

#Google don't like C++

Based on this experience we expect that high assurance memory safety can only be achieved via a Secure-by-Design approach centered around comprehensive adoption of languages with rigorous memory safety guarantees. We see no realistic path for an evolution of C++ into a language with rigorous memory safety guarantees that include temporal safety. As a consequence, we are considering a gradual transition of C++ code at Google towards other languages that are memory safe.

Source: https://research.google/pubs/secure-by-design-googles-perspective-on-memory-safety/

#Rust. #Go and #Java will be used.

#software #development #code #language #future #memory #security #bug #exploit #program #news


#cloudflare / #pingora : A library for building fast, reliable and evolvable network services.

Pingora is a #Rust framework to build fast, reliable and programmable networked systems.

Pingora is battle tested as it has been serving more than 40 million Internet requests per second for more than a few years.

Feature highlights
- Async Rust: fast and reliable
- HTTP 1/2 end to end proxy
- TLS over OpenSSL or BoringSSL
- gRPC and websocket proxying
- Graceful reload
- Customizable load balancing and failover strategies
- Support for a variety of observability tools

Reasons to use Pingora
- Security is your top priority: Pingora is a more memory safe alternative for services that are written in C/C++.
- Your service is performance-sensitive: Pingora is fast and efficient.
- Your service requires extensive customization: The APIs Pingora proxy framework provides are highly programmable.



"Mojo vs Rust: is Mojo faster than Rust?"

"Rust was started in 2006 and Swift was started in 2010, and both are primarily built on top of LLVM IR. Mojo started in 2022 and builds on MLIR (Multi-Level Intermediate Representation), which is a more modern 'next generation' compiler stack than the LLVM IR approach that Rust uses. There is a history here: our CEO Chris Lattner started LLVM in college in Dec 2000 and learned a lot from its evolution and development over the years. He then led the development of MLIR at Google to support their TPU and other AI accelerator projects, taking that learning from LLVM IR to build the next step forward: described in this talk from 2019."

"Mojo is the first programming language to take advantage of all the advances in MLIR, both to produce more optimized CPU code generation, but also to support GPUs and other accelerators, and to also have much faster compile times than Rust. This is an advantage that no other language currently provides, and it's why a lot of AI and compiler nerds are excited about Mojo. They can build their fancy abstractions for exotic hardware, while us mere mortals can take advantage of them with Pythonic syntax."

The article goes on to describe Mojo's native support for SIMD which stands for "Single Instruction, Multiple Data" and refers to special instructions that have been part of CPUs for a long time but are hard to use.

Mojo frees memory on the last use of an object, instead of waiting for when an object goes out of scope, a subtle difference that makes a big difference in the field of AI, "where freeing an object early can mean deallocating a GPU tensor earlier, therefore fitting a larger model in GPU RAM." It's also advantageous in a type of optimization called tail call optimization that applies to recursive functions.

Mojo vs Rust: is Mojo faster than Rust?

#solidstatelife #ai #computerscience #programminglanguages #python #mojo #rust


Redox is a Unix-like Operating System written in Rust. Apparently the project was started in 2015 and I only just now heard about it. However they still say it is alpha/beta quality software, not ready for daily usage yet. The name "Redox" refers to the chemical reaction (reduction-oxidation) that creates rust. Get it? The programming language is Rust and "Redox" also sounds Unix-y.

Redox is a microkernel architecture, unlike Linux or any other Unix (including Mac which uses BSD Unix under the hood) or Windows (which is VMS-like under the hood). The microkernel architecture is said to provide "true modularity". "You can modify/change many system components without a system restart, similar to but safer than livepatching."

"By isolating the system components from the kernel, the attack surface is very limited."

"The Rust compiler helps the programmer to avoid memory errors and race conditions, which reduces the probability of data corruption bugs." "The microkernel design written in Rust protects against memory defects that one might see in C/C++ programs." "Drivers written in Rust are likely to have fewer bugs and are therefore more secure."

"Redox uses RedoxFS as the default filesystem. It supports similar features as ZFS with a written-in-Rust implementation. Expect high performance and data safety (copy-on-write, data integrity, volumes, snapshots, hardened against data loss)."

Redox - Your Next(Gen) OS

#solidstatelife #rust #operatingsystems