

We have come to the end of the fourth chapter of Strange Aeons, The Whisper Out of Time, and are ready to head off into the next part of the adventure path, What Grows Within. We managed to find what we needed, and rescue some slaves, whilst avoiding various subplots which involved grinding for XP. We got given the XP anyway, for being sensible enough to avoid them.

Personally, if I ever run another Pathfinder adventure path, I think I'd deliberately remove all the XP grinding sections so we can get them finished in a reasonable time.


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#rpg #roll20 #pathfinder


We continue our Pathfinder game of Strange Aeons, with a short session due to work and other limitations. Fighting gnolls who are intelligently planning the fight, but Pathfinder isn't very forgiving when it's a small number of high level PCs versus a large number of low level enemies, how ever well those enemies plan.


Possible Spoiler: And apparently this part of the adventure was meant to be a bit more... railroaded, with us simply being 'overwhelmed'. Several party members can fly, go invisible, teleport or just walk through walls, so if we were meant to be captured that was going to require a lot of magic.

#pathfinder #roll20