

The command centre.

Three drinks: check.

Stim toys and the geekosphere: check

Plants... Oh look the peperomia prostrata is flowering! Did you know that they're a magnolid and evolved during the Cretaceous, so less string of turtles and more string of pinacosausus...

Yeah and somehow it took fifty years to get diagnosed. It's not that all us snowflakes are trying to be autistic these days, Martin, we were there when you were beating us up for reading books. What's the harm in giving a little kid a bit more low key environment? If your kid has to go to school in a sensory war zone that's a problem, not something a kid should have to try to toughen up to survive.

Here for the generations of divergents coming up.

#autism #actuallyautistic #autistic #divergent #neurodivergent #neurosparkly #sensitive #sensory #chill #lowkey