

is like a personality self assessment version of the aptitide test i am an #aptitudetestadvocate for.

that, but for aptitudes.

and split into a test per aptitude (... hrmm, and/or not. interesting new idea.)
but the idea being you get a read out of you, and see where you are on the bellcurve, and see where your relative strengths and weaknesses are. especially useful if you've a poor idea of your aptitides (or, as in sapa's, your personality).

see the venn diagram in your mind of the circles for aptitudes and personality, some overlap... or personality a smaller circle in aptitudes? each personality trait and strength makes one more apt for different things.

[(i'm usually descriptively comparing these aptitude test to iq tests (which are a mere 3 parts of a several dozens parts aptitude test), instead of to personality tests, but the result graphic's so similar to how i imagine aptitude test results are best represented. the logical choice, a ribbed spine chart to display sets of bellcurve positions)]

would love to know if there is already openly available, online or otherwise accessable, a broad spectrum aptitude test.

i know they exist, hidden by bureacrats in offices of employment and wellfare. part time training staff snuck one out for me to try some of, in 2000 iirc. would love to see who/where's already making such important thing available to the public, for everybody's benefit.

i've been reading wallace d wattles' "the science of getting rich" today, and chapter 13's about getting into the right business, the one that fits for you. that'd be a lot easier for everybody to better fit what they do, if they knew what fit them ahead of time. fair enough for learning more outside what your best aptitudes, and for doing what you love even if you suck at it (~may get better, may not be the point, may be useful), but if could already be shown what you have an aptitude for, before even trying, you could then go directly to it. each according to their skill, as they so self direct, once advised by some measures to give better indicators than ignorant whim or obedience to those who do not know either.

we can have #somuchheadroom when allowing outselves to do what we're good at, by simply allowing ourselves to know what we're good at, and to have the choice to do it.

and perhaps just as importantly... to know when to get out of the way too.

#personalitytest #aptitudetest