

An Altar in a Protestant Church?

Another rant by Robin... đŸ˜€

While it's true that we #Protestant #Christians offer "sacrifices" in our #worship, they are sacrifices of praise, "the fruit of our lips," as the KJV bible puts it. And we give sacrificially - of our money and time and talents. We "lay them on the altar" in a figurative sense, not as the #Papists do in their #Mass, literally repeating the crucifixion of Christ on every occasion of their Mass. It is not "the Lord's Supper" in any biblical sense, but a new and literal sacrifice of Christ for the forgiveness of sins committed since the previous Mass.

All of the Protestant denominations confess that #Christ died once for all, and that His sinless life, atonement on the Cross, and resurrection was sufficient to atone for and wipe away all guilt for all sins committed by all of His elect. Once for all time.

So why would any Protestant church (and others not aligned with the Protestant #Reformation) refer to any part of their church's architecture as an "altar?" What Christ did is sufficient! There is nothing to be added to His perfect, completed work, other than the application of Christ's work to the hearts of His people by the Holy Spirit. There isn't any other sacrifice, nor any other way to atone for our sins, our failures, our faults, or sinful desires. Unless it is made completely clear on every occasion that the "altar" in a Protestant church is representative of legitimate Christian sacrifice (we are, after all, "living sacrifices" to God, qualified as such by the sacrifice of Christ).



#news #cinéma #Belfast #Irlande #religion #catholiques #protestant #émeutes #violences #enfance

« Belfast », un film rĂ©alisĂ© par Kenneth Branagh avec Caitriona Balfe, Jamie Dornan : ÉtĂ© 1969 : Buddy joue avec ses amis dans une rue de Belfast (Irlande du Nord). On jouait beaucoup dans ma rue aussi, Ă  l’époque, je me suis souvenue de ça et du dĂ©sert actuel de nos villes. On connaĂźt un peu l’histoire rĂ©cente de l’Irlande : Les catholiques VS Les protestants. La religion encore, mais pas que. Les Irlandais contre les occupants Britanniques. Sur fond de nationalisme, de chĂŽmage, de grĂšves, d’inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales, de migration Ă©conomique. La vie d’un quartier ouvrier vu par les yeux d’un enfant qui ne comprend pas l’emballement subit de la situation. TĂ©moin bouleversant des Ă©chauffourĂ©es au seuil mĂȘme de sa porte entre communautĂ©s, avec ses hĂ©ros, ses gentils, ses mĂ©chants, sa violence, ses confrontations, son monde chavire et avec lui l’insouciance de l’enfance. Ce n’est malheureusement pas comme au cinĂ©ma, c’est la vraie vie et les pertes ici sont dĂ©finitives. J’en retiens surtout que les Hommes sont d’ incorrigibles bellicistes