

The #CricketWorldCup is taking place at the moment in #India. For those who don't know, the cricket season in India is usually in late autumn, winter and early spring. Cricket also needs good playing conditions, such as dry weather conditions and sufficient light to be able to see the ball, both for the batting and the fielding sides. Night-time #cricket has been a feature for decades and so bad light conditions only arise rarely. But in today's match between India and #NewZealand, play was stopped temporarily because of #fog. I've never seen that before.


Here's the view from the hills around Mt somers. This looks south towards timaru with the ocean in the distance.

The farms are cropping and dairy.

As I looked across and I thought how capitalism destroys then rebuilds. This is what is happening on the Canterbury plains as they have gone from sheep to crops to dairy and maybe back to crops

#newzealand #photo #foto


This is acland shelter on Mt somers. It's a very modern shelter and not really used much as people prefer the northern section of the track

It was a nice but quite hard walk as the track goes around the mountain so up and down every stream valley.

It was a beautiful fine day with a strong but warm wind until the sun went down then it became cold.

#newzealand #photo #foto