

Ach so ... ja ... genau ... da war doch was ...

Umzug! Uff! Seufz!

joindiaspora.com soll ja geschlossen werden. Ich habe daher versucht, mein Profil auf anderen Pods unterzubringen. Bin aber jedes Mal gescheitert. Echt schade...

Und tut mir leid, das ich da geisterhafte Kontaktfragen erzeugt hatte.

Wer mag, findet mich auf libranet.de. Da habe ich schon länger ein inaktives Konto gehabt. Hab’s jetzt mal reaktiviert, und einige von euch als Kontakt hinzugefügt.

Since joindiaspora.com announced its shutdown in march I’ve been looking for a new home in the fediverse almost all day.

I’ve tried some diaspora pods. But each one wasn’t able to import my profile and photos. So I’ve deleted my temporary account shortly after...

Sorry for the chaos.

On societas diaspora I even began to add my contacts from joindiaspora.com but disappeared there very quickly. Sorry again ... but a new home on diaspora without my old posts and pictures didn’t (and still does not) make any sense for me.

Then I’ve remembered my account on libranet.de ... and so I’m there too ... back again after posting and sharing nothing since years.

That’ll change from now on ... stay tuned.

-> https://libranet.de/profile/dadanaut/status

#joindiaspora #fediverse #dadanaut #newhome #newthere #movingday #storch #stork #mywork #dink #bub #marco