

Another public throw-away thought...

Public because limited posts tend to recycle notifictions! I think I have a fix (just ignore first one seen)...) More on that later.

My profundity of the moment, listening to Maggie Haberman on CNN imagining what tonight's #GQP debaters might inject given the news about #TrumpVirus' crime family being dissolved... She thinks it might be alluded to in vague ways, or exploitied, or...

What I (of all people!) would coach/love the Nor-Trumps in tonight's "debate" for name recognition and sound bites to be;;;
Stand up, someone/anyone and mention the indictments and now multiple findings of gulilt/liability (by NOT "crooked"/rigged juries)
DeSantis is poised to look tough. Wow. He said Trump didn't drain the swamp. Duh! He moved there! And you're the swampmaster!

Here's the thing wannabe GQP candidates, the key to making America a bit truthier:
Just speak #truth about the criminal enterprise that was in the WH before and is just starting to face #truth and #justice.

It may anger some of his base but it may push #TrumpVirus himself over the edge, how to respond, via attack/threat, but most of all, more confession and more clear display of (disqualifying x 10) #psyxhopathology. He may be at the point of melt-down - truly, at last.

As he says, ~ he's not wired like normal human beings, he can (if he chooses) sleep at night.. "No collusion".... "Perfect".... "Smart".

But who's he going to blame and lash at now? The judges who have nothing to do with NYS? Letitia? (most likely)...
Pressure cooker time. As he meets with non-union parts suppliers instead of union members in Michigan, as his "counter programming". 🤢

#debate #MAGA #cult