

Parabolic Wins Outstanding New Free Software Contributor for Nick Logozzo at LibrePlanet

Parabolic is another YouTube downloader for Linux

Unfortunately, it's only available as a Snap or Flathub.


I haven't tried this. The documentation (https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NickvisionApps/Parabolic/main/NickvisionTubeConverter.Shared/Docs/html/C/newDownload.html) hints that it may use yt-dlp. If so, I'd just go with MPV and/or yt-dllp instead. If you install MPV from the .deb file, you'll get yt-dlp along with it. I would advise installing yt-dlp into your ~/bin folder so you can set a crontab task to update it every day (yt-dlp -U). Distro repos don't keep stuff up to date well enough. yt.dlp needs to be up to date in order to continue working.

curl -L https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/releases/latest/download/yt-dlp -o ~/bin/yt-dlp
chmod 755 ~/bin/yt-dlp

MPV is a media player that can use yt-dlp to stream YouTube videos without using a web browser at all. mpv --volume=30 --volume-max=200 --player-operation-mode=pseudo-gui -- <YouTube URL>

MPV fails on some YouTube videos that yt-dllp, used alone, can download.

#youtube #free-software #gnu #linux #libreplanet #nick-logozzo #youtube-downloader