

Warning: From the land of X. (Twitter, not porn)

A lovely combination of video and sound-track!

From a few million years before & after T-Rex and #dinosaurs.

#paleontology #fossils #carnivore #prehistoric


On July 7, 2014, the field of #paleontology was abuzz with the announcement of the discovery of a prehistoric flying bird species of exceptional size. The fossilized remains of this bird were identified as belonging to a new species named #Pelagornis sandersi, in honor of the researcher who made the discovery... #science https://wakonda666.blogspot.com/2023/07/7th-july-2014-discovery-pelagornis.html


#paleontology #fossils #cynodonts #TessellatiaBonapartei An article published in the journal "Scientific Reports" reports the identification of a new species of cynodont that lived about 220 million years ago, in the #Triassic period, in today's Argentina. A team of researchers named it Tessellatia bonapartei after examining a partial skull using an unusual neutron tomography technique.



#paleontology #fossils #evolution #Devonian #QikiqtaniaWakei #TiktaalikRoseae An article published in the journal "Nature" reports the identification of a precursor of the #tetrapods that lived on today's Ellesmere Island, in Canada, in the Devonian period, about 375 million years ago. A team of researchers named it #Qikiqtania wakei and illustrated similarities and differences with #Tiktaalik roseae.



23,000-year-old footprints suggest people reached the Americas early
People may have walked along the shore of a lake in New Mexico 23,000 years ago.
KIONA N. SMITH - 9/23/2021, 12:00 PM #ClovisPeople #Paleontology https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/09/23000-year-old-footprints-suggest-people-reached-the-americas-early/


#paleontology #radiodonts #Cambrian #BurgessShale #Titanokorys #TitanokorysGainesi An article published in the journal “Royal Society Open Science” reports the identification of a new species of radiodont that was named Titanokorys gainesi dating back to about half a billion years ago thanks to #fossils discovered in the famous Burgess Shale.