

@Akire Bubar

Ostdrossel :verified: - 2023-04-18 03:10:16 GMT

After a summery weekend, we got snow flurries today. The garden is waking up everywhere but things still feel odd because there are no nesting #Bluebirds. I have decided to pull the nest today, since there is no sign of any nesting activity. Interestingly enough, a male and a female BB have showed up. There are still Redbreasted #Nuthatches around, and a couple of #Chickadees are showing interest in my other nestbox. #birds #birdsofMastodon #nature #birdwatching #Ostdrossel #birdphotography
A male Eastern Bluebird with some rain drops on his pretty blue wing feathers
A female Eastern Bluebird peeking into the camera with interest.
A Chickadee with proudly swelled chest
A female Redbreasted Nuthatch, showing profile


I got a new #bird feeder recently and this one (right) is 100% #squirrel proof, in fact it is called the "Squiirel Buster Classic". If they jump on it their weight closes it and they get nothing, The house #sparrows, #chickadees and white breasted #nuthatches love it! The #cardinals don't seem to have figured it out yet, however. I put the old feeder up in a new spot (left) where the squirrels can easily get at it so they don't go hungry, but so far the sparrows have been working on emptying it instead, as can be seen in the photo.