

Welcome to #CheckIn for Wednesday, April 12

Well hello! It’s my last day today and next up is @David "Kahomono" Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦! But first –

I was watching a video the other day on what this person no longer buys and it got me thinking as I was looking at my warm(er)-weather clothes and deciding on donations. I tend to keep clothes I don’t wear much longer than I want to THEN I don’t know what I have other than a jumble of clothes. So I went through my drawers and got rid of anything I was on the fence about but didn’t have pockets. For tops, I got rid of “flappy” sleeveless items that wrinkle. Pants that fit meh, gone. Shoes I don’t wear, donated. I want to at least like everything I have.

How about you? Is there something you’ve just lost patience with and have banned from your life…for now?

Grab your beverage preference (pixel or not) and enjoy the space. I try to keep things light but this is your thread so … there’s always an element of randomness. Sometimes it changes course and sometimes ideas are more nuanced.

To find out more about #CHECKIN click here
* To get notified when the daily #CheckIn post is live just jump in and comment/like and someone will confirm you want a “mention” notification.
* You can participate without being notified.
* To get off the list let us know via comment or direct message.
Have an idea for a topic – let us know if you’d like to be a GUEST HOST in the comment section!

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Rodrigo Mesa
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David "Kahomono" Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@Alistair McHarg
@0mega 🕱 [hz]

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #CheckIn for Tuesday, April 11

Well hello!

Today let's talk about libraries. I have belonged to a library since I was in kindergarten and as an adult has had a library card for every town/city I've lived in. I was a student helper in elementary school and hung out in the library a lot through high school; I even spent 6 months doing library research at U of Calgary. One of my earliest memories is walking to the library with my mom when we lived in Vancouver.

Do you have an active library card? I use mine for Libby.

Grab your beverage preference (pixel or not) and enjoy the space. I try to keep things light but this is your thread so … there’s always an element of randomness. Sometimes it changes course and sometimes ideas are more nuanced.

To find out more about #CHECKIN click here
* To get notified when the daily #CheckIn post is live just jump in and comment/like and someone will confirm you want a “mention” notification.
* You can participate without being notified.
* To get off the list let us know via comment or direct message.
Have an idea for a topic – let us know if you’d like to be a GUEST HOST in the comment section!

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Rodrigo Mesa
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David "Kahomono" Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@Alistair McHarg
@0mega 🕱 [hz]

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #CheckIn for Monday, April 10

Hey, hey, it's Monday.

Every once in awhile I run across posts asking how meet people. I would suggest taking up gardening! You can do it in pots or community gardens if you don't have a yard and people live to talk about successes, failures and tips. If you have a black thumb like me, pay attention to gardener friends and join in that way or take up plant identification.

Do you have tips for meeting people?

Grab your beverage preference (pixel or not) and enjoy the space. I try to keep things light but this is your thread so … there’s always an element of randomness. Sometimes it changes course and sometimes ideas are more nuanced.

To find out more about #CHECKIN click here
* To get notified when the daily #CheckIn post is live just jump in and comment/like and someone will confirm you want a “mention” notification.
* You can participate without being notified.
* To get off the list let us know via comment or direct message.
Have an idea for a topic – let us know if you’d like to be a GUEST HOST in the comment section!

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Rodrigo Mesa
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David "Kahomono" Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0mega 🕱 [hz]

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #CheckIn for Sunday, April 9

Howdy, howdy!

It’s not surprising traveling to a warm locale from winter is an adjustment but is there anything more subtle that catches up with you? For me, it's how much hotter water boils at sea level. We're at 650+ metres so water's boiling temperature is noticeably cooler. Also burning the roof of your mouth takes a long time to heal, just in case you didn't know.

What is something you forget until you travel?

Grab your beverage preference (pixel or not) and enjoy the space. I try to keep things light but this is your thread so … there’s always an element of randomness. Sometimes it changes course and sometimes ideas are more nuanced.

To find out more about #CHECKIN click here
* To get notified when the daily #CheckIn post is live just jump in and comment/like and someone will confirm you want a “mention” notification.
* You can participate without being notified.
* To get off the list let us know via comment or direct message.
Have an idea for a topic – let us know if you’d like to be a GUEST HOST in the comment section!

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Rodrigo Mesa
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David "Kahomono" Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0mega 🕱 [hz]

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Hi, how are ya?

AI has been in the news a lot lately so we were talking about consciousness during our drive to the airport. I’ve thought perhaps it’s related to sensing time passing and understanding time can pass without being aware – such as when under anesthetic. This really came to the fore as we did the long-haul travel thing across time zones. Intermittent sleep, and random-seeming meals distorted time.

So let's talk about impressions of what consciousness is, or about AI or ...

Grab your beverage preference (pixel or not) and enjoy the space. I try to keep things light but this is your thread so … there’s always an element of randomness. Sometimes it changes course and sometimes ideas are more nuanced.

To find out more about #CHECKIN click here
* To get notified when the daily #CheckIn post is live just jump in and comment/like and someone will confirm you want a “mention” notification.
* You can participate without being notified.
* To get off the list let us know via comment or direct message.
Have an idea for a topic – let us know if you’d like to be a GUEST HOST in the comment section!

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Rodrigo Mesa
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David "Kahomono" Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0mega 🕱 [hz]

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #CheckIn for Friday, April 7

Hello fellow humans.

Most of us have driven or been front-seat passengers. I find, as a driver, I do not look at the instrument panel often. I can tell my speed, or use cruise control, and expect any error messages to catch my attention at a glance down. Our Corvette had heads-up display and I found it distracting so I found this ‘innovation’ horrifying. Am I alone in feeling a huge HUD dash is not a good thing?

Grab your beverage preference (pixel or not) and enjoy the space. I try to keep things light but this is your thread so … there’s always an element of randomness. Sometimes it changes course and sometimes ideas are more nuanced.

To find out more about #CHECKIN click here
* To get notified when the daily #CheckIn post is live just jump in and comment/like and someone will confirm you want a “mention” notification.
* You can participate without being notified.
* To get off the list let us know via comment or direct message.
Have an idea for a topic – let us know if you’d like to be a GUEST HOST in the comment section!

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Rodrigo Mesa
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David "Kahomono" Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0mega 🕱 [hz]

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #CheckIn for Thursday, April 6

How are you these days? If you are #NewHere; welcome! Hope you’ll join in; take part in the daily thread topic, continue the topic from yesterday, give a brief update or send a wave.

Let’s jump in.

We're back from away. Adventures in travel sapped the holiday feeling on the way home. Laundry is done and snorkel gear is put away until the next outing. My tan is fading but I haven't started peeling yet - sigh. Bennie is home and stealing slippers. Sleep is still being disrupted but not by worrying about getting all the wine drunk in a limited time, unfortunately. Today I emulated sleeping in a plane seat by falling asleep in an armchair but other than that it seems like we're back in the home routine.

How long does it take for you to feel like you've never been away?

Grab your beverage preference (pixel or not) and enjoy the space. I try to keep things light but this is your thread so … there’s always an element of randomness. Sometimes it changes course and sometimes ideas are more nuanced.

To find out more about #CHECKIN click here
* To get notified when the daily #CheckIn post is live just jump in and comment/like and someone will confirm you want a “mention” notification.
* You can participate without being notified.
* To get off the list let us know via comment or direct message.
Have an idea for a topic – let us know if you’d like to be a GUEST HOST in the comment section!

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Rodrigo Mesa
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David "Kahomono" Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0mega 🕱 [hz]

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #Checkin for Wednesday, March 29, 2023!

Hello, hello! Here's my last day moderating again. The one and only @Rodrigo Mesa's next! Hey, before I sign off, what's sometihing that made you chuckle recently? Especially when times are tough (really tough), confusing, uncertain, ... those unexpected somethings or moments, maybe even irrational, which cause mirth, bring back good memories or spark joy, are gems to savour. 💗🤗💐

enter image description here
The Bear Neccessities

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David "Kahomono" Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@Rodrigo Mesa
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0<br> mega@social.c-r-t.tk@🔥💯🔥

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #Checkin for Tuesday, March 28, 2023!

Hello! Feeling fine on this new day? 💐💗😎

I'm always curious to know in our world of countless apps, what apps others are using: your favourites ones? new ones you're trying? ones you advice replacing/getting rid of? I don't know about you, but I find the best ones are suggestions from people I know. 🫠

enter image description here

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David &quot;Kahomono&quot; Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@Rodrigo Mesa
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0<br> mega@social.c-r-t.tk@🔥💯🔥

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #Checkin for Monday, March 27, 2023!

Happy Second Week of Spring! What's something you like doing/not doing during Spring?😆😜💐

enter image description here

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David &quot;Kahomono&quot; Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@Rodrigo Mesa
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0<br> mega@social.c-r-t.tk@🔥💯🔥

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #Checkin for Sunday, March 26, 2023!

Hiya! haha. Today is Make Up You Own Holiday! This is your chance to make others aware of something that's important to you. Just name it and follow up with an explanation of its significance. Others can choose to join you as well as name their own day along with its story. ❤️😄😎

enter image description here

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David &quot;Kahomono&quot; Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@Rodrigo Mesa
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0<br> mega@social.c-r-t.tk@🔥💯🔥

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #Checkin for Zaterday, Maart 25, 2023!

Hello, welcome to the #checkin forum - our friendly virtual water cooler/cafe! You've probably noticed, just for fun, I've been dabbling with non-English words in the heading of the post this round. Although languages can be isolating, they can also be unifying. Bet you didn't have to look up what the unfamiliar words in the headings meant. With the technology we have at our fingertips, I'm often gobsmacked at how much easier it is to learn languages one's not familiar with than ever before. So, what are your stories/experiences with languages not native to you? Any good apps/tools/devices/tips? (For this convo, dialects count as languages!)

enter image description here

BTW, is anyone celebrating Earth Hour this year? If you wanna participate, all you need to do is switch off your lights for one hour (8:30-9:30 pm local time) doing something positive for the planet. For more info https://www.earthhour.org/. 🌏💐

At #Checkin, we try to keep things light but this is your thread so … there’s always an element of randomness. Grab your beverage preference (pixel or not) and enjoy the space.

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David &quot;Kahomono&quot; Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@Rodrigo Mesa
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0mega 🕱 [hz]

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #Checkin for Freitag, Marsh 24, 2023!

Hiya! The weekend's almost here. Got anything planned? Have a project on the go? Anything special happening where you are? What do you like to do for a break? (even if all the days of the week are the same for you.) 😆😆😜

enter image description here

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David &quot;Kahomono&quot; Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@Rodrigo Mesa
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0mega 🕱 [hz]

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #Checkin for Thursday, March 23, 2023!

Hi Checkineers! Wow, wow, wow, every time I think time can't possibly fly past faster, it does. It's been quite a roller coaster ride for me since my last round to host this forum. Though I did check in almost every day, I confess I was MIA most of the time. I did share a couple of the low points but hey, there were highlights too. I've looked forward to putting my feet up and relaxing during this moderating week. Well, given my fondness for furry friends, I simply cannot resist the notion that today's National PUPPY day! Everyone's got puppy stories, pictures (@Carsten Raddatz the latest picture of yours bitte?), poetry, music, etc about puppies, right? Of course, not all are positive. 🤣. As cute as they are, they are rascals, untrained and capable of all sorts of things! Zachary (the house lab) reminds me puppies can be any age. He still acts like a puppy despite being nine!

enter image description here

I love what @Christoph S introduced yesterday - Goofing off - please feel free to expand on the topic!

If you're #newhere and scratching your head wondering what #checkin is all about - you've stumbled across a virtual water cooler/cafe. All sorts of really cool peeps from many places stop by to enjoy the banter and company.

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David &quot;Kahomono&quot; Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@Rodrigo Mesa
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0mega 🕱 [hz]

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #checkin for Wednesday, March 22, 2023!

Good evening/morning/afternoon and welcome to today's #checkin. Can't believe that today is my last day as #checkin host for this week. I think @su ann lim is next up. Today is National Goof off Day! In short, just have fun, procrastinate, do something silly, do anything else except your work...
I must admit that until today I never heard this idiom.

The day was created by William D. Chase of Chase's Calendar of Events and his granddaughter, Monica "Moeller" Dufour. In 1976, when Monica was 10, she was listening to her grandfather on the radio. He was encouraging listeners to call in with ideas for holidays. Monica decided to be a goof-off, so she disguised her voice, and called into the station, telling her grandfather that there should be a Goof-off Day. The following day she confessed to him that it was her that had called in, and the day was born!

Love the story for the holiday! What's something "silly" you can do? Balance a pencil? Fold a paper plane?

Bride in a shopping cart

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David &quot;Kahomono&quot; Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@Rodrigo Mesa
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0mega 🕱 [hz]

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #checkin for Tuesday, March 21, 2023!

Good morning/evening/afternoon everyone and welcome to today's #checkin. Long day and I went to buy groceries after work. The supermarket is full of Easter related decorations, chocolate and other sweets. The weather is gray and rainy, around 10C. Not really spring temps. Still some trees and flowers are on the verge of blooming. As today is National Flower Day and also World Forestry Day
I am looking for pictures of flowers or plants or trees from your regions!

Lego wild flowers

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David &quot;Kahomono&quot; Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@Rodrigo Mesa
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0mega 🕱 [hz]

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #checkin for Monday, March 20th, 2023!

Good evening/afternoon/morning everybody and welcome to today's #checkin. It's Monday again. I was working from home today. The weather is still gray and neither warm nor cold. Yesterday we elaborated on sleeping habits, e.g. if you require total darkness in your bedroom or still allow light come through your windows? Usually, I am having my blinds down but still allow a bit of light to come in so that I still see a bit of light or the first rays of sunshine... But sometimes during full moon it's still too much light and I require more darkness.

So do you embrace the sun shining in your bedroom in the morning, or sleeping in total darkness?
Pixelart of cat sleeping in a dark room

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David &quot;Kahomono&quot; Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@Rodrigo Mesa
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0mega 🕱 [hz]

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #checkin for Sunday, March 19, 2023!

Good evening/morning/afternoon everyone and welcome to today's #checkin. The weather was mostly dry today with 15C, but later on, it was raining. And it was giving me a headache today. However, now it seems to be better, and I plan to bake my wheat-oatmeal-yoghurt bread again. I prefer baking to cooking...

So, any new baking/cooking experiments or recipes you tried?

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David &quot;Kahomono&quot; Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@Rodrigo Mesa
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0mega 🕱 [hz]

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #checkin for Saturday, March 18, 2023!

Good evening/morning/afternoon everyone and welcome to today's #checkin. Spring has arrived, at least for this weekend. It's been warm and sunny today, and many folks were busy in the garden. Apparently, the lawnmowers are migrating back from the cellars or garages... But just a few minutes ago, a sudden thunderstorm followed by some heavy rain occurred.
Today I was just relaxing and surfing around and watching some interesting videos on YouTube. So many cool videos about other countries, languages, places or culture and, of course, music. Literally anything.

Are there any special people you are following or videos you can recommend? Anything you recently discovered?

I recently discovered the channel of an American doing reaction videos about German things/videos/memes. It's fun how many Germans are actually watching these.

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David &quot;Kahomono&quot; Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@Rodrigo Mesa
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0mega 🕱 [hz]

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #checkin for Friday, March 17, 2023°

Good evening/morning/afternoon everyone and welcome to today's #checkin! It’s Friday and also St. Patrick's Day!
Enjoy a couple of drinks and have a nice weekend, everyone! Will be spending the evening meeting some folks and having some beers.
So what are your plans for the weekend? Celebrating St Patrick's Day or anything else planned?

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@David Sterry
@V. T. Eric Layton
@UnclePirate (Stan McCann)
@Tom Grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@The Lazy Fox
@su ann lim
@stefani banerian
@Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate)
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Shelenn Ayres
@Sheila Nagig
@Rob Anybody
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Peter Lindelauf
@Michele Hax
@Olav ᚢᛚᚹ
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nora Qudus
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Mark Wollschlager
@Mari Thomas
@David Calderon
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Kenny Chaffin
@Katherine Bond
@Karl Auerbach
@David &quot;Kahomono&quot; Frier (he/his) #blm #saygay 💉💉🇺🇦
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jodi K
@Jerry Lumpkins
@Sam Smith
@Jess Nut
@Jesse Thunder
@Ninja FKK
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Isaac Kuo
@Holly Jahangiri
@Rodrigo Mesa
@hackbyte (friendica)
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Garry Knight
@That Harp Guy
@Frank Valls
@V K
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Di Cleverly
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dean Calahan
@Dave Higgins [Backup Account]
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Chuck Dee
@Christoph S
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@Cass M
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@s banerian
@Atari (Fritz R.)
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Amanda Gordon
@alysonsee (Fca)
@Alistair McHarg
@0mega 🕱 [hz]

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕
