

just imagine you had too much time and need some time burning toys.

#computer #internet #games

Image/photoDanie van der Merwe wrote the following post Sat, 21 Dec 2024 14:06:17 +0100

10 Awesome Games You Can Play Right Now In Your Browser Without Installing Anything

10 Awesome Games You Can Play Right Now In Your Browser Without Installing Anything

Sometimes you have the urge to play some video games, but you don't have the right hardware with you. Perhaps you're stuck at work or school, or you have a basic device like a Chromebook. The good news is that there are a lot of games out there where you need nothing more than a web browser to play.

See 10 Awesome Games You Can Play Right Now In Your Browser


What else are you gonna do on the web?

#technology #gaming


oh je, m$ enttarnt sich selbst: doku wird für KI geschrieben, nicht für irgendwelche user ...

#computer #internet #Microsoft #KI

Image/photoFefebot wrote the following post Tue, 17 Dec 2024 13:56:05 +0100

[l] Microsoft hat einen Pull Request abgelehnt. Es war ein Patch für die Dokumentation, die mäandernd und wenig hilfreich war. Der Patch hat das restrukturiert.

Wieso würde man das ablehnen? Haltet euch fest:

Thanks for the contribution here and appreciate your attention to detail. We have decided to keep as-is.. part of that decision is that more and more folks are using AI chat to access guidance and tables don't always translate well in that context.

Ach soooo ist das! Die Doku war dann vermutlich vorher von "KI" geschrieben, deshalb war die so Kacke. Und sie verbessern geht nicht, weil Doku schreiben wir hier bei Microsoft nicht für Menschen sondern für unsere ranzige Bing-"KI", und die kann halt nichts. Ja geil ey.

Da versteht man auf Anhieb, wieso Microsoft-Dokumentation so schlecht ist, und wieso die einen mit mas chinell übersetztem "KI"-Müll zuspammen, wenn man in deren Doku irgendwas sucht.

Optimierungsziel waren nie menschliche Leser.

#fefebot #microsoft


Ist der #Cyberkrieg schon ausgebrochen und das Ziel ist #Microsoft?

Mein Firmencomputer hat sich heute neunmal geupdatet. Ziel des Updates war immer die Virenabwehr von #WindowsSecurity. Ich vermute da läuft gerade eine heftige Schlacht im #Cyberspace mit einem mutierenden #Virus, sodass die #Signaturen ständig geupdatet werden müssen. Normal ist ein #Update pro Woche. Weiß jemand genaueres was da los ist?

#Cyberwar #Verteidigung #windows #update #Sicherheit #Software #Betriebssystem #Computer #Internet #online #virus #trojaner #schadsoftware #malware


News from sailfish os.

#computer #smartphone #handy

Image/photoSailfish OS News Network wrote the following post Thu, 05 Dec 2024 15:15:16 +0100


#SailfishOS Community News – 5th Dec 2024

The recent Support Days were a success. #Jolla also saw strong interest in #Mind2 after #Slush.

Repairs for Jolla C2 are progressing, though customs delays have caused some issues. Jolla thanks for the patience.

A new Community Coordination team will launch in January. Further, a second batch of C2 devices will be available shortly. Also: Sony released new binary blobs for Xperia 10 IV and 10 V.

Source: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/sailfish-community-news-5th-december-2024-the-next-c2-batch/21310


that looks like an interesting site.

#computer #internet #linux

Image/photoDanie van der Merwe wrote the following post Mon, 02 Dec 2024 13:49:14 +0100

DistroSea.com: a website that lets you run and test 60+ Linux distributions straight from your web browser

DistroSea.com: a website that lets you run and test 60+ Linux distributions straight from your web browser

No need for any installation or even creating a live bootable medium. DistroSea uses virtual machine (VM) technology to allow multiple operating systems (distros, in this case) to run on a single host system. Each Linux distro runs in an isolated VM with its own visualized resources (CPU, RAM, storage.)

DistroSea downloads and configures the distro ISOs using the quick get script from the Quickemu project. It also uses noVNC libraries to allow you to interact with the distros in your browser. noVNC a web-based VNC (Virtual Network Computing) client that connects to the graphical environment of the Linux distro running on the server and streams it to the user's browser. This allows full interaction with the distro as if it were installed locally.

Quite an interesting review on how this works, and seems it may be a better experience than using VirtualBox.

See Not Sure If You'll Like Linux? Try It From Your Browser


Linux is just a few clicks away.

#technology #Linux #opensource #distrosea


why do people still use this stuff?

#microsoft #word #spying #AI #computer

Image/photobeSpacific wrote the following post Mon, 25 Nov 2024 23:00:57 +0100

How to turn off #AIscraping from your Word documents "#Microsoft Office has slyly turned on an “opt-out” feature that scrapes your #Word,#Excel docs to train its internal AI systems. This setting is turned on by default, and you have to manually uncheck a box in order to opt out. If you are a writer who uses MS Word to write any proprietary content (blog posts, novels, any work you intend to protect w #copyright and/or sell), u want to turn this feature off immediately https://medium.com/illumination/ms-word-is-using-you-to-train-ai-86d6a4d87021