

Ep – 39

To bend the bent, was to align store with romance, visual to those preceding compassion, scenery for the fallen poet, because and were the outcry of subtle indifference, learner the fatal, reactionary for one Hamlet, Ken’s sutures those common for acknowledgement. The trail were the wares making shape, hallmarked an exchanging thought, variable retort for life-experience, shaping a knowledge is learnt, consistent to the empirical house, stops and the walled latches. Interchanges a Hamlet in repertoire to the eighth edition, silver clouds, macro linages of default numbers, security by the exchanging senate, love placed those words inseparable if the viewer, grave on the tutelage, one cloud has fragments of silvery lovers.

The fall was extreme desire, not to become desirable, as we create desire by being desired by those welfare to one another, the addressing Hamlet, by studio Eight. Fashioned with example; difference is compatibly against warfare, homage is extended love, one could occupy with finite language. The institute of time, the carriage familiar within those about us, the gift of reason, politic genuine for interchange, assumption the learner presents, the vocal impediment of anew.

Samuel was to steward the previous words with matrimony, not the steely definition, but the cast betrothed to our hamlet, the senate had expired their barbaric warfare for leadership, one by democracy, plutonic servitude to social discrepancies. Interfaces a warfare could deconstruct, equality through time supporting, his word, words re-enacting Kens Hamlet, besiege to listen, equate wisdom, bloodletting to stifle any effect, without causation. ©️

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