and other divine beings give darshan on this day. These blessings have the ability to remove past life karmas, increase the effects of virtuous action and protect a person’s family. Those born under other stars will also benefit from a visit to this temple. They may offer archana and abhishekam to Sri Varadharaja Perumal and receive the darshan of siddhas who manifest in the light.

Jyestha nakshatra natives, your #incense is made with the #herb #Rattan as prescribed by the Vedas.

Burning one of these pillars is like performing a mini fire ritual for that particular star formation. For your specific Birthstar, you will be able to connect inwardly to your planet of energetic origin and gain support with the positive aspects that are you.

Burning the other Nakshatra pillars on that specific Nakshatra day will tune you in with the favorable activities with that star’s energy for the day. It is recommended to at least burn your own personal Nakshatra pillar daily to stay connected to your essence. It is advantageous to burn the days Nakshatra pillar as well.



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#Vishaka (200°00′ to 210°00′ Libra to 210°00′ to 213°20′ Scorpio)

In the night sky, Vishaka #nakshatra consists of four stars in the #constellation of #Libra: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Iota Librae. These stars form a "forked branch" and can be seen under the bright star Spica. In #astrology, Vishaka bridges the signs of Libra and #Scorpio. It is referred to as a nakshatra of #purpose because it gives determination and a single-pointed focus. People born under Vishaka often find themselves at a crossroads. Once they choose a direction, they have the ambition, along with the patience to succeed, even if success arrives later in life. This #star fuels competition and also gives excellent leadership abilities. Vishaka nakshatra is a combination of its ruling deities, the mighty #Indra and the purifying #Agni. Thus, people born under Vishaka nakshatra have passionate and courageous warrior energy.

Sacred Energy Vortex
#Tirumalai #Murugan #Koil #Temple

The temple connected to the energy of Vishakha star is located in Tirunelveli District, near the village Sengottai in Tamil Nadu, India. It is called Tirumalai Murugan Koil. This temple is situated on the Tirumalai hill with several steps leading up to the shrine. This sacred temple is also known by the names Panmozhi, Panpozhi, Panpuli and Tirupathi. Lord Vishnu gave his blessing for Lord Muruga to reside in this sacred site. This temple also reveals a special relationship between Lord Muruga and Sabbari malai Ayyappan. There is a holy temple for Ayyappan (the son of Lord #Shiva and #Mohini, the female incarnation of Lord Vishnu) located nearby in Sabhari Malai, Kerala.

Tirumalai Murugan Koil contains powerful energies with the capacity to cure diseases. There are rare medicinal herbs available at this temple. One such herb, Oda Valli, produces a remedy for venomous snake bites and other ailments caused by poison. The Thala herbs present at Tirumalai also have healing medicinal properties. In addition to remedial herbs, a special pooja performed with thirty-two different oils will assist with recovery from disease or illness. One must first rinse in the pool at Tirumalai and then walk around the temple with the oil lamp. This offering produces thirty-two types of healing energy.

Those people born under Vishakha nakshatra should visit this temple and present an offering of light to Lord Muruga. Tirumalai has special light rays that form a powerful energy called Vishakha Jothi. This energy is contained within the Vishakha star. Those born under other birth stars may also visit Tirumalai for healing energies. The ancestral ritual of tarpanam may be conducted as well. The Skandha Goshta Pithrus (ancestors) reside in the divine steps of Tirumalai Murgan Koil, so offering tarpanam here will bring blessings to your ancestors.

Vishaka nakshatra natives, your #incense is made with the #herb #Wood-Apple as prescribed by the Vedas.

Burning one of these pillars is like performing a mini fire ritual for that particular star formation. For your specific Birthstar, you will be able to connect inwardly to your planet of energetic origin and gain support with the positive aspects that are you.

Burning the other Nakshatra pillars on that specific Nakshatra day will tune you in with the favorable activities with that star’s energy for the day. It is recommended to at least burn your own personal Nakshatra pillar daily to stay connected to your essence. It is advantageous to burn the days Nakshatra pillar as well.



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After dusk in the third week of August, the distinctive constellation of Scorpius, the Scorpion reaches its peak elevation over the southern horizon. The constellation's brightest star is orange-tinted Antares, the "Rival of Mars". Several medium-bright, white stars arranged in a roughly vertical line to the west of Antares mark the creature's claws on modern sky charts; however, the major stars of neighboring Libra used to perform that role. The rest of the scorpion extends to the south, curling eastward into the Milky Way, and terminating with the bright double star Shaula, which marks its poisonous stinger.


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#Jyeshta #Nakshatra is the 18th of 27 #nakshatras. If you were born when the moon was between 16:40-30:00 degrees #Scorpio
Sanskrit Name: ज्येष्ठा (Jyeshta) in #Sanskrit means “the eldest,” indicating wisdom, leadership, and excellence.

Planetary Ruler: #Mercury. This planet is associated with the intellect, literature, logic, artistic expression, and commerce.

Nakshatra Group: Monstrous. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Jyeshta is a monstrous nakshatra. People in this group are generally intuitive, strong-willed, and assertive. They may be prone to anger and violence.

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio. Scorpios are intense, reclusive, and bursting with energy.

Deity: #Indra. In #Vedic theology, Indra is the king of svarga and chief of the demigods. He enjoys life in great opulence, and he is a servant of Vishnu.

Symbol: #Umbrella. This represents refinement, beauty, and culture.

Power: To ascend. Persons born under the star of Jyeshta have an aristocratic bearing. They are able to uplift those around them by creating a progressive atmosphere.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters ( #padas) of Jyeshta are No (नो), Ya (या), Yee (यी), and Yu (यू). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Jyeshta natives are self-sufficient and content. They do not like to impose on others, and through their ingenuity they are able to easily provide for their own needs. Others perceive them as resourceful and highly competent, and for this reason they are seen as qualified leaders.

Those born under the star of Jyeshta possess a unique power. They act with precision and confidence, and they can be effective in whatever task they choose take up. They often use their talents to help others and to engage in noble, charitable works.

You are brilliant and wise. You excel in creative pursuits and may be a gifted writer or musician. You find joy in solitude and you lead a contemplative life.

Jyeshta Careers
Persons born in Jyeshta can do well in leadership roles or in careers that engage their creativity.

Some ideal professions include:

Musician, performer, or entertainer
Manager, CEO, or thought leader
Academic or independent researcher
Non-profit founder or charity worker
Jyestha natives sometimes suffer from a superiority complex. Due to their high standards of living and their refined mode of thinking, they may look down on others. They can be harsh in speech and even violent when angry. Unless you learn to manage your anger and frustration, you will be perpetually over-stressed, and this can result in protracted illness. Practicing meditation can be a powerful tool for combatting anger and other mental health issues.

Those born in Jyeshta can be restless, always seeking something new and stimulating. They may have difficulty finding peace and satisfaction in the ordinary activities of daily life. At the same time they crave the excitement of social activity, they are somewhat awkward when it comes to interpersonal dealings. This may lead to periods of loneliness and depression.

You are manipulative, impatient, and difficult to get along with. You may not have a very robust moral compass, and you may resort to unethical acts when it suits your purpose. However, by keeping one or two genuine friends or mentors in whom you can confide and from whom you can receive good advice, you will be better able to make it through challenging times.

Recommended: Learn more about science of the Vedas and how Vedic knowledge can help you elevate your consciousness and enhance your life.

Other Personality Traits
You are a natural leader. Your peers look up to you and admire you for your strong personality and your many good qualities.

You crave attention. You may become habituated to being the center of attention and having a deciding voice among your peer group. Try to share influence and controllership with others, and make a practice of praising and appreciating those around you.

You are prone to outbursts. You have a hot temper and may lash out at others. Breathing techniques, such as pranayama, as well as other mindfulness techniques can be very helpful for you.

You are competitive. You like putting forward your best effort and setting new personal records. However, you can be somewhat combative in group settings.

Jyeshta Compatibility
Jyeshtas’ sexuality is symbolized by a male hare. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Anuradha nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Jyeshtas are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

Bharani (for male natives)
Rohini (for male natives)
Punarvasu (for female natives)
Uttara-phalguni in Leo (for female natives)
Vishakha in Scorpio (for female natives)
Shatabhisha (for male natives)
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Jyeshta’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (16:40-20:00 degrees Scorpio): Sagittarius. You may be a famous and well-liked personality. You are a powerful leader and orator. However, you may be overconfident.

Second Quarter (20:00-23:20 degrees Scorpio): Capricorn. You have a profound sense of duty and you keep your word. You have a seasoned, mature outlook on life. You are stern, reserved, and may be stingy with your wealth.

Third Quarter (23:20-26:40 degrees Scorpio: Aquarius. You are a natural philanthropist, and you enjoy contributing to humanitarian causes. You earn the respect of those around you. You have a natural interest in spirituality and the occult.

Fourth Quarter (26:40-30:00 degrees Scorpio): Pisces. You are well-educated and generous in your dealings with others. You have a mystical side. You may be excessively emotional.

Jyeshta in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Jyeshta is Tikshna, “sharp” or “intense.” Jyeshta is a good nakshatra for:

Undergoing surgery
getting a piercing
Separating from a business partner, friend, or spouse (divorce)
Giving up bad habits
Punishing someone who has acted wrongly


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#Vishakha #Nakshatra is the 16th of 27 #nakshatras. If you were born when the moon was between 20:00 degrees Libra-3:20 degrees #Scorpio
#Sanskrit Name: विशाखा (Vishakha) comes from the Sanskrit words वि (divided) and शाखा (branch). One meaning of Vishakha is “the #branched one,” indicating intelligence, vitality, and many talents.

Planetary Ruler: #Jupiter. In #Vedic theology, Jupiter is considered to be the advisor and guru of the gods and is known as #Brhaspati. Jupiter is associated with wisdom, virtue, and spirituality.

Nakshatra Group: Monstrous. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Vishakha is a monstrous nakshatra. People in this group are generally intuitive, strong-willed, and assertive. They may be prone to anger and violence.

Zodiac Sign: Libra (1st-3rd quarters) and Scorpio (4th quarter). Libra natives possess excellent taste and good judgement. They are friendly, learned, and dignified, but may be prone to arrogance. Scorpios are intense, reclusive, and bursting with energy.

Deity: #Indra. In Vedic theology, Indra is the lord of svarga, the heavenly realm, and the chief among the demigods. He presides over rain and weather.

Symbol: Potter’s wheel. This represents karma, creativity, patience, and the creative potential.

Power: To spread or pervade. Persons born under the star of Vishakha have a wide sphere of influence. For this reason, they do well in social and political arenas.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters ( #padas) of Vishakha are Tee (ती), Tu (तू), Tay (ते), and Toe (तो). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Vishakha natives are charming and kind individuals. Due to their warm and altruistic personality, they can easily make friends with others. Their diversity of personal interests also helps them to form friendships with a wide variety of people. Thus they have no issue maintaining an active and vibrant social life.

Those born under the star of Vishakha are wise for their age. They have a natural insight into the workings of the world and of human nature. They are truthful and devout, and are naturally-inclined toward spirituality. They bring energy and enthusiasm to whatever tasks they undertake.

You are driven, bright, and outgoing. You enjoy a fresh challenge, and you know how to make the most of trying circumstances. You are an attractive and inspired person.

Vishakha Careers
Persons born in Vishakha can excel in a variety of careers, particularly anything having to do with speaking, or speech pathology.

Some ideal professions include:

Astrologer, psychic, or psychotherapist
Researcher or scientist
Any career in radio, TV or film
Priest, preacher, or chaplain
Speech pathologist
Vishakhas are extreme and passionate individuals. While this can be a strength, they often go overboard, showing intense enthusiasm for a particular project or cause for a short time before they give it up and move on to the next crusade. This can cause personal frustration, and others may perceive them to be inconsistent or unreliable.

Persons born in Vishakha may be too talkative, prying into others affairs, gossiping, and so on. Though they are compassionate deep down, they do not always understand personal boundaries or the meaning of privacy. This can cause them to lose friends and the favor of their peers, if they cannot control their tendency to be a busybody.

You may be stingy with others and envious of the success of your peers. Others may perceive you as greedy, scheming, and manipulative. By regularly going out of your way to help others, even those who are not in your inner circle, you can maintain a humble and friendly disposition.

Recommended: Learn more about science of the Vedas and how Vedic knowledge can help you elevate your consciousness and enhance your life.

Other Personality Traits
You are drawn to marriage. You long for a committed partnership, and you see marriage and romance as a major part of your life.

You don’t like to take advice from others. You prefer to carve out your own path in life and may have a hard time taking guidance from others. Be careful, as it is often much easier to learn from others mistakes than having to figure everything out on your own.

You have many diverse interests. Many different activities, hobbies, and topics of knowledge attract you. However you may find some of these interests to compete with one another, and you will have to ultimately choose how you wish to spend your time, being unable to dedicate yourself to everything that interests you.

You may feel dissatisfied in life. It is difficult to find satisfaction in the modern age, and it is all the more difficult for Vishakha natives, who feel somewhat restless and conflicted in their life path. You should try to seek spiritual satisfaction instead of looking for fulfillment on the material platform.

Vishakha Compatibility
Vishakhas’ sexuality is symbolized by a male tiger. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Chitra nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Vishakhas are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

For Vishakha natives in Libra (1st-3rd Quarters):

Ashwini (for female natives)
Bharani (for male natives)
Mrighashira in Gemini (for female natives)
Magha (for female natives)
Chitra in Virgo (for female natives)
Chitra in Libra
Swati (for female natives)
Shravana (for male natives)
For Vishakha natives in Scorpio (4th Quarter):

Bharani (for male natives)
Pushya (for female natives)
Magha (for female natives)
Chitra (for female natives)
Anuradha (for male natives)
Jyeshta (for male natives)
Revati (for male natives)
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Vishakha’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (20:00-23:20 degrees Libra): Aries. You are ambitious and single-minded, and you work with a passion. Others may find you to be unpredictable.

Second Quarter (23:20-26:40 degrees Libra): Taurus. You are blessed with great stamina and vitality. You are a creative person, and you enjoy life. However, you may be tempted to have multiple affairs.

Third Quarter (26:40-30:00 degrees Libra: Gemini. You are light-hearted and curious. You enjoy learning and acquiring knowledge on diverse topics. You may be afflicted by anxiety and often struggle with conflicting emotions.

Fourth Quarter (0:00-3:20 degrees Scorpio): Cancer. You are a sensitive and emotional soul. You express yourself openly, wearing your feelings on your sleeve. You can easily persuade others.

Vishakha in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Vishakha is Mishra, “mixed.” Vishakha is a versatile nakshatra and can be good for:

Cleaning or organizing
Discarding unwanted things
Giving up bad habits
Giving in charity or volunteering
Performing a vrata or spiritual vow, such as a vow of silence


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Zodiac Sign or #Jyeshtha #Nakshatra Rashi- #Scorpio
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Ruling Planet- #Mercury
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Degree Range- 16°40’ - 30° Scorpio
Chara Rashi/ Navamsa- Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Lord or God- #Indra
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Yoni- Mrig
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Quality- #Demon
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Dosha- #Vata
Type of Nakshatra- #Sharp
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Dasha- 17 years
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Numerical Potency- 18 or 9
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Gender- Female
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Nature- #Rakshasa (Demon like)
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Guna- #Sattva
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Mobility- #Dual
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Caste- #Servant
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Animal- #Male #deer
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Names Starting Letter- No, Ya, Yi, Yu
Jyeshtha Nakshatra #Bird- #Brahminy #duck or Ruddy shelduck
Jyeshtha Nakshatra #Tree- #Cotton-tree
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Traits- Contented, Charitable, Irritable, Joyful, Proud, Wealthy, Steady, Angrily disposed, Troubled by relatives, Satisfied, Enjoying
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Lucky Number- 5
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Symbol- Round Talisman
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Gemstone- #Emerald
About Jyeshtha Nakshatra
Jyeshtha, the 18th Nakshatra in astrology is a Nakshatra of Governance. The word Jyeshtha means seniormost, elderly or authoritative. According to Vedic Astrologers, in the ancient period only 18 Nakshatras are known and Jyeshtha was the final constellation from them and that is why it is called the senior most constellation.

In the symbol of Jyeshtha Nakshatra, you can see a “Round Talisman”. This round talisman represents divine protection and higher position. This Nakshatra mainly represents authoritative nature.

The Lord Upendra ie. Vishnu is the ruler of Jyeshtha Nakshatra. That is why natives of Jyeshtha Nakshatra are associated with rituals and activities of welfare.

Like the name suggests, natives of Jyeshtha Nakshatra enjoy high authority positions but they do not let this fame overpower them. They remain sober and grounded. The lucky color of this constellation is Cream. The body part associated with Jyeshta Nakshatra is the lower abdomen region.

Jyeshtha Nakshatra - Physical Characteristics
Jyeshtha Nakshatra male and females have a well proportioned body, they try to maintain their body posture and keep it admirable. The best part of their physique is their eyes, their eyes are penetrating, probing and attractive. Jyeshtha Nakshatra natives try to maintain a glorious and impressive appearance. Sometimes, they strain themselves in this obsession. Those who have Jyeshtha as their constellation mature physically and mentally very quickly. Natives are forerunners and they have very good physical stamina. They are vulnerable to health issues like cold, dysentery, fever and even problems in the prostate gland.
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Characteristics- Behavioral Characteristics
Jyeshtha Nakshatra natives are authority and power loving individuals. For them, maintaining a respectful image in society is very important. Jyeshtha Nakshatra natives do everything according to the rulebook as they care about other people’s response. They function very well in acts of charity, generosity and kindness.

The natives of Jyeshtha Nakshatra were considered philanthropists in the earlier times. They protect the weak and helpless. These individuals never hesitate to help their subordinates and underprivileged people even if it requires them to jump into a dangerous situation.

One aspect of Jyeshtha Nakshatra natives is responsibility. They do not take their domains lightly and work for them with extreme dedication. On the negative side, natives are also revengeful and vindictive. They cannot take it when others move ahead from them. They are extremely competitive and sometimes this trait helps them to explore their potential.

Natives of Jyeshtha Nakshatra are highly placed but they do not let this power overpower their mind. They remain grounded, sober and open minded. They do not toot one’s own horn but they like it very much when someone else appreciates them. On the other hand , they are quite stubborn and short tempered as well.

The strong points of Jyeshtha Nakshatra male and females are their good governance, punctuality, outspokenness, tolerance of ambiguity. They are creative and genius individuals but also dramatic and superficially religious.

The weak points of Jyeshtha Nakshatra males and females are their anger, sadness and selfishness. Sometimes, they also tend to engage in acts of infidelity. When it comes to morales, they are not very good and ideally correct. They are also vulnerable to bad habits like drinking alcohol and taking drugs.

Favorable Activities For Jyeshtha Nakshatra
The Jyeshtha Nakshatra is extremely auspicious for harsh activities. You can engage in planning or plotting against someone or even spying and passing judgements. It is also good for acknowledging important issues. This period is favorable for all the activities related to administration, tasks that require taking control or taking authority or behaving responsibly. It is auspicious for acknowledging policing or monitoring situations, occult activities. This period is most favourable for acts of concern like taking care of your family, assisting your elders, caring or protecting loved ones and being in charge in the sense of caring. You can engage in occult activities which require a lot of penance,setting disciplines for oneself and planning grand things. This period is favorable for acting restrained considering others.
Unfavorable Activities For Jyeshtha Nakshatra
In the period of Jyeshtha Nakshatra, you should not engage in any selfish or self centric activity and also which requires you to take advantage of others. It is inauspicious for healing activities, marriage, recreational activities, travelling. In this period, you should not wallow in depression and resentment. You should not engage in acts of infidelity. You should also avoid any activity which requires you to be gentle, sensitive, tactful and too comfortable.

Career Options for Jyeshtha Natives
The professions that are favorable for people born in Jyeshtha Nakshatra are:-

Information and Broadcasting industry like Reporters, Radio commentators, Newsreaders, Television commentators, Talk show hosts.
All jobs in Telecommunication industry
Jobs in Defence industry like Military, Salvation army, Police, Naval professions, Firemen.
Air Traffic controllers and Radar experts.
Administrative posts and Government officials.
Actors and orators
Jobs which require physical strength like Athletes,Sprinters and Manual labourers
Politicians and Bureaucrats
Professions which include taking care of old people.
Trade Unionists, Occultists, Detectives and Mafia
Jyeshtha Nakshatra Remedies
Those who are suffering from affliction to Jyeshtha Nakshatra should worship the God of preservation ie. The Vishnu. All fierce female goddesses like Durga and Kali should also be worshipped by the native. As per Vedic astrology, you should chant the root mantra “Om Dham”. Those who chant “Om dham ''108 times in the period of lunar transition become free of clouds of inauspiciousness wandering over their life. It is advised to wear light and dark blue, dark green, black and red color clothes. Also, Jyeshtha Nakshatra natives should perform all the important actions corresponding to the position of the Ashlesha constellation for the most beneficial results.


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Zodiac Sign or #Anuradha #Nakshatra Rashi- #Scorpio
Anuradha Nakshatra Ruling Planet- #Saturn
Anuradha Nakshatra Lord or God- #Mitra
Anuradha Nakshatra Symbol- Staff; a #Lotus; a furrow
Anuradha Nakshatra Degree Range- 3°20’ - 16°40’ Scorpio
Anuradha Nakshatra Mode of Functioning- Passive
Anuradha Nakshatra Quality- #Divine
Chara Rashi/ Navamsa- Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio
Anuradha Nakshatra Lucky Number- 8
Anuradha Nakshatra Yoni- Mrig or #Deer
Anuradha Nakshatra Dosha- #Pitta
Type of Nakshatra- #Soft or #Mridu
Anuradha Nakshatra Dasha- 19 yrs
Anuradha Nakshatra Numerical Potency- 17
Anuradha Nakshatra Gender- #Male
Anuradha Nakshatra Guna- #Tamasic
Anuradha Nakshatra Gana- Dev
Anuradha Nakshatra Element or #Tattwa- #Fire
Anuradha Nakshatra Mobility- #Fixed
Anuradha Nakshatra Caste- S#hudra
Anuradha Nakshatra Animal- #Female Deer
Anuradha Nakshatra Names Starting Letters- Na, Ni, Nu, Ne
Anuradha Nakshatra #Bird- #Nightingale
Anuradha Nakshatra Lucky Stone- Blue Sapphire
Anuradha Nakshatra Lucky Color- Dark Red
Anuradha Nakshatra #Tree- #Vakula (the Spanish cherry)
Anuradha Nakshatra Traits- Virtuous, kind, grievous, fortunate, travel-loving, organizational skills, social, jovial, intelligent, harmonious, rational and secretive
About Anuradha Nakshatra
Known as “the Star of Success”, Anuradha is the 17th Nakshatra in the series of 27 Nakshatras. It is the group of three stars forming the shape of “a staff”. The names of three stars in Western astronomy are - Beta Scorpionis, Delta Scorpionis (Isidis) and Pi-Scorpionis. All these stars lie at the beginning of the Scorpio #constellation and can be easily spotted in the dark night sky from the terrain.

Etymologically, the word Anuradha means “Another Radha” or “After Radha”. It is closely linked with the asterism Radha (Vishakha) and despite any clear similarity, Vishakha is paired with star Anuradha like Purva Phalguni and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Alternatively, the name of the Anuradha constellation refers to “Subsequent success”. It indicates the chances of finding fame and success by Anuradha star natives in their later life with hard work and devotion.

Symbolized by the staff, the Anuradha constellation represents power and protection. It also signifies wisdom, learning and close association with the Universal forces. Anuradha star is also symbolized by the “lotus” representing purity, auspiciousness, knowledge and enlightenment. It shows the attainment of knowledge through intellectual, mental and emotional upheavals. The alternative symbol of Anuradha Nakshatra is a “triumphant gateway adorned with leaves”. It speaks of victory and attainment of goals through group and collaborative activities.

Mitra is the presiding deity of the Anuradha star. He is one of the twelve Adityas (solar deities) and God of friendships, good faith and warmth. He is associated with the light of the dawn and invoked along either with Varuna (the deity of Shatabhisha) or Aryaman (The Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Lord). Mitra offers an optimistic view to Anuradha star natives and infuses qualities of lightheartedness, leadership and helpfulness to them.

Anuradha is the ruling Nakshatra of the science of Numerology. Its numerical potency of 17 in Numerology is seen as a medium to bring celestial energies to the earth. It decodes the secret working of the Universe and relates to the movement of Kundalini through Chakras (seven sacral centers). Anuradha is the first star where the exploration of Chakras occurs on the full scale to bestow fruits and get access to the functioning of the Universe.

Anuradha is the star that strikes harmony and understanding in all the forms of existence. It befriends the Universal energies and makes everyone work together even if they are enemies. This Nakshatra is associated with learning and accumulation of Knowledge and thence Goddess Saraswati can be also said to be connected with the Anuradha constellation.

Anuradha Nakshatra in English is referred to as Anuradha/ Anuraadhaa. Anuradha Nakshatra in Tamil is referred to as Anusam Natchathiram (அனுஷம் நட்சத்திரம்). The name of Anuradha Nakshatra in Malayalam is Anizham Nakshatra (അനിഴം നക്ഷത്ര) and the name of the Anuradha constellation in Telugu is Anuradha (అనురాధ).

Anuradha Nakshatra Physical Characteristics
Children born in Anuradha Nakshatra exhibit stout and hairy bodies. They have a tough facade that hides their sensitive and emotional interior. These natives tend to gain weight and have protruding bellies as they mature in age. Anuradha Nakshatra males and females are blessed with a friendly countenance and secretive eyes.
Anuradha Nakshatra Behavioral Characteristics
Anuradha Nakshatra speaks of exploration, harmony and devotion. It bridges the gap between unagreeable forces and thus invokes the desire to give and receive affection in its natives. The constellation motivates its natives and inspires them in all their actions.

Anuradha Nakshatra males and females are full of feelings of love, passion, romance and friendship. They treat others well and expect the same from them. They speak the truth and do not like lies and untruthfulness. At times, they use their truthful speech as their weapon which often hurts people and creates discord in the relationships.

The devotion and commitment of children born in Anuradha Nakshatra are remarkable. They set high standards of performance for others and make sure that they attain success in whatever work they are assigned. They are good communicators and have the ability to foster communication between all the extremes.

Anuradha is the Nakshatra of the revolutionaries. They rebel against the old thinking and outdated perspectives. Extended in the realm of Scorpio, Anuradha males and females possess the ability to see through reality and unreal things. They are open to all perspectives but are discriminative to who they allow to let into their personal circle.

People born in Anuradha Nakshatra are inclined towards devotional and ritualistic practices. They possess the qualities of Anuradha Nakshatra Lord, Maitreya and thus behave friendly to every being. They are known to bridge the gap between different persons, groups and even different nations.

Ruled by Saturn, Anuradha Nakshatra men and women exhibit heavy pressure from family and society. They have heavy duties and responsibilities and spend their initial life in hard work, perseverance and patience. These natives demonstrate good governing abilities. They tend to achieve their goals with their intelligence, rationality, discipline and forbearance.

Anuradha constellation is associated with “Aradhana Shakti”. It is the power of worship that offers Anuradha star natives the ability to understand both higher and lower realms through devotion, offerings and prayers.
Career Options for Anuradha Nakshatra Natives
The professions that are favorable for Anuradha Nakshatra born people are:

All professions that are associated with dealing with Foreign nations are best for Anuradha Nakshatra natives.
Hypnotists & Psychic mediums and occultists.
All occupations involving night shift duty.
Astrologers and Numerologists
Jobs as artists, photographers, promoters, explorers and musicians.
All the professions associated with cinema and theatre.
Institution and Organization head.
Jobs related to counseling and psychology.
Miners and factory workers.
Scientists, Mathematicians and Statisticians
Industrialists and managers.
Professions that require group activities such as event management.
Diplomats and Spies.
Favorable Activities For Anuradha Nakshatra
Anuradha Nakshatra is a very auspicious Nakshatra for all the group-related activities. You can meditate, explore nature, travel or spend time during this period. As per Vedic texts, Anuradha Nakshatra is very favorable for managerial activities that demand quick decision-making. For healing, finances and accounting-related works, contemplation and secretive activities, Anuradha Nakshatra is considered very propitious. Researching and studying science or occult subjects may also prove fruitful when Anuradha star is in the sky.

Unfavorable Activities For Anuradha Nakshatra
Anuradha Nakshatra is not auspicious for marriage. It is not good for the inauguration or beginning anything new. In Anuradha Nakshatra, one should not confront someone directly or indulge in mundane or routine activities.

Anuradha Nakshatra Remedies
People suffering from afflictions of Anuradha Nakshatra should worship twelve Adityas, especially Mitra or Maitreya. They should worship Hari Hara (the fused representations of half Lord Vishnu and half Lord Shiva) to utilize the positive energy of the Anuradha constellation.

As per Vedic Astrology, practicing Raj Yoga is also one of the best ways to invoke the powers of Anuradha Nakshatra. Raj Yoga is the Kundalini Yoga that involves raising Kundalini through the seven sacred centers.

The natives should recite the root Mantra- “Om Yam” and “Om Ram”. Chanting this Anuradha Nakshatra Mantra 108 times during the lunar transition and in the corresponding month of Anuradha Nakshatra alleviates afflictions and bestows happiness.

Anuradha star men and women can increase the positive effects of Anuradha Nakshatra by wearing moderate colors such as red, blue and gold. People born in Anuradha Nakshatra should undertake all the important actions corresponding to the position of Anuradha star for the most auspicious results.