nytimes September 21, 2021 8:01am Even the G-Spot is Named for a Man #yourfeedscience #namespersonal #womenandgirls #vagina #pelvis #anatomyandphysiology #reproductionbiological #gynecologyandgynecologists #pregnancyandchildbirth #ovaries #skenealexanderjc #yourfeedhealth #science #news Even the G-Spot is Named for a Man Why do so many female body parts honor male scientists?
nytimes September 1, 2021 11:01am Meet the Spotted Skunks. They’ve Been Keeping a Secret From Us. #skunks #reproductionbiological #dnadeoxyribonucleicacid #northamerica #mexico #molecularphylogeneticsandevolutionjournal #research #yourfeedscience #yourfeedanimals #science #news Meet the Spotted Skunks. They’ve Been Keeping a Secret From Us. New research using hundreds of DNA samples showed that there are seven species of these hand-standing, stink-spraying mammals.
nytimes August 26, 2021 4:01pm Female Hummingbirds Avoid Harassment by Looking Like Males #hummingbirds #reproductionbiological #animalbehavior #currentbiologyjournal #research #yourfeedscience #yourfeedanimals #science #news Female Hummingbirds Avoid Harassment by Looking Like Males Among white-necked Jacobin hummingbirds, those with plumage that resembles colors found on males get harassed less.
nytimes August 19, 2021 4:01pm When Sea Snakes Attack, Scientists Blame Sex Drive #snakes #fishandothermarinelife #reproductionbiological #animalbehavior #animalcognition #scientificreportsjournal #yourfeedscience #yourfeedanimals #science #news Fatal Attraction: Scientists Blame Sea Snake Attacks on Sex Drive Sea snakes aren’t angry when they aggressively swim at divers, scientists say. They’re just confused and looking to mate.
nytimes July 7, 2021 7:01pm How Swarms of Fireflies Sync Their Flashes #fireflies #reproductionbiological #research #scienceadvancesjournal #yourfeedscience #yourfeedanimals #raphaelsarfati #oritpeleg #science #news How Swarms of Fireflies Sync Their Flashes You can believe your eyes because lightning bugs really are coordinating their nightly glows.
nytimes June 4, 2021 9:03pm The Sperm-Count ‘Crisis’ Doesn’t Add Up #yourfeedscience #yourfeedhealth #invitrofertilization #infertility #reproductionbiological #testosterone #womenandgirls #menandboys #swanshannah #research #humanfertility #science #news The Sperm-Count ‘Crisis’ Doesn’t Add Up Reports of a decline in male fertility rely on flawed assumptions, a new study contends.
nytimes May 27, 2021 12:00pm The Catholic Church's Abortion Fight and What's Behind It #abortion #reproductionbiological #mississippi #romancatholicchurch #bidenjosephrjr #pelosinancy #unitedstatesconferenceofcatholicbishops #johnpaulii #news Opinion | The Catholic Church’s Reproductive Fight Is About Controlling Women’s Freedom It's time to take a look at the role religion plays in American law and jurisprudence.
nytimes January 19, 2021 4:01pm A Surprise in a 50 Million-Year-Old Assassin Bug Fossil: Its Genitals #fossils #penis #insects #paleontology #papersinpaleontology #reproductionbiological #research #yourfeedscience #yourfeedanimals #science #news A Surprise in a 50 Million-Year-Old Assassin Bug Fossil: Its Genitals Scientists were surprised to find the insect’s preserved penis, which suggests it was an unknown species.