

Lapping with girth

Geisha mouse, presented with charm, serene contemplation, they caress with a language unsurpassed, doctoral incisions the theatre of re-enactment, covertly tunes of baseline appearances. You bask the adulation, welcoming threads you adorn to the test of introspection, teeter volume the invest of reign, sound shapes our conductive words, brighter the thorough restoration. Brimming stead useful are the canister, metrics shown to have thought placed in redolent vapours, silvery matches the alluding satellite. Watch step one, then the step of one you have made is twice the distance to the prepared dish, measurements volume the ground we make. Afar the reporting return, opened wishes course the contemplate, if direction of ground through making the sound inclusion, has combination to the distance traversed, record the exit, traverse shallow plates withheld to you, abundance the application of misinformation, the stroke of one past midnight, sees through to the applicating focus, we belong spectators of a disbelief.Adam Blewett ©

#writing #mywords #sketches #sketching


Lovers Nub
Having is a contention, to my perceptions, to symbol the in the moon, one love, two having one moon, sharing the reciprocal symbolic of the flesh, sensual the time in place of one moon. Love was late too the recording of cinema, making the actors await in costume, played the evening previous for remittance, they chaired the morning in applause, just as the crowd arrived, you saved my intentions. Security held your ticket until they remembered you. I was held to the hour, they made me a coffee, to enjoy, the coffee tasted of disappointment, the seconded encore was dessert, had me in costume. Traveller time was intercepting the meal you wrote out loud, they couldn’t find you, but i listened, two moons they had more then their share, my love. Insist at a loss, the velvet drawn commuters own the rounding moon, the moon i have in rearrange, the costume you heard was lately, deflected to the morning you stood, where we should be helping, to the second we lost the time for drifting to the moon. Adam Blewett©

#sketching #writing #sketches #art #sensual


My Sketch #sketches
Peking Duk - Let You Down ft. Icona Pop


A Little Forsaken Sun Chalice LII
Oh slow shipwreck sing your resting hour
Nordic chimes fasten terrors listing heel
Folly-flails neath a tridents blue arctic
dour her stern stilettos’ ghost ship voyage
Four aces played corsairs last pirouette
stole fast the brink of every mermaids look
Azure my spectre of courage foregone
your complaint of greed tends to weathered storm
My nuclei combustible to all
flailing with a solitaire winning hand
Laden with a cache beyond the reef
I found her sunk derivative and bear
Of marionettes forsake swam my fortune
Kindled with love winter’s charcoal withstood.

Gingerbread blue
Locked up tight
At a cost to none I yield
At top shelf and barbarous to none
Those impeccable talents from Geisha mice
Escaped in time from a time
When not a thing grew old
The Fabergé of mice
Even their imperfections were perfection
The yielding beauty of our mice
Every speckled gem shot detail
Standing post to my waiving gingerbread tin
Top shelf tidy and might
Unglued for a snack
My tin filled pack
A ransom galore
Under the banister of love
My yield of nylon strings
Most unfit for any midnight delight
© Adam Blewett




taut and bout, teaming desires uncouple to a round, the gallery hustled their midday news, it was spring in waiting, the night drawn, they grew restlessly meagre, as the polite lamp monitored a cold reflection. The instructions were in, captive the stylish remarks, the remains contained to their return, prisms cordial panes reflected hymns, distance suppled their sound, rivulets drawing content, the usurper feigned and spring divided an extra millage. Jazz bolted steel as fractious they around the bout, foliage was beautiful for the last user, impacting to the hydro enablers, daisies favoured the exposition, native crafty imprints those standing for consignment, his languish they entertained.

#sketches #sketchesofLena #my_sketch