

The other day, a non-technical colleague said to me, "You're a #Python expert, aren't you?" I felt I had to correct him since I have only dabbled with the #language and I said that I'm more accustomed to scientific programming in #C or #Fortran. He looked a bit bemused, in hindsight, I'm not surprised as I've never talked to him about computing before. He then said "No, I meant #MontyPython." Well, modesty aside, I said that I'm probably the most expert person there and so our conversation continued on a more humorous subject.


A new study has explored this idea via a pair of gaits exhibited in a famous Monty Python sketch, and found that by adopting this kind of ridiculous walking style for just 11 minutes a day, adults can reach their physical activity targets and lower their risk of mortality.

The walking styles in question were performed by Mr Teabag and My Putey, characters played John Cleese and Michael Palin, in the 1971 Monty Python sketch “Ministry of Silly Walks." For sports science researchers at Arizona State University, these provided the perfect vehicle to test the disparity in energy expenditure of silly saunters and a regular, efficient way of walking.

I love this stuff. Inefficiency for the win. At times.
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#health #walking #MontyPython