

#Madonna: Blond Ambition World Tour 90 (1990 & 1991 versions)

The final stop on Madonna's "Blond Ambition 90" #tour in #Nice, #France, was #broadcast #live on #HBO on August 5, 1990, and later issued as an exclusive #Laserdisc release. Boasted as a "one night only" broadcast, the show was never supposed to be rerun - but almost exactly a year later, on July 28, 1991, HBO aired a special encore.

#musique #music #concert


Politicians and media pundits often use the term “anarchists” to conjure images of lawless hooligans causing mindless destruction, warning of a dystopian world that might exist without the rule of law.
In reality, anarchists have been involved in some of the most significant political projects of the last two centuries, whether it’s striking workers winning the eight-hour work day or communities coming together to participate in #mutualaid projects. But #HBO’s new six-part docuseries, “The Anarchists,” features self-described anarchists of a whole different variety: self-interested capitalists and #crypto bros.

Anarchists carrying the torch of the long-standing political tradition are cringing at the series’ portrayal of #anarchism as being compatible with #capitalism. The series is ultimately a character-driven drama about murder and interpersonal conflicts, not a political #documentary focused on #ideology. But uncritically using the term anarchist to describe capitalists mystifies actual anarchist politics for the average viewer, they say.

https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7gvdp/real-anarchists-react-to-the-anarchists-a-new-series-about-crypto-bros #usa #mexico #capitalism #anarchocapitalism #antisemitism #rojava #chiapas #revolution


Dacht u echt dat iedereen gelijke kansen heeft om het hoger onderwijs te bereiken?

Teun van de Keuken (De Volkskrant)

In een eerlijke samenleving zou iedereen evenveel kans moeten hebben om te slagen in het leven. Om geld te verdienen, gezond te zijn en een dak boven het hoofd te hebben. Die gelijkheid is er natuurlijk helemaal niet. Mensen met een universitaire- of hbo-opleiding leven gemiddeld zo’n zes jaar langer dan mensen met een mbo-opleiding of lager, en ze leven ook nog eens langer in goede gezondheid. (...)

Maar het kan nóg oneerlijker. Want dacht u nu echt dat iedereen met een goed stel hersens gelijke kansen heeft om het hoger onderwijs te bereiken? Om op de grote kansentrein te stappen die het leven beter, mooier, rijker en gezonder maakt? (...)

Tegenwoordig is er op veel hogere opleidingen niet meer genoeg plaats om alle studenten toe te laten, deels omdat die opleidingen betalende buitenlandse studenten hebben aangenomen om hun financiering rond te krijgen. Hoe lossen de universiteiten dit plaatsgebrek op? Door gegadigden voor een opleiding te onderwerpen aan een toelatingsexamen (terwijl hun vooropleiding dus al hun toelatingsexamen was) een sollicitatiebrief en/of een motivatiegesprek.

Driemaal raden wie er het meeste kans hebben deze procedure succesvol te doorstaan? Juist. De kinderen van de ouders die bijles betalen om het toelatingsexamen te halen, die helpen met het correct opstellen van de brief en die heel subtiel telefoontjes plegen naar de toelatingscommissie. (...)

Met geld kan nog meer. Er zijn inmiddels 568 erkende particuliere universitaire en hbo- opleidingen, waarvoor je dus flink moet betalen. (...) Die rijke studentjes zullen vast hard moeten werken, maar toch. Een goeie baan en het fijne leven is in Nederland gewoon te koop.

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Foto van Teun van de Keuken
Teun van de Keuken

Tags: #nederlands #nederland #onderwijs #hoger_onderwijs #gelijkheid #gelijke_kansen #meritocratie #gezondheid #armoede #mbo #hbo #universiteit #vwo #wo #onderwijskansen #bijles #toelatingsexamen


How AT&T helped build far-right One America News

... OAN founder and chief executive Robert Herring Sr has testified that the inspiration to launch OAN in 2013 came from AT&T executives.

“They told us they wanted a conservative network,” Herring said during a 2019 deposition seen by Reuters. “They only had one, which was Fox News, and they had seven others on the other [leftwing] side. When they said that, I jumped to it and built one.”

Since then, AT&T has been a crucial source of funds flowing into OAN, providing tens of millions of dollars in revenue, court records show. Ninety percent of OAN’s revenue came from a contract with AT&T-owned television platforms, including satellite broadcaster DirecTV, according to 2020 sworn testimony by an OAN accountant. ...


HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28776710

#ATT #OANN #OAN #OneAmericaNews #DirecTV #WarnerMedia #HBO #AWE #Fascism #Disinformation #Misinformation #Propaganda #Monopoly


HBO: Lovecraft Country

Lovecraft Country has irritated me.

What is Lovecraft Country? It’s a new HBO show based on a 2016 novel of the same name. I’ve heard talk that HBO is trying to recapture some of the magic from last year’s stand out hit series The Watchmen. That gained my interest. I saw The Watchmen and thought it was miraculous in that it achieved a level of honesty about America’s past that we haven’t seen before on television. Also, it kept me on the edge of my seat most of the way.

So why is Lovecraft Country irritating me? I watched episode 4 yesterday and as I watched the lead protagonist Atticus Turner bicker endlessly with his father and want-to-be, sort of girlfriend Letitia, it reminded me of Samuel L. Jackson’s character in the movie Pulp Fiction when he described the Superman/alter-ego reverse dynamic. Jackson’s character explained that Clark Kent is Superman’s critique on humanity. He reasoned that since Kal-El/Superman is the real person and Clark Kent is the alias created by Superman to allow him to blend in with humans, it offers a view of how a Kryptonian sees humans, mainly as bumbling, hapless souls who had best get out of the way when something important is happening.

So I’m listening to Atticus (Tic) argue endlessly with with his father and I realize that this offers a possible insight as to how the white author views a typical African American father-son relationship—as hopelessly adversarial. Letitia is simultaneously over and under sexed and she is depicted as courageous one minute and a dainty, helpless female the next. The show-runner can’t seem to make up his mind how he wants to portray these characters but the one thing he is sure of is that they don’t like each other for more than a few minutes at a time. It’s tiring.

While I was considering HBO’s decision not to tone down the tropes ascribed to the black characters when adapting the novel for TV, I realized that whites don’t fare too well either. Pretty much every white person we’ve seen so far is a version of either George Wallace or David Duke, which leaves me wondering exactly who the intended audience for this show is?

Halfway through episode four, I noticed my wife had completely checked out and was browsing Facebook on her phone. I endured the rest but after the “razor incident” at the end of the episode, I pretty much checked out as well. I don’t think I will tune in for this one again. Like I said, it’s irritating.

#entertainment #HBO #TV #racerelations