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#Signs #of #Apocalypse. #Collage from #JoséArgüelles' (Valum Votan's lawoftime.org New Age 2012 website. Ernest Blackwell © Image Courtesy of lawoftime.org).


We are in an unprecedented evolutionary crisis, and the only way the species will survive is by an exercise of the higher spiritual will. It takes each one of us exerting the higher spiritual will to make an impact. And once a critical mass is exercising its higher spiritual will, then we will begin to experience a kind of collective spiritual combustion. When you liberate your soul, you enter into the selfless condition of your True Self. Selflessness is actually contagious. This is because true selflessness radiates a genuine and serene joy, the essence of the peace we are all looking for. This increasing joyous selflessness of many true selves laboring in common opens to the path of super mental evolution. But to get to that super mental opening takes real spiritual effort - and it means getting past your pain.

That pain and suffering you feel is just the pressure of being squeezed through the evolutionary gateway. The more you are holding on to something - memory, feeling, longing - the greater the suffering. The fact is that, we all suffer from some physical ailment or other. But psychic pain, that is something only we create and perpetrate. Yes, there are causes to grieve, or to get upset about. But once the event has passed, then that is when we must exercise the higher spiritual will and get on the super mental evolutionary express down the Road to 2012. For when the moment arrives we want to be karmically spic and span. The teaching of psychic pain due to grief or loss is to avoid being overcome by negative lower emotions - like self-pity, jealousy, resentment. Instead, we want to use the opportunity of psychic pain to expand our forgiveness, self-love and compassion. This is exercising the higher spiritual will.

To exercise the higher spiritual will is to get tough with yourself. That means effort at avoiding lower emotions. This is the best love!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle - Anon