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The #Star of #Inner #Wisdom
“Wisdom comes in silence,
where the sound
between the diversity of thoughts
is revealed.”

– Boonath

Each Nakshatra (lunar house) brings a particular energy into focus. The yogis tune into the stars and the #moon within their rituals and decode the soul – studying and freeing themselves of the impositions of illusory structures.

#Shravan Nakshatra pertains to themes of #sound, #hearing, #listening, #words, #language, #noise and all the themes that encompass the #throat #chakra.

Sometimes we starve to be heard,
Sometimes we starve for magic
because we do not hear.

‘Wisdom is simplicity’, it has been said. In the cacophonous themes that reverberate in the inner ear of excess consumption, along with the sounds of seemingly variegated dualisms, where can secret simplistic and magical wisdom lay her head? A head moist with Moon sweat.

Crocodiles & Snakes
Shravan Nakshatra encompasses #Makara, the #crocodile #constellation ( #Capricorn). It rules over #ancient things – the crocodile itself is an ancient creature.

The energy of Makara brought to us by Shravan reveals to us the echoes of sounds of the past. This Nakshatra of Shravan offers us an ear of listening, to revise the ancient lessons needed to be heard if we are to move into the secret sound of wisdom.

#Ananta #Shesha is the Naag king of Snakes. He is the 1000 headed serpent upon which #Vishnu – the ruler of this Nakshatra rests. Ananta is another name of this Nakshatra Of Shravan. Ananta is eternal. When disillusion of opposites comes, Ananta remains unchanged. He is the crown chakra beyond terrestrial reach – from which the Anahat Naad (original sound) emanates. Ananta Shesha was sent under the earth by the creator to hold the earth in place, he keeps balance and stops it falling into the sounds of duality.

The Silent Wisdom of Mauni
This coming New Moon is known by Tantrics as Mauni Amvasya – the Annual Tantric ritual night of silence. For thousands of years it has been kept as a silent time by Tantrics.

A time of #mantra and working with the inner-ear of the throat chakra to gain admittance to the inner word of words. A Mauni is a silent sage possessed of inner wisdom, the wisdom of both inner and outer sound. Language and noise can veil the more silent tones of wisdom. The Mauni is she or he who has stripped the forms of sound and gone to the naked music of the soul.

The practice of Mauna is the yogic technique of working with speech. Part of Mauna is to keep silence but it encompasses so much more and presents many inner practices of finding the magic inherent within sound.

When Mauni Amvasya falls under the Shravan Nakshatra it brings a major blessing: it can gift one with the clairaudience powers of Moon-infused flower dew.

The #Healing Science of #Flowers
Neelpadma is the blue lotus that rules the throat chakra. The Tantrics know that it flowers in twilight at dawn. If Neelpadma is found at the time when the New Moon is in Shravan Nakshatra, the moisture upon its petals is imbibed with power that can confer clairaudience to those who drink it.

This is the science of flowers
that the Siddhas keep alive.

Some lotuses bloom in the twilight of dawn and some in the twilight of dusk. The lunar house upon the full or new Moon at either dawn or dusk leaves healing moon milk-like dew drops upon her lotus petals. If the blue lotus Moon-milk is taken when the full moon is in Shravana, then it makes the physical ears hear much better and can cure hearing problems.

It is not a theory but a practice that can be verified by the Moon and flower practitioner.

is the name of this mostly unwritten
& hidden science.
It means the wisdom of the Moon flowers.

Shravan Nakshatra is the farthest Nakshatra from the elliptical zodiacal belt and rules rare flowers. Far away and rare flowers that are ruled by this Nakshatra are medicinally harvested by Yogins when the Moon is in Shravan Nakshatra.

The Original Sound
The Yogin listens and hears the Anahat Naad – that is the sound of silence in-between the various sounds that bounce off the walls of our inner universe. The internal dialogues that repeat in our inner sanctum are what create our reality.

The Tantric axiom of ‘There is nothing out there’ reveals that there may be a lot ‘in there. The Anahat Naad is the nourishing sound. Ana means food and nourishment, Hat implies duality and Naad is sound. A balanced diet is indeed of psychic and physical necessity.

The Moon Bird
Shravan is the Star constellation of #Aquila. Aquila is the #eagle, Vishnu the ruling deity of this Nakshatra has as his Vahaanh (power animal) the eagle.

This is the Nakshatra of extreme #psychic sensitivitya d the throat chakra which is under its rulership. This Nakshatra is contained within Capricorn. When Shravan Nakshatra is in the lunar orbit, it brings an extreme sensitivity to sound – when in the new Moon then it brings awareness of inner sounds. The symbol of this Nakshatra is an Ear.

This is a good time to work
with mantra and observe silence.
Wisdom comes in silence,
where the linking sound
that lives between and within
the diversity of thoughts
is revealed and unveiled.

The energy of Shravan Nakshatra is the profound quality of taking in and listening. The ability of remembering and keeping information is brought by this star that rules the memory aspect of the Manas (division of mind). When this star creates a vortex with the new moon, then it draws issues around listening and hearing from us to look at. The lunar sway can go as deep as our souls, to draw clairaudience from the throat chakra.

Shravan’s lesson is all about hearing the unheard, forgotten and secret silver and gold intertwined thread that connects all things. This thread resonates mystical sound with the breath of innocence. When we are a storehouse of information in the spectrum of sound, then the dualisms and separations inherent in the codes of language and variegated principles, challenge us to hear the song of unity. Should the gold and silver threads end up untwining themselves – this is the loss of hearing the secret sound.

The Trimurti
The Trimurti are the 3 principle energies of creation, maintenance and destruction. These 3 qualities are ever present in all things. The energy beyond the middle, beginning and the end is the doorway that opens when the balance between them is established.

The energy beyond is a quality of mystic sound inherent within the 3 Trimurti energies. Neither a cry of birth, expressed by the mantra Hey, nor the death rattle expressed by the sound Ho. But the spirit between them.

The Nakshatra of Shravan is one of the 3 lunar houses that have their ruling planet as the Moon. The ruling deity of Shravan is Vishnu. Particularly in his form of Vaman, the dwarf god. Vishnu is the middle part of the Trimurti – he is the balancer between the energies of creation and destruction.

It is to be remembered that Shravan is symbolised as an ear, and it is the ear that keeps the sense of balance in the human system. Vishnu then, is like the cosmic ear. He is the maintaining energy that keeps equilibrium within the Cosmos.

The 3 steps
The constellation of Makara (Crocodile) encompasses Capricorn and is known as the Aquila star constellation. Aquila star constellation has 3 principle stars that are in a direct line and constitute Shravan Nakshatra. They are: Alshain, Altair and Tarazed. They are visible in high summer when they come alive.

Vishnu in his form of Vaman, the Dwarf God, takes 3 steps in the famous story where he defeats Mahabali who had taken over the 3 worlds. The steps that Vaman takes are the 3 stars. In one stride Vaman steps from the Tarazed star to the Alshain star, for the next step, Vaman follows his step and treads upon the head of Mahabali, the head of Mahabali represents the Altair star.

Mahabali is the middle and brightest star of the 3. The step upon the head gradually darkens the star and presses it into the underworld until it returns to its glory in high summer. At this part of the year that we are in now, the star reaches its deepest point of departure and Mahabali resumes his throne as lord of the underworld.

When Shravan Nakshatra
appears on Mauni Amvasya,
then Mahabali calls us
into the very depths of underworld sound.

The Ear of Shravan
The Ear of Shravan gives us a Vaak Siddhi which is the power of speech. Vaak Siddhi is linked to the tongue and how it is used. The Vaak Mudras are the mudras that work with the tongue as a means to access the inner ear at the throat chakra.

The throat chakra
is the ear of clairaudience
that admits us into the world of hearing the spirit calling.
It is the ear of finding the way home through the noise.

There is a wisdom of hearing beyond information that exists within us all. By tuning to the astral energies that rule that intersect with the spirit, we may see the effect they have upon us; we may see our reactions to effects; we may open doors within.

Central to Tantric practice is the tuning into the astral plane through focussed ritualised formulas. Reducing or extinguishing all impositions upon nature at twilight and sitting in simplicity and listening to the spirit beyond even silence – reveals a place of power.


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The Moon in the Nakshatra (lunar house) known as #Vishaka #akshatra.

This lunar constellation is notable as it brings great potential for resolution of old karmic patterns.

Rebirth is sometimes needed to go on living.

The living dead patterns that are etched in the echoes of Karmic resonance sometimes require death.

Rebirth holds the hand of Death!

#Vishakha is a profound agent for bringing #healing change.

Vishaka Nakshatra indeed offers this, but at the same time, asks us to carefully and honestly look at the patterns we are repeating a d the things we are joining together.

The outer resonance of our lives events start as a sound in our psychic world and then becomes the medley which rules the rhythm of our being.

This coming Moon brings with it the blessing.

A blessed time for looking at inner beliefs and programs that keep a living death in place of rebirth.

The blessing and the curse ride together, both are looked at in the Tantric perspective, for the poison is part of the medicine.

Drinking the medicine without honouring and acknowledging the power of poison is tantamount to blindness.

The gods who dwell on the star constellation of Vishaka are thirsty indeed. They are full of the wish for Soma and the experience of fulfilling desire.

Desire is sacred if it is channeled, but desire can lead to ruin if it is unfocussed.

Yogic practices could actually be defied as the art of channeling desire.

Desire might have been bastardized as the culprit for leading us into delusions.. and that might be the case. But the suppression of desire and the attempt to kill it leads to war. Desire comes from the goddess, it is too powerful-a-force to kill.

Acknowledging the sacredness of desire is the lesson of Vishaka Nakshatra.

Focused desire is Tantra and Tantra is focused desire.

The Karmic Mirror

It is not easy to see reality when we ourselves are reflected in the mirror of distorted desire in which we watch the world. To turn around and break the curse of the mirror, and see a reality without our Karmic visions and smears… is a task most Tantric.

Tantra is a most practical subject that can help resolve the Karmic footprints that we might be stepping into.

Sometimes we find we are stepping back into painful cycles that we thought we had long since outgrown. We sometimes find ourselves back in inner situations we thought were long past.

Maybe we thought we would never indulge them back to life again, but insidiously, like unseen shadows, erecting themselves back to life, they might have come upon us.

Such experiences indeed may feel like times to lament, but equally they are times of celebration.

If one can acknowledge the psychic knots that have bound us back to the footprints of old Karma, then healing happens.

Vishaka is Shakti, the divine feminine power principle.

Shakti who is the very energy of life is able to ‘shock us awake’ from the most stagnant, comfortable and familiar Karmic dreams.

This ‘Shakti shock’ is the healing jolt of transformation.

It may be painful and unwanted to wake up with a shock from the poison of past pacts.

But more slowly painful it be to be dictated to by the reflections of unresolved Karma.

Vishaka heralds in a time for healing practices of forgiving self, forgiving other, and the one that we are together.

May there be success in the healing pursuit!

Like a dentist who takes out the rotten tooth with a painful jolt,

sometimes it must be so.

May the Mother that is Shakti, hold our trembling hand in such instances.

The only teaching in Tantra is to ‘Have courage’

May the profound agent of change who goes by the name of Vishaka

bring us to the cave where we may receive the electric Shakti Shock, right into our dead Karmic dreams, so we may wake alive in Love.

Arching desire

Another name for this star constellation is Radha- Radha is the spacious beauty of Tantric lore. This is a sister constellation of the following Constellation of Anuradha.

Anuradha literally means that which follows Radha.

Vishaka Shares the symbol of an archway with Anuradha.

The archway is very significant in understanding the energy of Vishaka Nakshatra.

Let us ask ourselves:

What is an archway?

Is it not an attempt between two lovers to join?

How many archways have fallen in our lives?

#Radha is the great Ghori. Ghori implies the bright, clear and spacious Moon woman.

She is the lover of Krishna.

Krishna is the dark night sky which nothing can penetrate. Only Radha can meet the darkness of the night sky of Krishna with her Moonlit rays of love.

Krishna is the dark night sky and Radha is the bright Moon. The old tales tell of Krishna asking his mother ‘Radha kyu gori mai kyu kala,

It means ‘why am I black and Radha so bright’. This encapsulates the deep meaning of their opposites and births. Though these words come from the sacred wisdom of Yogic lore, they were put into a very beautiful song in the 1978 movie entitled Satyam Shivam Sundaram. Here is a link to the song

Vishaka is the only Nakshatra that has both an exulted planet and a debilitated planet. The black planet Saturn is exulted, and the silver Moon is debilitated in Vishaka Nakshatra. Clearly the extremes at play again.

The silver Radha’s nights and days are spent in the longing for union with the dark black mystery of Krishna. She is Half of arch that longs for the other half.

Two halves make an arch for which Love can walk on through.

We also see that arches are prominent features in rites of passage. The wedding arch is a most poignant example.

Radha is a word that also signifies the soul.

The soul carries the impulse of unification!

In considering this potent phrase, we are brought to look at the colour of the soul.

We might have inherited the notion that the soul is a dead thing, something pure, exulted, detached and unfeeling like a cold dead corpse.

Take a moment to consider and ponder upon What the soul is ?

Ponder upon what your notion of the soul is?

Our notion of soul will determine our whole approach to spirituality and Yogic practice.

If our notion of the soul is something that is cold, aloof and detached, then union, magic and fascination will be replaced by depression and resignation.

Vishaka Nakshatra is an #energy of #Unification.

Rain & Fire

When we look at the ruling deity that lives on this constellation then we get an idea of its meaning in terms of unification.

#Indragni is the god of this #constellation. Indragni is a mysterious and little known deity, even scriptural references are scarce and rare. Much speculation from astrologers both modern and ancient has ensued as a result of so little availible info.

Indagni is the fusion of #Indra the god of storm and Rain, and #Agni the god of fire.

The fusion of these two deities and principles becomes clear when we look at the notion of the archway that is the joining of two halves to create a structure.

The idea of fusion is also apparent when we consider the tree that is assigned to Vishaka Nakshatra.

#Nagkesaar is the tree that is connected to Vishnu Nakshatra. In Yogic medicine this tree is used as a remedy for treating conditions of fire and water imbalance.

Now. We can clearly see that this Nakshatra is the union of the opposites of these two elements.

Agni is the god of fire and fire feeds of air. Indra is the storm god of rain and rain feeds the earth.

When Agni and Indra are balanced in our system then we have the marriage of the four basic elements, from this marriage then, the 5th element which is called Akash starts to awaken us to the subtle world.

What is the balance of Agni and Indra exactly?

Fire ( Agni) rises and feeds upon air. This is desire, hope, reaching.

Water (Indra) descends and sinks into earth and nourishes it.

Fire is action and enthusiasm – this is Rajas.

Water descends and Sinks – this is Tamas.

The balance of Fire and Water creates Satva, the ekement that bridges the two worlds of Fire and Water.

When we are caught between the dance of hope and resignation, then we are unbalanced between the swing of opposites. In such a state of swing, there is no subtlety, in such a state Akash is diminished.

Akash is the subtle etheric spiritual element. hope and resignation are the two poles of drama that consume the subtle element of Akash.

If we have a balance between fire and water, then we develop a relation to air and earth. from which ensues birth of Akash.

Akash is the opening of the psychic door to the spirit world.

Akash opens the vision to that which lives beneath the surface layers of reality.

The #Tiger

The animal of Vishaka Nakshatra is the Tiger. The Tiger skin is the Yogic blanket of Shiva. The Goddess Durga who is the Mother of everything, rides on the Tiger, Rahu rides on the Tiger and the list of Yogic references to the Tiger could go on.

The Tiger is a creature of elemental wisdom. In the Tiger we see the mastery of the elements. Like fire that creeps slowly and steadily towards its prey, the Tiger contains the fiery power and just like fire, it can snap into immediate action in a millisecond and envelop its prey.

The Tiger is profoundly fond of earthly rest and spends more than half its time in deep rest and sinking . A Tiger has the power of air and can project a roar that can be heard for many miles. The Tiger is a powerful swimmer and has command of water, being able to swim for miles at a time.

The balance and mastery of all these 4 elements, makes the Tiger the creature of the most subtle 5th element of #Akash.

Since time immemorial, Yogis have lived in jungles and learned from Tigers which can transport the secrets of the etheric Akash element as no other creature on earth.


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#Breathe, breathe, breathe deeply
And I was seething, breathing deeply
Spitting sentry, horned and tailed
Waiting for you.”

D. Bowie – The Width of a Circle

Dear Friends of the #Healing #Circle of the #Breath

Tonight’s Full Moon will be in the star of unfolding destiny. This is #Swati Nakshatra. It is a single star known commonly as #Arcturus.

This Star is far North of ecliptic belt and is an outsider star that is not really part of a team. We see this principle of the outsider expressed when we consider another name of this Nakshatra which is #Nishtya. Nishtya means outsider and very much expresses the energy that this star brings to us.

The energy of Svhati
awakens the thinker outside-the-box
and teaches us how to get along
with the radical forces
that blow around and rustle
the leaves in the garden of our soul.

This further brings us to the word Svhati. Svh translates as ‘the self’ and Ati relates to ‘a high amount’. So, quite literally Svhati means ‘the star of much self’. This star is often called the hyper-individual star, it is an outsider star that raises themes of individual drive and destiny.

This star is ruled by the Rahu who is the Northern Node of the Moon. Rahu is the ever-hungry head without a body that is responsible for eclipsing the sun. The energy of Rahu keeps us following the taste of our karmic involvements. The energy of Rahu does not distinguish between good or ill effect, just in the same way it is possible to follow a destructive path with great conviction and energy.

Rahu is a very hungry concentrated energy that goes into areas of addiction and obsession. If the forces of Rahu are made conscious, he breeds focus and power of determined will, that can be channelled into the unfolding of our destiny.

The Answer is Blowing in the Wind
When the full Moon is in the lunar house of Svhati, it transfers its teaching to us most generously. Under the star of Svhati we are given a blessing to gaze into the ways we are using our life-breath. Upon the psychic plane, under the auspices of Svhati – by the concentration of our life-force – we are fully given a glimpse into our unique individual and independent expression of life.

Our breath is the link to our individuality, the patterns of breathing that we have are at the essence of individual expressions and responses to life. By opening the doorways of Prana, constraints of the self are literally released into the wind.

We see that a new born baby exerts its independence from the mother’s womb by the taking of its first breath. We come to this world upon the inbreath and leave upon the outbreath, Vayu is the one who takes us through our destiny with every breath.

The Musical God of Breath
The ruling god of this star is Vayu who is the god of the wind element. Vayu is the deity who brings us the energy of Prana, which is the life giving principle in the air element. Prana is distilled from the air as awareness is made more subtle, rhythmical and tender.
The air element is also the element that transfers sound. Vayu happens to be the god of the celestial musicians who transfer the wisdom of sound through the air element.

The symbol of Svhati is a tiny sapling trembling in the breeze. Svhati Nakshatra awakens those parts of us that rebel against constraints upon our tendencies of individualism.
Those parts of us do not seem to fit into the constraining circumstances that destiny puts us into, are the special teaching that the star of Svhati brings to our awareness.

Svhati transmits the teaching of how to work within restraints and keep a dignified sense of empowerment. The power of this Star is independent of circumstances and conditions. We are talking about the deep internal power of Prana.

The Sword of Force
Svhati’s lesson is very much about how we deal with restraints. Another symbol of Svhati is the sword, in fact Svhati also means sword. The doubled-edged sword of exerting our individuality is what Svhati makes us aware of.

When we intelligently identify the things that constrain life, then we might gain insight into the opposite. This way we learn to move through our destiny. Svhati Nakshatra is the energy that seeks to move through constraints by finding a solution. We could say that Svhati welcomes the challenge of restraints.

This is the energy of forbearance, patience and strategy. Such a standing takes a rhythmical steady involvement of the breath. If we consider the opposite of this, then we can see the malfunctioning expression of Svhati.

When the energy of Svhati malfunctions, we lose the awareness of strategy and we can start going off course in the use of our power. This is the energy that is not able to hold its power, regulate itself and compromise cleverly while it considers the strategy out of its predicament. Such a stance is ultimately defeating and deflating. It either sets one up against things at one’s own expense of breath, or at the opposite pole, causes resignation in declining the strategic, regulated use of life force.

What then is the panacea for the malfunctioning of the energy of Svhati? The answer lays with the god of this star. We have seen how Vayu is the lord of wind and breath. When we work with the breath, then we bring Vayu into his full power. When Vayu is in his full power, then we have a healthy unfolding of our individual capacities without having to brandish the sword to prove ourselves.
Remember that the sword is one of the symbols of Svhati Nakshatra.

A Single Breath
All battles that we envisage are battles within our very own breath. By guarding the power of our breath, we strengthen the true power of our individual life expression.
Though it might blow like a single sapling in the wind (another symbol for Svhati), it can maintain its unique power because it does not waste its breath against the many winds that blow.

On a practical level, wind (Prana) is strengthened through working with the breath, all introverting and focussed activities strengthen the Prana. Moving slowly and steadily with awareness of every breath is the surest way to the power of Prana.



#Bananas That Are Out of This #World
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Ten Amazing Benefits of Banana Health & Fitness Juice

Ahead are 10 Banana juice health benefits for better health and to improve the way you look and feel. You’ll never look at a banana the same way again after discovering the many health benefits and reasons to add them to your diet.

1) Vitamins:

Banana is rich in vitamins such as B3, B5, B6 and vitamin C. Due to the presence of these vitamins, drinking banana juice increases the immunity in the body. These vitamins also aid various benefits to the nervous system.

2) Rich in fibers:

Banana is rich in fiber that increases the digestion of the food particles in the digestive track of the body. A single banana is said to contain 10% of dietary fiber in it.

3) Rich in magnesium and potassium:

Bananas are also rich in minerals such as magnesium and potassium. Magnesium increases the process of calcium absorption in the body and also increases the production of insulin. The potassium present in banana reduces the hypertension.

4) Better Digestion:

As bananas contain high fiber they help in the movement of the food in the digestive track which contributes to better digestion. Fibers also have the capacity to absorb water this softens the stool and prevents constipation.

5) Best Diet Supplements:

Banana juice is considered an excellent diet supplement as it is rich in fiber, potassium, manganese and various vitamins. Banana juice plays an important role in a diet program, it can be used for both weight loss and weight gain by the different ways of preparation. It can also be called as a “perfect fiber supplement” due to its rich fiber content.

  1. Stress Regulator:

Banana juice is rich in tryptophan which stimulates the body in production of serotonin which in turn is responsible to calm down a person’s mood. Drinking banana juice regularly can calm down the nerves system of a person undergoing stress.

  1. Energizer:

Banana contains three natural sugars such as glucose, fructose and glucose. These sugars can provide an instant boost in the energy level. Consuming two full bananas can provide you enough energy before a 90 minutes work out this is the reason why athletes prefer to have banana before their athletic practices or before running a race.

  1. Brain Power:

Researchers have proved that consuming banana for breakfast by young ones can boost up their memory power. The reason for this is the potassium present in banana alerts the pupil which is related to the grasping power of the brain.

  1. Rich in Antioxidants:

Banana juice is a rich source of antioxidants that helps to prevent chronic disorder by producing more free radicals in the body. Also, being rich in potassium it aids heart health.

  1. Other Benefits of iJuice Banana Juice:

Consuming banana juice regularly can aid to various heart health like curing of stomach ulcer and reducing the side effects of smoking as banana has a greater #healing #power.

@yew@diasp.eu #om namah shivaya


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Magha means power, majesty and rulership. This Nakshatra is our very heart of power. Magha gives us grand royal standing, and the power of rulership.

The power of rulership comes by embracing the dualisms within the Heart. When the Heart no longer divides, it takes the seat of power in all the realms of existence.

Magha is found in the constellation of Simha (Leo) and is actually the Star Alpha Leonis, which is the very heart of the Lion. This Star is also known by the name Regulus in Latin, which interestingly, means ‘the little king’.

Magha Nakshatra is often symbolised by a throne, representing our heritage and power. The seat of power of this star is the seat of our hereditary power. It concerns the power of our past and our ancestry.

This star
brings us to question
the actual meaning of power.
Magha’s power is the power of the Heart. The deepest lesson that this Star represents is opening to an all-encompassing Heart that unites all, and rejects nothing. This is the vision of the Yogins.

The Headless Past
We see that the planetary ruler of this Nakshatra is Ketu. This is the Southern node of the Moon that is responsible for lunar eclipsing.

Ketu concerns the past. He is the body without a head, and is the storehouse of the unconscious rudiment of our being.
When we work with Ketu, we go back into the past, where those forgotten and unseen elements of ourselves are brought into focus.
The Moon rules the mind and our psychic awareness.

having the power
to eclipse the mind,
represents the storehouse
of personal history
that can impose itself
upon the vision of reality.
Afflictions of Ketu make one into a library of past manuscripts and transactions that obscure the flexible vision of ever changing reality.

When Ketu holds strong sway in our lives, we have family disputes, and we grind on the grudges of the past.
When we come back to the roots, we are in effect taking the journey to Ketu.

By addressing root issues we impact the fruit if our experiential life. The root distills the essence and sap, which in turn translates to the taste of the fruit. Tantric’s know this Sap to be Soma. Soma is made up of Tejas, Ojas and Prana: mental fire, fluidic potency and breath power, respectively. The balance of these constituents is a preoccupation of Tantra.

Taking The Seat of Power
Ancestral issues might present some of the dustiest shelves in our psychic library. Spiritual unrest in the energetic plane of the ancestors, spans concurrently across realms of time and space, and resonates and reverberates into the very fabric of our everyday life and being.

When we make peace
with our ancestral line,
we nourish the roots.
Without the roots,
their will be no fruit.
Having dispute with the family is a deep and subtle issue that is often the cause of much heartache and pain and anguish. Sometimes we enter into unconscious seats that have their origin on the subtle levels. It might not be easy to approach long held family issues.

The energies of the family heritage pass along the line until they are resolved in the great odyssey of destiny. Cutting off our roots might be one way to give the tree of our being space to grow. It is not uncommon that family members do not see eye to eye, but…

… to cut away our ancestral roots
out of anger, shame or denial
is to cut away
a great portion of our power.
Coming to accept the good, the bad and the ugly of our heritage is to take the seat of power.

#Healing the #Family Tree
All our relationships
are mirrors
of our ancestral dynamics.
Are connections are coloured by the energies of our line. Some of the patterns and footprints that we walk in are woven of ancestral twine. We may see how our children follow the paths that we ourselves transferred to them. We may see how we take on the energies of our elders too. The root is the undercurrent that can’t be cut away without affecting the fruit.
Reclaiming our power by standing for our heritage, is the first step in resolving the past.

“Can we resolve the past
Lurking jaws, joints of time?
The Base
To come of age in a dry place
Holes and caves.”

J. Morrison – American Prayer

When we redress the issues from a spiritual angle, we effect changes in the manifest realm. Merely holding a positive thought in mind is of little consequence in this pursuit. At the best, it might convince us that things are all well and good. The Tantric learns to employ all facets of their being in the spiritual pursuit of healing.

When we approach the spiritual world with a holy sense of purity we confine our psychic forces, and therefore confine their expression in our manifest life.

Angelic lightness
is just one facet of being,
but it is not the whole picture.
The pursuit of the holy stems from fear, denial and escapism to the true face of reality. The Goddess has many faces. Some of which are blinding, some of which are dark and consuming. To sit in the seat of power and to allow the full impact of feeling the effect of her ever changing gaze upon us is to be in reality.

To superimpose the Goddess’ face with a wished for visage, it to apply shadow and lipstick to the mirror. If we keep sticking things upon her mirror, we will create a fantasy and lose touch with reality. This is not the way spirituality is meant to be.

The #Ancestors
“Gorgeous girls are bound to meet
To talk of stars and kings and feet
Through the chromosomes of space and time
Me, I’m fast like bad infection
Gasping for my resurrection
Swear to me in times of war and stress

Seen his family with a shrinking smile
See his family at the happy games
Standing in the mouth of all that’s pure
Come straggling in your tattered remnants
You’ll come to me with tears and blame
I am the future
I’m tomorrow
I am the end“

D. Bowie – Earthling

The ancestors dwell on this star. They are known as the Pitris and are made up of guardian spirits and deceased ancestors.
Yogic culture works profoundly with ancestry. Our heritage is understood to be our root that yields the fruit of our being.

There are various rituals in Tantra for blessing the ancestors, and connecting to their blessings. Tantric work spans across many planes of existence. By connecting to the root energies resonating through time, we see how time is a concurrent thing, existing and moving together in sync, like the fingers of a wristwatch.

We release spirits and energy through the chromosomes of space and time, by our involvement in the spiritual side of life, when we approach the world of the ancestors by way of ritual.

There are many special days for Tantric ancestral rites. These are days, when the world of the ancestors is said to open up and be within view to the eye that looks.

Dark Moon days,
for example,
are times when the spirit world
intersects with the earthly plane.
That is a day
when the ancestors are worked with.
Tantric ritual dedicates a whole month to Ancestral work in the autumn. There is the ritual festival of first honouring the mothers line for a fortnight. Which is then followed by honouring the fathers line for a further fortnight.

When the Moon is is Magha Nakshatra, it is also a day when the ancestors come close to us spiritually. The half ascending Moon of Bagalamukhi supports us to touch the balance of dark and light ancestral themes. And so, on this ritual night, while the moon in in the Star of ancestry, we shall take a journey to the world of the ancestors. This night is blessed under the auspices of the Goddess Bagalamukhi. She it be, who pulls the spirit beyond the terrestrial.



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enter image description here
This #nakshatra refers to the realm of “ #maya,” which means “illusion. #Satabhisha nakshatra is also known as the “ #veiling #star,” and besides #healing, it is a sign of #mysticism, #spirituality, and secretive vision. The “ #empty #circle” star symbol for”other general traits of #Shatabhishak Nakshatra are an interest in the reality of the #universe and a mysterious tendency to hide things. Its name means “medicine” or “bhesaja” in Sanskrit.
enter image description here
Shatabhisha Nakshatra, which means “100 physicians or doctors,” is associated with medicine and healing qualities.

People born under this nakshatra are independent, interested in puzzles, curious about many things, and willing to dig deep to find the truth. Shatabhisha is a mysterious star that looks at the hidden parts of life. This can lead to a lonely life, and people born under this sign should be mindful of sorrow and privacy. Overall, Shatabhisha Nakshatra gives a person a sincere, wise, and ambitious personality.

In addition to their keenness and vigilance, they are also distinguished by their intellectual ability and excellent recall.

Favorable activities in this Nakshatra are Business dealings, Contracts, Real estate, Education, Knowledge, Entertainment, Acquiring new vehicles, traveling, Astronomy, astronomy, Medicine, Rejuvenation therapy, Meditation and Yoga, Nautical, Technology, Media events, and the sea excursion side of

Unfavorable activities in this nakshatra are marriage, fertility treatments, lawsuits, arguments, negative actions, new beginnings in general, socializing too much, financial matters, buying clothes or jewellery, and domestic activities.

Shatabhisha Nakshatra 1st Pada: The first charana of Shatabhisha will fall in Sagittarius Navmansha, and Jupiter rules this charana. These people will be irritable and act quickly. They are nice and caring, but they are vulnerable to being taken advantage of. They have confidence and bravery.

Second pada of Shatabhisha Nakshatra: The second pada of Shatabhisha Nakshatra falls in the Capricorn Navamsha, whose lord is Saturn. They are very ambitious and realistic, and work very hard to improve their careers. They are often mature in their viewpoint.

Shatabhisha Nakshatra 3rd Pada: The third pada falls on the Aquarius Navamsa, which is ruled by Saturn. as a Vargottama pada, are beneficial to one’s financial well-being, but they also have a reputation for being temperamental and odd. They have a strong passion for learning and the ability to heal.

Jupiter controls the Pisces Navamsa, which contains the fourth pada of the Shatabhisha Nakshatra constellation. As a result, the emphasis in this part is on empathy and rehabilitation. People with unfavorable planetary configurations are more likely to develop an addiction to intoxicants. They become good healers or doctors on a spiritual level. Their physical appearance is impressive.

People with Shatabhisha rising in their horoscope are disciplined, focused, and diligent, which is a beneficial trait of this native. One of their strengths is that they prioritise rationality and investigation while placing a high value on tradition. It also includes the capacity to diagnose and treat. The desire for academic success, intuition, and attention skills are all desirable attributes. Positive characteristics of his personality include a systematic method and nice presentation skills. Some of the unfavorable traits of Shatabhishakha natives include being obstinate, adamant, and stubborn.

Furthermore, their extreme earnestness and proclivity for loneliness are among the most noticeable negative features. Such folks are prone to irrational outbursts and authoritarianism, and their negative traits include rude manners, inappropriateness, long-held loyalty to tradition, and an unwillingness to innovate. His negative traits include laziness, roughness, and a lack of social skills.

Nakshatra Shatabhisha Career Opportunities Because of their intelligence, recall, and intuition, they thrive in subjects connected to health and psychology. They will also flourish in astronomy and astrology projects. Those who have Rahu prominently in their birth charts are more likely to operate in fields that require decisiveness and leadership.

Incompatibility and Compatibility with the Shatabhisha Nakshatra:

Since Ashwini is a male horse and Shatabhisha is a female horse, they are naturally drawn to each other. In the same way that the horse is naturally drawn to the snake and the monkey, the constellations Rohini, Mrigashira, Purvashada, and Shravan all help the animal sign they belong to. In view of the natural enmity of the Nakshatra towards Buffalo, Hasta and Swati Nakshatras are not formed in it at all. Veda dosha theory also shows that Shatabhisha and Hasta don’t go well together.

Rasi (Zodiac): Aquarius

Range: 06o 40’ > 20o 00’ Aquarius

Padas Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Ruling Planet Rahu (North Node of the Moon, Head)

“Requiring a Hundred Physicians or Hundred Healers”

Indications: “The Hundred Stars”, “The Veiling Star” and “Fortunate Star of the King.”

Body Part The Jaw, the Right Thigh

Guna (Quality) #Tamas

Gana (Race) #Rakshasa (Demon)

Purushartha (Goal) and Dharma (Righteousness)

Tridosha #Vata (Wind or Air + Space)

Nature/Category of Star #Chara (Movable, Changeable)

Direction #South

Pancha Mahabhuta (Element): #Ether

Shakti (Power) Bheshaja (The Power to “Heal and Support”)

TriMurthi (Process) Shiva (Dissolve)

Direction of Mouth / Motion: Urdhwa Mukha (Looking Up or Facing Upwards)

Yoni (Gender) #Female Animal Symbol: #Horse

#Bird #Raven, Asian Koel (Kokila), #Heron

Sounds: Go, Saa, See, Soo

#Tree /Plant #Kadamba, Common #Bur #Flower (Latin Name: Anthocephalus)

Color: blue-green

The planet #Rahu rules over the Shatabhishakha star. If the influence of Rahu is negative, a person may end up ruining their life by pursuing meaningless knowledge. Such a person tends to be attached to things and acts impulsively without thinking things through. Rahu may also lead them to deliver lies, secrets and confidential information, and is believed to be inclined towards magical events. Therefore, if Rahu’s impact is negative, the individual may end up wasting their life chasing after pointless information.refore, if Rahu’s impact is negative, the individual may end up wasting their life chasing after pointless information.



#healing #brains
Hello everyone, this is Dr. Alekseev. As always, in my video, I would like to share some useful exercises and information about your health. Today, we will discuss #how to effectively #rejuvenate the #blood #vessels in your #brain in just 2 minutes and increase blood supply by 15 times. This is truly valuable information that, when put into practice, will enhance the function of your brain. You will feel young, full of strength and energy, and forget about dizziness and headaches.
Enjoy the video and take care of yourselves.



Vibe Rant is back with the fan favorite #AstroHerbalism team! Tonight's topic is the #World #Tree and the symbolism associated with this fractal #cosmology. #Herbalists Kyle Denton (Tippecanoe #Herbs) and Michelle Lundquist (The #Healing Home) team up to deliver doctrine of signatures correlations between #medicinal #plants and the #cosmic #center. Mario Garza of Symbolic Studies brings the gnosis on toroidal patterns, #holy #mountains, and the ever-relevant #axis #mundi, making this a can't miss episode!

AstroHerbalism: Medicine of the World Tree, with Kyle, Michelle, & Mario | Vibe Rant 130


#Uncovering the mysteries of #Stonehenge

Trepanning, elongated skulls and healing energies are just some of the amazing discoveries from Stonehenge, explored in #MariaWheatley’s new #book, The Secret #History of Stonehenge. Maria joins me to talk about the energised water, the highly polished coloured stones and the musical harmonies of the #megalithic circle.

LINK: https://theaveburyexperience.co.uk/
Email Maria: mariawheatley@aol.com
#healing #neolithic



The #folklore and folk #magic associated with the #Whitethorn.

Part of a series of videos on the sacred trees of Britain and Ireland, their associations in the #Ogham ' #Celtic' #Tree #Alphabet and their symbolism, folklore, #mythology and practical and magical applications in #history and today.

The #May-Tree, or #Hawthorne or Whitethorn is sometimes thought of as the sister tree to the Blackthorn.

It is an ambivalent tree with both positive and negative associations in the Old Ways. A lot of this is to do with the #fairy folk, the good people or the Sídhe.

In the Ogham, it represents the letter #H ( #Huath) and denotes fear and horror.

Other associations include #healing, #fertility, sexuality, #protection, boundaries and #death.


#Shathabishak is the 24th #nakshatra in the series of 27 #nakshatras given in the #VedicAstrology. #Shatabhisha nakshatra is also known as the ‘veiling star,’ ‘The Hundred Stars,’ and ‘Fortunate Star of the King.’ The name translates to – Hundred Physicians, or Hundred Medicines, or Possessing a Hundred #Healers.
It inhabits the Aquarius realm, and both Saturn and lunar node Rahu govern the nakshatra. A group of faint stars within Aquarius form the Shatabhisha nakshatra, and the brightest star of the group is Sadalachbia (Gamma Aquarii).

Astrological Range: 306°40′ to 320°00′ Aquarius
Nakshatra Number: 24
Gender: #Neuter
Symbol: Empty #circle or a #charm
Presiding Deity: #Varuna -god of #Cosmic #Waters
Controlling/Ruling Planet: #Rahu
Ruling Deity of Ruling Planet: Durga
Shakti: : #Healing or Bheshaja Shakti
Caste: #Shudra
Nature: The movable or ephemeral (Chara)
Gana: #Rakshasa (demonic)
Body Varāhamihira: Chin, laughter
Body Parashara: Knees
Rashi/Zodiac: Aquarius sign
Marriage: Not Auspicious
Translation: The hundred healers
Beejakashra for 4 pada’s: Go, Sa, Si, Su
Lucky letters: G & S
Lucky Stone: Gomedhaka
Lucky Color: Blue Green
Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 4
Common Name of Associated Tree: Kadambha
Botanical Name of Associated Tree: Anthocephalus Cadamba
Astronomical Name: Lambda Aquarii
Dosha: #Vata
Guna: #Tamasic
Element: #Ether
Bird Name: #Raven
Yoni/Animal Symbol: A #Female #Horse
Career: Medicine, Psychology, writers, poets, artisans, astronomers, astrologers, spiritual masters, space engineers, nuclear physicists, explorers, pilots, Zen practitioners, Reiki practitioners



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#Orange Magical #Nature

#Oranges have been called a “ #perfect #food ” and contain an #amazing array of #healing #vitamins, #minerals, #antioxidants, and #phyto-nutrients.

Oranges are high in #vitamin #C , vitamin #A, #B-complex vitamins, #folate, #beta-carotene, #lutein, and minerals such as #calcium, #magnesium, #iron, and #potassium.

Oranges have been known to help #prevent-cancer, lower high blood pressure, fight off viral infections, relieve constipation, keep bones and teeth strong, #prevent-kidney-stones and #macular-degeneration.

Oranges are rich in lime and alkaline salts that help to counteract and prevent acidosis in the body. They are also excellent for the digestive tract and help to remove toxic debris from the colon through enhanced peristaltic action.

Oranges contain a significant amount of #glutathione which is critical for healthy #eye and #lung function. Oranges are very good for #respiratory problems such as #asthma or #bronchitis and #cardiovascular issues such as #hypertension and #COPD.

Oranges act as an #internal #antiseptic to the body and have the ability to purify and strengthen all the organs in the body. Oranges contain #anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties which are particularly beneficial for those suffering with a cold or flu or an auto-immune disorder such as shingles, arthritis, IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and raynaud’s disease.

Fresh squeezed orange #juice is a predigested food and allows for immediate absorption of all it’s abundant healing properties. However, be aware that orange juice will lose the majority of its vitamin C content within 30 minutes of being squeezed, so for optimum results #drink immediately. Whole oranges, peeled or cut in slices, are the best option as the fiber and pith is where so many of the phytonutrients and healing properties are contained.

Oranges are an excellent weight loss food due to their high pectin content which also helps to reduce blood cholesterol.


From A.I. really meaning #Alien Intelligence to the primary reason for the #Iraq invasion being because Sadam had found the remains of #Nimrod (of tower of Babel fame ) and a hoard of #artefacts buried with him.

The Cosmic Salon - A chat with Dr. Alphonzo Monzo III, ND LMT, LPNM
2 hour 5 minutes - Posted Apr 10, 2024

Here is another riveting chat for y'all to enjoy. We get into so much, including woo, and still there is such an incredible amount to cover that I've asked Meredith to invite #Dr. #Monzo back on. #Quantum Dots. #Carbon C-60. #Nephilim. #Healing modalities. #Parasites. Weaponized #biology. #Slime #mould,

and so much more.

Dr. Monzo's website:
