

#Ardra #Nakshatra: The Nakshatra’s ruling tree is the #Krishna #Kamal #flower.
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To fulfil their wishes, the natives of this Nakshatra should routinely circumambulate around this tree
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It’s said that #passionflower got its name because its corona resembles the crown of thorns worn by #JesusChrist during the #crucifixion. It symbolizes #Christ’s suffering on the #cross. It is more commonly known as the #crown #of #thorns.
This flower also resembles a #rakhi which is worn on the wrist of every brother on #Raksha #Bandhan festival all over India as the symbol of a #sister’s #love for her #brother.

Medicinal Applications :

Passionflower is used traditionally as a #calming #herb for #anxiety, #insomnia, #seizures, and #hysteria.

A decoction of passion flower has been successfully used in #bronchial #asthma.

Early research indicated that an extract of passion flower was effective against the disturbance of #menopause.


As per #VedicAstrology, the ruling planet for #Aardra Nakshatra is Planet #Rahu. It looks like a Tear Drop. The Hindu deity for this Nakshatra is #Rudra (a form of Shiva) . The gender of this star is female. If you belong to Aardra constellation, check out predictions related to it such as characteristics, personality and traits, education and income, family life, and much more.