

:: 47-13a [RO] CTB Cover + Info ::

PRESENTING... The start of my Ragnarök Online doodly fan comic!! xD First three Episodes comin' up in an hour or two. I hope y'all will enjoy the comic.

It's all gonna be in the CTB folder in my Gallery [here].

47-13a [RO] CTB Cover + Info by EarlyOnion.jpg

TITLE: 'Chasing Thomas Benedicta' (CTB)
TOTAL PAGES: Around 33 (incl. intro and epilogue)

A newbie member of the Rogues Guild (Mef) gets caught up in a high-ranking case surrounding a priest (Thomas). All he wanted to know was whether this was the same priest who inspired him to be an adventurer; and while he did get to confirm things, the case turns serious and he gets dragged into a matter of life and death.

New Episodes will be uploaded every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

For now, this comic is exclusively on my dA.
It will not be on IG, Diaspora, or Artfol. Not gonna be on Tapastic either because its revamped UI leaves too little room for the comic page itself and the site isn't newbie-friendly anymore since the 'money talks' came in.

I will make a weekly update post to notify of new Episodes.

This simple comic is made to be friendly to non-RO players.
Too little lore in here, so just take things as they come.
Please treat this like a comic of my OCs but in another artist's world.
Done using mechanical pencil, drawn on school exercise book.
Ah yes, CTB is a completed comic; no risks of it being abandoned or left on hiatus indefinitely.

Ragnarök Online/RO is an online role-playing game loosely based on Norse mythology. It takes place in a world called Midgard. There are many cities and villages in Midgard, some with their own tales to tell.
In this world, there are many monsters; some are aggressive, some are timid. To protect the nation, the king calls forth brave people to fight off these monsters. These brave people are called Adventurers. So RO = adventurers fight monsters. Some monsters look like normal animals, but they are demonic nonetheless.
There is [more to it], but this is the basics.

- CTB was meant to be a working title, but I decided to stick to it because it can also mean 'catch the bus', an internet slang for committing suicide (or so says the Goog).
- It isn't intended, but Mef and Thomas are like yin and yang. In terms of colours: Thomas is white and blue, while Mef is black and red. In terms of class/job, Thomas is of the light, Mef is shadowy.
- As for the Episodes... 'Episode' is used instead of 'Chapter' to match with what the game uses. CTB Episode count is actually based on my original written work, 'The Life and Times of Thomas Benedicta' and also the amount of pages in the comic when in book form. I mentioned 66 pages last time, but that was because I divided each scanned Episode file in two. Now, however, I decided not to go with that because if we can look at art memes with a height (length) of 8000px, then we can look at my Episodes that are half of that. x'D

Original Ragnarök Online concepts and designs © Lee Myoung-Jin, Studio DTDS
★ If sharing/reposting outside of Diaspora, please credit me and link back to my dA page/post. Please do not use, edit, copy, trace, plagiarise, steal, and/or commercialise my work and/or characters in any way without my permission. Thank you.

#mywork #art #fanart #fancomic #ragnarokonline #ChasingThomasBenedicta #mmorpg #rpg #comic #doodle #sketch #ROCTB


Heads-up! Long post with three images.
I don’t really like making long posts, but this is a last-minute 3-in-1 post. x’D

These are some sneak peek panels of a doodly comic based on my Ragnarök Online fan fiction. And yes, I very much mean doodly. xD I've been working on it since January. I posted this on my dA only, but I've decided to share this with those who are not on dA.

Although a fan fic, it features my game characters that are pretty much like my own precious beans; and you don't need to know RO to understand the comic. And yeah, you've already seen the characters that will appear in this comic cuz I've shared the fan art here before. ^^

- Title: 'Chasing Thomas Benedicta' / CTB
- Genre: Very mild action adventure, not LitRPG
- Total chapters: 33 (incl. Intro and Epilogue)
- Synopsis: A newbie agent of a rogue guild (Mef) gets caught up in a high-ranking case surrounding a priest (Thomas). All he wanted to know was whether this was the same priest who inspired him to be an adventurer, and to thank him; and while he did get to know it, the case turns serious and he gets dragged into it with seemingly no chance of escape.
- Release date: June 2024 (only on dA, I'll update with links here)

CTB Sneak Peek 1 by EarlyOnion.jpg

CTB Sneak Peek 2 by EarlyOnion.jpg

CTB Sneak Peek 3 by EarlyOnion.jpg

So there ya have it. Thanks for lookin.
And Thomas is not that big of a perv. He just makes dirty jokes, that's all.

Original Ragnarök Online concepts and designs © Lee Myoung-Jin, Studio DTDS
★ If sharing/reposting outside of Diaspora, please credit me and link back to my dA page/post. Please do not use, edit, copy, trace, plagiarise, steal, and/or commercialise my work and/or characters in any way without my permission. Thank you.

#mywork #art #fanart #ragnarokonline #comic #traditionalart #pencils