

Aah, good old student days

Back when it was t'was a good, pro-social habit to have a pint or two with the professors and lecturers on Friday early afternoon in the Graffton Arms pub, off Oxford Rd.

You'd interrupt your library time in exchange for chat, smalltalk, crisps or even a light pub meal, and sound advice from old farts towering figures in the field, right at the kempt heart of the Manchester School of Ethnomethodology.

And productive at that, back at the library the next paragraphs practically wrote themselves. Oh dear, of course they did. πŸΊπŸ˜„

Thank you Wes, Dave, Dave, Rod, Dave and Liz et al for repeatedly expanding my horizon and, more than two decades later, for allowing me this #throwbackthursday mood.

#socialinteraction #Manchester #academia #studentlife #ethnomethodolofy