

#Microsoft liberates ancient MS-DOS #source from the #museum and sticks it in #GitHub

source: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/10/01/microsoft_msdos_source_on_github/

Finally the source from #MSDOS is under the #MIT license and therefore open source. The source that was given to the museum was only allowed to be viewed but not for use.

But what's all this about?

There has been for a long time #FreeDOS: http://www.freedos.org

So nobody needs the crap from Microsoft. Please place your source under a free #license from the beginning otherwise it's worthless for humanity.

The knowledge of the world belongs to mankind!

#freedom #opensource #foss #floss #software #news #fail #history #computer #pc


Ironie ist,

etwas in der Cloud über die Cloud zu schreiben, nur um dann am Ende von der Cloud zu erfahren, dass der Text gerade in der Cloud abhanden gekommen ist.

Oder anders: Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Vogelschiss auf'm Kopf.

#Cloudia #treibts #mit #nem #Blindenhund

#Daten #versenken #leicht #gemacht

#mein #nächstes #Internet #ist #aus #Holz

#wenn #jetzt #einer #Backup #sagt #lass #ich #meine #Festplatte #von #der #Leine

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