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#YellowStar qualities: Way show-er, harmony, beneficial combinations, expanded love, elegance, mystical visionary, starseed, octave, clear perspective, Mind of Light.

You are a #starseed! You contain a holographic ‘seed packet’ of your evolution into the Mind of Light and the energy that directs you toward wholeness. This resonance offers an expanded view of the larger self and new ways of perceiving reality. Through self-acceptance, you are gifted with this journey. Yellow Star is ignition, like a cosmic milkweed explosion of resonant sparks. It is the launching pad from which you can hear the rumble of the rocket of your accelerated evolution.

Yellow Star’s starseeded gift is the revelation of the harmony that unites all things. Instead of just aspiring to be harmonious, become harmony. Practice harmony not just as an abstraction, but as a living reality. This practice blends different energies, thoughts, people, and processes. Act on intuitive guidance as to what to combine and when. As you begin to follow your heart, you will know the feeling of being on the return path to the stars.

Yellow Star offers you the ability to hold a greatly expanded focus, a unity of awareness that encompasses aspects of the larger constellation of self. An example of this would be a simultaneous awareness of the desires of the existential self and the truth of the Essence Self. This star harmony encompasses the greatly enlarged perspective of your starseeded self, the part within you that holds the potential of your greatest destiny.

Unlike the preceding 7 tones, which were seperate and distinct, Yellow Star begins a more complex harmonic series as it completes the preceding octave. On a spiritual level, Yellow Star begins the development of higher being. The fundamental tones that occur in this series are of a more expanded frequency than those of the preceding seven tones. In this new octave, there is alignment in the harmonies of Earth and the harmonies of the stars that are now being sounded on Earth. Yellow Star is the first in a series of star harmonies that evoke accelerated growth of the starseed potential within you.

#Kin: 188


Tone: 6 Rhythmic
Balancing * Equality * Organize

Tribe: 8 Star
Beautify * Art * Elegance

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Today's Date: Fri 26 Apr 2024
Today's Maya Date: 13 . 0 . 11 . 9 . 4
1 Kan 7 Uo #haab #mayan


attention, ce message est très sérieux.


Vous vous sentez différents de vos congénères ? Vous êtes peut-être un starseed, un être aux vibrations subtiles, sages et supérieures.

L'expression starseed (littéralement « graines d'étoile » en français) provient de l'univers psychédélique et de la science-fiction. Aujourd'hui, l'expression starseeds désigne des êtres auto-proclamés hybrides, mi-humains mi-extraterrestres. Leur présence est le fruit d'une inflexion de l'univers qui entend, grâce à eux, parfaire la race humaine en l'élevant spirituellement.

L’ancien directeur du programme spatial israélien [Haim Eshed] a fait des révélations fracassantes sur une prétendue «fédération galactique» impliquant les Etats-Unis et des visiteurs extraterrestres..

selon lui, non seulement des civilisations extraterrestres nous visitent depuis des lustres mais elles ont conclu avec les Etats-Unis une alliance au sein de ce que Haim Eshed appelle une «fédération galactique» [...] «Cette coopération se traduit par l’existence d’une base secrète sur Mars où des Américains et des représentants extraterrestres travaillent de concert.» [...] Certaines personnalités d’envergure avaient déjà tenu des propos similaires. C’est le cas de Paul Hellyer, ancien ministre canadien de la Défense entre 1963 et 1967, qui à plusieurs reprises a exhorté les gouvernements à révéler leurs liens avec des civilisations extraterrestres. Citons aussi le fameux Bob Lazar , un ingénieur qui assure avoir travaillé, dans la zone 51, sur des engins extraterrestres afin de reproduire leur technologie.

Babor l'elephant nous propose un reportage d'une grande qualité sur ces êtres exceptionnels. Les anti-complotistes naïfs pourront trouver de nombreux témoignages complémentaires dans les commentaires de la vidéo. Vous ne pourrez plus dire que vous ne saviez pas.

#humour #complotisme #extraterrestre #starseed #éveil #extralucide


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#YellowStar qualities: Way show-er, harmony, beneficial combinations, expanded love, elegance, mystical visionary, starseed, octave, clear perspective, Mind of Light.

You are a #starseed! You contain a holographic 'seed packet' of your evolution into the Mind of Light and the energy that directs you toward wholeness. This resonance offers an expanded view of the larger self and new ways of perceiving reality. Through self-acceptance, you are gifted with this journey. Yellow Star is ignition, like a cosmic milkweed explosion of resonant sparks. It is the launching pad from which you can hear the rumble of the rocket of your accelerated evolution.

Yellow Star's starseeded gift is the revelation of the harmony that unites all things. Instead of just aspiring to be harmonious, become harmony. Practice harmony not just as an abstraction, but as a living reality. This practice blends different energies, thoughts, people, and processes. Act on intuitive guidance as to what to combine and when. As you begin to follow your heart, you will know the feeling of being on the return path to the stars.

Yellow Star offers you the ability to hold a greatly expanded focus, a unity of awareness that encompasses aspects of the larger constellation of self. An example of this would be a simultaneous awareness of the desires of the existential self and the truth of the Essence Self. This star harmony encompasses the greatly enlarged perspective of your starseeded self, the part within you that holds the potential of your greatest destiny.

Unlike the preceding 7 tones, which were seperate and distinct, Yellow Star begins a more complex harmonic series as it completes the preceding octave. On a spiritual level, Yellow Star begins the development of higher being. The fundamental tones that occur in this series are of a more expanded frequency than those of the preceding seven tones. In this new octave, there is alignment in the harmonies of Earth and the harmonies of the stars that are now being sounded on Earth. Yellow Star is the first in a series of star harmonies that evoke accelerated growth of the starseed potential within you.

#Kin: 188


Tone: 6 Rhythmic
Balancing * Equality * Organize

Tribe: 8 Star
Beautify * Art * Elegance

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#Mayan #Tzolkin - 13 akbal

#Haab - 11 yaxkin

Yellow Rhythmic Star
Yellow Southern Castle of Giving
Earth family- Signal Clan- Blood
I organize in order to beautify
Balancing art
I seal the store of elegance
With the rhythmic tone of equality
I am guided by my own power doubled
