

Screenshot of neovim in a terminal emulator, with nvim-tree on the left and a lua config file on the right.There are several cute icons - a penguin as linux indicator and the lua logo as language indicator.

I have set up a basic nvim config in lua some time ago. I'm pretty new to lua and nvim and it's configurationn in lua. Also it's new for me to install such eye-candy - but I really like it :-) The language and OS indicator icons and those littel folders and such... I think it's really cute :-)

#vim #nvim #neovim


NeoVim — лучший редактор кода

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#Vim #NeoVim #GNU

NeoVim — лучший редактор кода

#lang_ru #ru #чёрныйтреугольник #blacktriangle #чёрный_треугольник