

Beyond The Dutch 49: Spooky Action At The Funfair

A music podcast with your roving reporter Iris and radio veteran Raymond! Be prepared for weird accents and unpredictable musical picks! A music only episode, containing a nice mixture of several musical genres. You will hear music from Focus, Nevermen, O.R.k., Portico Quartet, Blacklist, Cory Wong, Cog, Lake Turner, Lifesigns, Tool, The Pineapple Thief, Down, The Fierce And The Dead, and Kaada.

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I've setup a fundraiser to help save for a new PC so I can continue my work as a music journalist. Want to help donate/share? Click here: http://fnd.us/c1o8oe?ref=sh_dAA421 Thank you so much! <3

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