

I am shortly (like within the next 2 weeks) going to be starting a play be email game of trading in 17th century Europe.
It’s like the Han Solo game in Traveller but just before The 30 Years War.
It is a test of rules I’ve been writing. They’re for LotFP but also work as a stand-alone trading and traveling game - by horse, cart, ship and letter of credit.

The year is 1599. You play a junior member of a rich European family. You have been loaned 1000sp with which to make your fortune in the next 2 years - whoever comes back with the most profit gets to be part of the East India Company and sail to the Spice Islands where money literally grows on trees.

Play will start in 1-week turns, (one week of game time = 1 week of real time) but hopefully speed up to 1 month per week. It will be conducted over email and/or discord, so it survives the demise of G+. There’s a map and info available about ports, wars etc. You decide what you’re going to do, how you’re using your money, where you’re going, and I DM it all, using bespoke rules for trade and sea fights. There is potential to get into trouble with pirates, capture each other, spread rumours, run blockades etc along the way.

Comment here if you’re interested - you’ll need to give me an email address. Maps, details forthcoming. Everyone is welcome.
#rpg #osr #traveller #pbem