

MinusBrowser 2.36 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gopherspace.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems.

  • The .bash_history file now appears on the "Read file" page. This provides an easy way to search and copy from the history.
  • Non-alphanumeric characters in file:// links are now better handled. This fixes a bug in previous versions.
  • yewtu.be URLs can now be played in the same way that www.youtube.com URLs are played.
  • If a ? appears in a YouTube or YewTube URL, the ? and everything that follows it is stripped out. This prevents YouTube's tracking.
  • Any . at the beginning is stripped out of the default file name of a file before it is saved.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


Beyond the Limit: Expanding single-packet race condition with a first sequence sync for breaking the 65,535 byte limit

source: https://flatt.tech/research/posts/beyond-the-limit-expanding-single-packet-race-condition-with-first-sequence-sync/

To overcome the limitation of a single packet attack, I used IP fragmentation and TCP sequence number reordering.

Using IP layer fragmentation, a single TCP packet can be split into multiple IP packets, which allows the full utilization of the TCP window size.
Additionally, by re-ordering the TCP sequence numbers, I prevented the target server from processing any of the TCP packets until I sent the final packet.

Thanks to these techniques, we can significantly exploit a minor limit-overrun vulnerability, potentially leading to severe vulnerabilities like the authentication bypass of one-time token authentication. During testing, I was able to send 10,000 requests in about 166ms.

#network #tcp #ip #internet #hack #hacker #exploit #news #software #limit #knowledge


MinusBrowser 2.35.1 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gopherspace.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems.

  • MinusBrowser will no longer try to read a URL that does not have a proper domain name. This fixes a bug in previous versions.

I noticed the problem with links at
For some reason bad links like
gopher://Democracy Now! Headlines July 29, 2024: Pres. Nicol:/0/Democracy Now! Headlines July 29, 2024: Pres. Nicol
sometimes appear. Now MinusBrowser makes sure that domain names can only contain letters, numerals, ., -, and :. The : is used when a port is specified.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


MinusBrowser 2.35 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gopherspace.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems.

  • If the server request log is not set to /dev/null, and the log file does not already exist, an empty log file will be created when the server is started. Previously, the log file was not created until the first request was logged.
  • When MinusBrowser creates file:// links to files in your MinusBrowser folder, it now uses relative links (relative to the MinusBrowser folder) whenever possible.
  • The about:server page now includes a local (localhost) link to your library's index.minus page.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


New Version of yt.sh to Work Around YouTube's Tor-unfriendliness

This is for MinusBrowser, the browser for Minus and Gopher, written for Linux-based operating systems.

When MinusBrowser 2.27 was published, @prplcdclnw@diasp.eu and I developed an alternate yt.sh that could play or download YouTube videos without a web browser, using yt-dlp and MPV. The last version of that script I published used Tor for both streaming and downloading.

Recently YouTube has become more Tor-unfriendly. Here is a new version of our yt.sh that allows you not to use Tor, if you choose. Here is the new script. Below the script I will write about how to install and use the new version.


if ! zenity --question --width=400 --title="Use Tor?" --text="Use Tor? With Tor you have much more privacy, but YouTube can be Tor-unfriendly." --ok-label="Use Tor" --cancel-label="Without Tor"
  torproxyport="" # no Tor
elif lsof -ni | grep "^tor .* (LISTEN)$" > /dev/null
  torproxyport="9150" # Tor Browser
  torproxyport="9050" # MinusBrowser

if zenity --question --width=400 --title="Stream or Save?" --text="Stream the video or save it?" --ok-label="Save" --cancel-label="Stream"
  if which "caja" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
    caja "${HOME}/Videos" 2> /dev/null
  elif which "nemo" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
    nemo "${HOME}/Videos" 2> /dev/null
  elif which "pcmanfm" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
    pcmanfm "${HOME}/Videos" 2> /dev/null
  elif which "thunar" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
    thunar "${HOME}/Videos" 2> /dev/null
  elif which "dolphin" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
    dolphin "${HOME}/Videos" 2> /dev/null
  elif which "nautilus" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
    nautilus "${HOME}/Videos" 2> /dev/null
  sleep 2
  cd "${HOME}/Videos"
  if test -n "${torproxyport}"
    xterm -e yt-dlp --proxy socks5://${torproxyport} -f "[width<1090]" "${1}" 2> /dev/null &
    xterm -e yt-dlp -f "[width<1090]" "${1}" 2> /dev/null &
  if test -n "${torproxyport}"
    xterm -e mpv --volume=30 --volume-max=200 --ytdl-raw-options=proxy=[socks5://${torproxyport}] --ytdl-format="[width<1090]" --player-operation-mode=pseudo-gui -- "${1}" 2> /dev/null &
    xterm -e mpv --volume=30 --volume-max=200 --ytdl-format="[width<1090]" --player-operation-mode=pseudo-gui -- "${1}" 2> /dev/null &

exit 0

To install this new version in MinusBrowser, click on the "Read file" button. Scroll down this "Read file" page to your MinusBrowser folder and click on the link to the files folder inside your MinusBrowser folder. Now scroll down to the bottom of this files page and, while holding down the Control key, click the link to yt.sh. This will open an editor window to yt.sh. Copy the new version above into the editor window, replacing the text already there. Save your edit. You now have the new file.

If you have been using the default yt.sh that plays YouTube videos with the default web browser, you need to know that this script to play videos without a web browser requires that you install MPV, Zenity, XTerm, and yt-dlp.

The best way to install yt-dlp is this.

curl -L https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/releases/latest/download/yt-dlp -o ~/bin/yt-dlp
chmod 755 ~/bin/yt-dlp

You should update yt-dlp often with this command: yt-dlp -U.

#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server #yt-dot-sh


MinusBrowser 2.34.1 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gopherspace.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems.

  • Until this version, when you updated MinusBrowser, you would see a page with details about the update (minusupdate.tar.gz.gpg). This is inappropriate because, by the time these details are displayed, the file is already replaced (with minusupdate.tar.gz) or removed. Now, instead of the details, "MinusBrowser Update" is displayed. This fixes a bug in previous versions.
  • MinusBrowser now behaves correctly when the version of EasyGPG can not be displayed because it is no longer where the file easygpg.txt says it is. This fixes a bug in previous versions.
  • Some unnecessary text has been removed from the Minus Protocol Specification. This does not make it necessary for any changes to be made to software that already followed the specification before this text was removed. It is my hope that no changes in the Specification will be required in the future that would force changes in Minus software that follows the Specification as currently written.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


MinusBrowser 2.34 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gopherspace.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems.

  • Updated to Tor
  • The about:browser and about:server pages now show MinusBrowser's connections to the Tor network.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


MinusBrowser 2.33 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gopherspace.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems.

  • MinusBrowser now supports URLs that begin with https://www.youtube.com/shorts/, as well as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=, https://youtu.be/ and https://www.youtube.com/embed/.
  • The about: pages now make it easy to edit all the settings files: browser theme, EasyGPG location, and server request log location.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


MinusBrowser 2.32 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gopherspace.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems.

  • MinusBrowser's built-in Minus server has a problem with file specifiers that begin with -, so this is no longer allowed. MinusBrowser and its built-in server have been changed to enforce this, and the Minus Protocol Specification has been revised accordingly. I hope this will be the last revision to the specification.
  • When files are read instead of Internet URLs, file:// URLs now appear in the URL area of the browser window, instead of the full path name of the file.
  • MinusBrowser will no longer attempt to display text files larger than 50MiB, in order to protect the text widget of Tk from being overloaded. Files downloaded from the Internet were already truncated to 50 MiB for the same reason.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


MinusBrowser 2.31 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gopherspace.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems.

  • MinusBrowser now reads weather reports from wttr.in. Enter or select a location, and then type Shift-Control-w. You can specify the location in several different ways. Locations can be anywhere in the world, not just in the USA. Search the Home page for weather to read more about this.
  • Improved the about:network page.
  • Improved the filtering of text pages read by MinusBrowser. This fixes a bug in previous versions.
  • Changed the color of found text in the dark theme to improve the contrast.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


MinusBrowser 2.30.1 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gopherspace.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems.

  • MinusBrowser now correctly displays the Tor version in the about:browser and about:server pages. This fixes a bug in the previous two versions.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


MinusBrowser 2.30 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gopherspace.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems.

  • Updated to Tor
  • Clicking on a file:// link to a missing file no longer fails. This fixes a bug in the previous version.
  • The about: pages have been improved, and two more have been added: about:computer and about:network.
  • The built-in documentation has been revised, and a new page has been added that summarizes the protocols and schemes supported by MinusBrowser. The three files: schemes.minus, keycmd.minus, and clicks.minus together now provide a quick reference for MinusBrowser.
  • Typing Shift-Control-j now finds words with spellings similar to the entered or selected text. This is the same lookup used by the editor window when you select a word and type Control-d.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


MinusBrowser 2.29 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gopherspace.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems.

  • Added an about: scheme with three pages: about, browser, and server. This is similar to the about: scheme of some web browsers. Search for about: on the Home page for details. More pages will probably be added in the future.
  • Links are now followed up to three levels deep.
  • The very limited support for the Gemini protocol has been removed. This will probably be added back if, and when, curl supports the Gemini protocol.
  • Some more cruft related to the way MinusBrowser used to work with the Tails OS has been removed.
  • When files other than text files are read, a window with details about the file is displayed. You can delete these non-text files by typing Shift-Delete, just as with text files. A note about this now appears on the details page.
  • MinusBrowser can now read any file or folder using EasyGPG, if EasyGPG is installed, by typing Control-d. Previously, this only worked with text files. If the file contains no PGP messages or keys, EasyGPG will offer to encrypt the file.
  • More links now appear on the page that appears when you click "Read file" (or type Control-o).

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


MinusBrowser 2.28.2 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gopherspace.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems.

  • When Internet connections fail, MinusBrowser no longer retries twice. This should prevent MinusBrowser from appearing to be frozen for a full minute.
  • The page that appears when you click the "Read file" button will no longer include links to files that do not exist because you have never started your Minus server. This fixes a bug in previous versions.
  • MinusBrowser now ensures that the Tor folders now have the proper permissions. Tor will not run if these are not correct. This has not been a problem, but there is no reason not to be more careful.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


MinusBrowser 2.28.1 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gopherspace.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems.

  • Fixed another bug for Tails users caused by changes in the latest version of Tails.

Tails Users

Because of the changes to Tails that made this update necessary, you will have to update this time in a special way. After this, you will be able to update as you have been doing. This only applies to Tails users.

  1. Download https://codeberg.org/giXzkGsc/Minus-Protocol/raw/branch/main/MinusBrowser.tar.gz
  2. Move MinusBrowser.tar.gz to the Persistent folder where your MinusBrowser folder is and then unpack it into the Persistent folder. You can do this from a terminal window, if you cd to the Persistent folder and then type tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz.
  3. Remove MinusBrowser.tar.gz.

All Other Users

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


MinusBrowser 2.28 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gophersapce.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems.

  • Control-y has been reassigned to search for the entered or selected word or phrase in Idiotbox.
  • Control-p now searches for the entered or selected word or phrase in Veronica 2, the search engine for Gopherspace.
  • Several key combinations that did not work correctly when the cursor was in the text entry area now work correctly. This fixes a bug in previous versions.
  • Additional information is displayed about files read with MinusBrowser that are not text files. MinusBrowser now displays the type, size, and modification date of such files. For video and audio files, if ffprobe is available, tags will also be displayed. If ffmpeg is installed, ffprobe should be available.
  • The pages opened by the "Read file" button (and Control-o) now include more links.
  • Audacious is now preferred to VLC when reading a page aloud. Audacious is more appropriate because it only plays audio files. Newer versions of VLC also have more "glitches."
  • Tails now no longer supports Desktop files at all. Read the ReadMeFirst.txt file to see how this changes the way we use MinusBrowser with Tails.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


MinusBrowser 2.27.2 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gophersapce.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems.

  • Updated OpenSSL to 3.0.13, and libcrypto.so.3 was also updated.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


MinusBrowser 2.27.1 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gophersapce.

  • MinusBrowser.sh now checks for xdg-open instead of xdg-mime. This fixes a bug in previous versions.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


MinusBrowser 2.27 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gophersapce.

  • MinusBrowser now requires Minus URLs to end with a file name extension like .gz, .txt, etc. The Minus Protocol Specification already specified that the file type is indicated by the extension, implicitly requiring an extension. Now the specification makes this requirement explicit, and MinusBrowser rejects file names without extensions.
  • In addition to VLC and Audacious, MinusBrowser can now use MPV when reading pages aloud. The first choice is VLC, then Audacious, and then MPV.
  • Because MinusBrowser can not play YouTube videos discovered with Idiotbox, it now plays them with other software (by default, the default web browser). Note that this may mean downloading content without using Tor. It is also possible to play these videos with software other than a web browser, if such software is available. Search the MinusBrowser home page for "youtube" to read more details.
  • Some errors in built-in documentation have been fixed, and new information has been added.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


MinusBrowser 2.26 is Published

Minus is like Gopher, but even simpler. MinusBrowser also browses Gophersapce.

  • When you bookmark the results of a Gopher search service search, that link now works properly. This fixes a bug in previous versions.
  • MinusBrowser now reads man pages. Typing Control-m now displays the man page (if any) for the text you enter or select.
  • Control-m is no longer a substitute for the "Add to menu" button because Control-m is now used to look for man pages.
  • A new man: URL scheme now exists to support looking for man pages. You can create links to man: URLs.
  • When you click on a file:// link to a file that is not a text file, you now have the option of opening it with the default software for its file type. This will not work if the file is executable software or is likely to contain executable software (e.g., .docm and .xlsmfiles).

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server