

he slips in a load of (albeit, as typical, muddied) truth in the start of that, aye. before it toggled to noising with daft stuff at 2m50s, and the advert after that.

iirc, 2003 or 2004 i became aware of the #geoengineering programs. back then i thought we'd all soon become aware real quick, just seeing it, and pointing it out...

but here we are, two decades later, and still, as he says, "people just dont believe that we have the ability to control the weather, even though mainstream media reports on things like dubai's government making it rain there to combat the extreme heat and drought.", which reminds me of how (as i did one day earlier this year) you can read from an article that says it's from a bbc disinformation specialist saying there's no such thing, then also saying there's such thing once you scroll down, and then go look at forbes and bloomberg promotional puff pieces for stocks of geoengineering corporations. XD #dontlookup, lol. wakey wakey folks. we ready to start doing #democracy and #afullyinformedpublic again(?)?


is like a personality self assessment version of the aptitide test i am an #aptitudetestadvocate for.

that, but for aptitudes.

and split into a test per aptitude (... hrmm, and/or not. interesting new idea.)
but the idea being you get a read out of you, and see where you are on the bellcurve, and see where your relative strengths and weaknesses are. especially useful if you've a poor idea of your aptitides (or, as in sapa's, your personality).

see the venn diagram in your mind of the circles for aptitudes and personality, some overlap... or personality a smaller circle in aptitudes? each personality trait and strength makes one more apt for different things.

[(i'm usually descriptively comparing these aptitude test to iq tests (which are a mere 3 parts of a several dozens parts aptitude test), instead of to personality tests, but the result graphic's so similar to how i imagine aptitude test results are best represented. the logical choice, a ribbed spine chart to display sets of bellcurve positions)]

would love to know if there is already openly available, online or otherwise accessable, a broad spectrum aptitude test.

i know they exist, hidden by bureacrats in offices of employment and wellfare. part time training staff snuck one out for me to try some of, in 2000 iirc. would love to see who/where's already making such important thing available to the public, for everybody's benefit.

i've been reading wallace d wattles' "the science of getting rich" today, and chapter 13's about getting into the right business, the one that fits for you. that'd be a lot easier for everybody to better fit what they do, if they knew what fit them ahead of time. fair enough for learning more outside what your best aptitudes, and for doing what you love even if you suck at it (~may get better, may not be the point, may be useful), but if could already be shown what you have an aptitude for, before even trying, you could then go directly to it. each according to their skill, as they so self direct, once advised by some measures to give better indicators than ignorant whim or obedience to those who do not know either.

we can have #somuchheadroom when allowing outselves to do what we're good at, by simply allowing ourselves to know what we're good at, and to have the choice to do it.

and perhaps just as importantly... to know when to get out of the way too.

#personalitytest #aptitudetest


"Conspiracy Theory"



#weaponized #covertoperations #psychelogicaloperations #psyop #psyops #katiehalper #aarongood #orwellian #mindcontrol #crooks #afullyinformedpublic #democraticduty #democracy #propaganda #freespeech #freethought #tyranny #corporatism #fascism #totalitarianism #scrutiny

"conspiracy theorist" used to discredit those who do their democratic duty and scrutinise authorities.
"conspiracy theory" used to dissuade you from scrutinising authority.


it's your duty, in democracy.

any who try dissuade you from your democratic duty,
are opposed to you having a say,
and against a fully informed public (necessary for a functioning democracy),
are anti-democratic,
and are pro-tyranny,
and are attempting to totalitarianise you; attempting to induce #massformationpsychosis in you.

take care not to succumb to unwittingly using this weapon against your fellow people.

no #pitchforksvstorches, no #censorship.



while overhearing the audio of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YH05LwbqAVw
i get to thinking about trichorders for everybody again, and wonder upon the extents to which people may get, or be yet to get, the merit (even, necessity) and benefits of trichorders for everybody.

trichorders being simply a device for an individual that augments their ability to meaningfully sense more beyond their default senses. which may sound simple, but the cumulative effects of everybody being so empowered with the ability to sense far more... it's more than any of us are likely to be able to explore in the simulations in our imagination. well worth relaxing back, eyes closed, big slow full relaxed soft breathing, basking in free roaming contemplation of the world around us, with everybody upfront tapped in to information that broadens awareness, allows them knowing what's going on all around...

and it is trichorders... not phones for which there's a million commercial interests veying for your attention like con-men sharks in a casino, obfuscating some secondary features of a poor-man's trichorder. i mean a device that's designed for purpose through its entire stack.

built-in/integrated as wearables or even mutilations for the bold body-modders (not for me, obviously, with the way I call it mutilation), drifts of into both unimportant asides, and whole other important discussions, so I just keep it as a handheld device, foremost, rather than wearables or integrated cyborg components.

And it would allow you to know not just what is, but what's changed, over what durations, and more.

#trichordersforeverybody makes sense for #afullyinformedpublic
so long as it's #auditable #FreeSoftware ( / #softwarelibre / " #opensource " ) and editable #righttorepair #righttochange #righttoadapt #freehardwaredesign etc too. otherwise, what use would it be, to be unable to scan itself, and to deny you the right to have power over your own device (to change/adapt) even if it does let you scan it.

and it does bring us to, what for some, will be a bit of a quandry, with regards to #privacy and #radicaltransparency, which I think there are many mitigators and already-solved/self-solving merits to, as well as many other maladaptions for which there can be cascades of other compensatings. maybe its fear of empowering other people that has some people seek to disempower themselves too.


remember when we used to call it "conflict of interest". now it's "conspiracy theory". i wont offer my aspersions on who brought us this phrase "conspiracy theory", in case i unveil their conflict of interest and get labeled a conspiracy theorist. better let them get away with it.

#conflictofinterest #conspiracytheory
#investigator #researcher #diligentlyawarememberofthepublic #conspiracytheorist
#psyopderp #inplainsight #seeeyeaye #thepowersthatbe #holdtoaccount #afullyinformedpublic #manyeyesmakeallbugsshallow #heldtoaccount #whowatchesthewatchers #wewatchthewatchers #everybodysdutytopokebigbrotherintheeye #everybodysdutytodispellthedeceiverslies


https://www.bitchute.com/video/pQ2WnsLksd5v/ not what i was looking for, but glad it triggered this episode(?) of #DigitsRants

supposedly that'll spare you 2 hours of #davidicke and dodging #londonreel's copyright walls.

well done for outing icke as a shill. though this fella's another, seemingly succumbed to some of the mcarthian redscare. look, if it's capitalism/fascism/corporatism, or communism/stalinism/maoism... the point's the same... they're both tyranny, both rampant excessive uncontainable uncheckable authoritarianism, unto totalitarianism. so lets stop this divide and conquer noise.

"in a sea of misinformation, everybody's a shill" -- Me, ad nauseum.
... so check yourselves, check your data, and keep checking, n beware those who proclaim to have found the truth, and beware their #certainty and naivety, and keep seeking. without #AFullyInformedPublic, #WeAreInALotOfTrouble. let's not run from one tyrant into the hands of another. beware that ploy. beware those who speak out with lipservice to freedom and autonomy, negging one flavour of tyranny, and then subtly (or, not so subtly, in this fella's case) attempt to lure you to another. fuck that bollocks. #neither, thanks.

kinda mind boggling that he's fallen for (or just peddling) nazi propaganda, saying the nazis should rightly be called national socialists... noh, that's the marketting propaganda rebrand name over what they really are. anti-socialist hegemony. there was no pretence of ridding the state to achieve the aspirations of socialism there (& instead even promoting the totality of its dominance as lasting for 1000 years!!!). worst of both capitalism and communism, taking away the freedoms each took, leaving none. idk how anyone can have anything good to say about 'em. boggles my mind, hard. triggers my #stultophobia. scary... that there are people out there who look to the likes of hitler and nazism, and think, "good ideas". o_O boik! wat! ok, so if a portion of a portion of a portion of jews are in a nepotistic position of socio-economic power... what's the solution you say? supersede them with superior systems that obsolete theirs? get an angry jesus tipping their tables over for committing usury? no? none of that? what? kill all the jews? [edit: (and do what was disliked what they'd done, but even worse to outrageous extremes)[edit: opposames (an icke term (which that fella coulda benefited from grokking better, rather than peddling one))]] what!? sounds completely outrageously dangerously wrong-headed on so many levels, there's a traffic jam in my head, and it all just goes o_O boik! as all the reasons that's wrong try to get out at once, at the same times as being left mind boggled at how they could have succumbed to such ideas. i mean, lets just start with an awareness of the danger of setting that precedent of mass-murder / genocide as a "solution" to a "problem"... offer them a dose of #FirstTheyCame #ThenTheyCame #WhenTheyCame, to help dispel any of those notions of "it's only these..." or "i'll be fine, i'm not...".

https://joindiaspora.com/posts/17721470 <- Pertinent. the #DeskKillers episode of renegade inc. i dont want these "well intentioned" atrocity-normalised goons coming for me, just because no one managed to disabuse them of their indoctrinations of "just doing my job".

... "it's no wonder nobody studies history... you just learn way too much." -- i forget who. coulda been robert anton wilson, david icke (lol ~ irony), george carlin, bill hicks, stewart lee, chris hedges, one of the professors wolf, lee camp, paul stamets, terence mckenna, billy connolly, richard feynman, alec salmond, ross ashcroft, or any of a dozens of other diverse characters i've been dosed with over the years. XD idk, maybe it's a commonly expressed sentiment that several of them have uttered. surely more common than "in a sea of misinformation, everybody's a shill." anyway, unfortunately. maybe there'd be more scrutiny, less gullability, more humility, if it were a sentiment better known.

and maybe if we stopped scaring/distracting people away from studying history throughout life, we'd have more people who know that excuse for committing atrocities was not accepted. "just doing my job" shirking of personal responsibility is not same befitting of "forgive them, for they know not what they do." not when your job was just mass murder (for a start). ... oh how rapid things would change the sooner more of us face the horror of what we've been doing, and are doing, and see the deaths and suffering and enslavement and tyranny we participate in, in oblivion and negligence.

no hostility to them needed. just sympathy. because we're all in that sea of misinformation. no "other" here. enlaketch.


#inspectors how about we get you back doing your job, just informing the public, not telling them what they can or cant do, not provoking those who make harms into either/both hiding their harms, and/or usurping you inspectors-come-regulators-come-bureacrats-come-failed-and-flawed-tyrants.
