

Politicians and media pundits often use the term “anarchists” to conjure images of lawless hooligans causing mindless destruction, warning of a dystopian world that might exist without the rule of law.
In reality, anarchists have been involved in some of the most significant political projects of the last two centuries, whether it’s striking workers winning the eight-hour work day or communities coming together to participate in #mutualaid projects. But #HBO’s new six-part docuseries, “The Anarchists,” features self-described anarchists of a whole different variety: self-interested capitalists and #crypto bros.

Anarchists carrying the torch of the long-standing political tradition are cringing at the series’ portrayal of #anarchism as being compatible with #capitalism. The series is ultimately a character-driven drama about murder and interpersonal conflicts, not a political #documentary focused on #ideology. But uncritically using the term anarchist to describe capitalists mystifies actual anarchist politics for the average viewer, they say.

https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7gvdp/real-anarchists-react-to-the-anarchists-a-new-series-about-crypto-bros #usa #mexico #capitalism #anarchocapitalism #antisemitism #rojava #chiapas #revolution



Per a les quals vau seguir el Fòrum dels 10 anys de la Revolució de les Dones al Kurdistan probablement sentiríeu parlar a la comandant de les YPJ Jiyan.

🔴👉El divendres a la seua eixida del Fòrum Jiyan i altres dues comandants que van assistir igualment, Roj i Barin, van ser assassinades per un dron de Turquia quan anaven amb un vehicle de les YPJ. Aquestes són les seues últimes fotografies al forum.

Jiyan Tolhilan🌹
Roj Xabûr🌹
Barîn Boten🌹

Sehid namirin🕯️


via @AzadiJin_Cat@twitter.com

#YPJ #YPG #SDF #PKK #Rojava #turquia #Erdogan #LausanneFailure #isis #DAESH #europa #feminisme #jineolojî #Kurdistan #FreeÖcalan


Fòrum sobre la Revolució de les Dones de Rojava i Síria del Nord-est

22 & 23 de juliol de 2022 A YouTube podeu veure l'àudio original en àrab i kurd:


Per a la traducció a l'anglès, escriviu un correu electrònic a: womendefendrojava@protonmail.com per a obtenir l'enllaç de zoom.

via @LegerinAzadiPV@twitter.com
