

Selfcare as warfare

Auf ihrem Blog feministkilljoy hat Sara Ahmed 2014 einen inspierienden Artikel zu Selfcare geschrieben, der inzwischen zum Standardwerk geworden ist.

Sie endet ihren Beitrag mit:

“Self-care: that can be an act of political warfare. In directing our care towards ourselves we are redirecting care away from its proper objects, we are not caring for those we are supposed to care for; we are not caring for the bodies deemed worth caring about. And that is why in queer, feminist and anti-racist work self-care is about the creation of community, fragile communities, assembled out of the experiences of being shattered. We reassemble ourselves through the ordinary, everyday and often painstaking work of looking after ourselves; looking after each other. This is why when we have to insist, I matter, we matter, we are transforming what matters. Women’s lives matter; black lives matter; queer lives matter; disabled lives matter; trans lives matter; the poor; the elderly; the incarcerated, matter. For those who have to insist they matter to matter: selfcare is warfare.

Thank you Audre Lorde for your survival. Always.”

Von: https://caring-communities.de/selfcare-as-warfare/

Original: https://feministkilljoys.com/2014/08/25/selfcare-as-warfare/

#selfcare #queer #community #individualismus #vereinzelung