

The History of International Conscientious Objectors' Day

International Conscientious Objectors' Day was first observed in 1982 by West European #objectors to #compulsory #military service, as a focus both of campaigning for the right of #objection to be established where it was lacking, and of support for objectors everywhere. The date 15th May was chosen simply because it happened to be mutually convenient in 1982 but was retained for renewed activity in 1983 and 1984. Then in 1985 it was formally adopted by the European Bureau of Conscientious Objectors and soon received worldwide recognition – being adopted by War Resisters' International – and changed from being European Conscientious Objectors' Day to International Conscientious Objectors' Day.

Ever since, it has been marked by #vigils outside #prisons or barracks where #COs are held, by #demonstrations at embassies of states where COs are not recognised and/or unfairly treated, by street theatre, and by ceremonies where names of conscientious objectors past or present are read out and publicly honoured.

#CODay #peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjectors #ConscientiousObjection