

"part of the reason that I wrote the book was because I had a very large and very important (not so much large) group of Cambodian friends, only one of whom survived the Pol Pot period. I wanted to provide a background to what happened to those people during the terrible years that took place in the 1970s." an Interview: Milton Osborne on Cambodia in the 50s and 60s

From the Howard era, "Silencing Dissent"
"Silencing Dissent uncovers the tactics used by John Howard and his colleagues to undermine dissenting and independent opinion. Bullying, intimidation, public denigration, threats of withdrawal of funding, personal harassment, increased government red tape and manipulation of the rules are all tools of trade for a government that wants to keep a lid on public debate. The victims are charities, academics, researchers, journalists, judges, public sector organisations, even parliament itself."

and pretty much anything by this author
"Find out how 'racial difference' became such a big deal in Malaysia, and contrast this against the way our distant ancestors lived. Discover the hidden stories of the keris, Hang Tuah and PAS. There's also quite a bit of sex."

#books #history #Not-the-West #SE-Asia #Asia-Pacific #Cambodia #oz #Malaysia #silencing-dissent