

Molly McCall, Shallow Water, from the series Home Movies. Silver gelatin print, selenium toned, hand painted with oil and acrylic paint. Hand varnished.

Shallow Water, de la série Home Movies. Épreuve à la gélatine argentique, teintée au sélénium, peinte à la main avec de la peinture à l'huile et de l'acrylique. Vernis à la main.

#Art #peinture #painting #photo #mixed-media



(Sometimes I wish I also had 8 arms)

The rules of the game are simple - choose a photo (preferably your own), edit with gimp and tag #sundaygimp on a Sunday ;-) … and follow the tag.


(and also #Sunday-photo-edit )

Note: if you do not use gimp, but still want to play along, just use the tag #Sunday-photo-edit and edit the images with your favorite image editor

#AB, #AB-SG, #AB-02-22, #06-02-22, #photo, #Foto, #gimp, #Sundaygimp, #Poulpe, #Octopus, #Krake, #Tintenfisch, #Linogravure, #Linocut, #Linoldruck, #mixedmedia, #mixed-media, #Kunst, #Art, #Bildbearbeitung, #Bildmanipulation, #manipulation-de-photos, #image-editing, #retouche-d-image, #winter, #myphoto, #mywork (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)