

just imagine you had too much time and need some time burning toys.

#computer #internet #games

Image/photoDanie van der Merwe wrote the following post Sat, 21 Dec 2024 14:06:17 +0100

10 Awesome Games You Can Play Right Now In Your Browser Without Installing Anything

10 Awesome Games You Can Play Right Now In Your Browser Without Installing Anything

Sometimes you have the urge to play some video games, but you don't have the right hardware with you. Perhaps you're stuck at work or school, or you have a basic device like a Chromebook. The good news is that there are a lot of games out there where you need nothing more than a web browser to play.

See 10 Awesome Games You Can Play Right Now In Your Browser


What else are you gonna do on the web?

#technology #gaming


MinusBrowser 2.43.3 is Published

MinusBrowser is a browser for the Minus, Gopher, and DICT protocols, with limited support for HTTPS.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems. GPLv3.

  • Fixed a bug that allowed some bogus URLs to crash MinusBrowser. This fixes a bug in previous versions.
  • Fixed a mistake in the ReadMeFirst.txt file. This fixes a bug in previous versions.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


The Hidden Environmental #Cost of #SocialMedia

source: https://greenly.earth/en-gb/leaf-media/data-stories/the-hidden-environmental-cost-of-social-media

#TikTok’s primary environmental challenge comes from its video-heavy platform, which consumes significantly more energy than text or image-based platforms. The sheer volume of videos, many of which are hosted on energy-intensive servers, makes TikTok one of the most environmentally costly social media platforms on a per-user basis. For example, streaming short videos on TikTok contributes to higher #emissions per minute of use compared to platforms like Twitter or Facebook, which rely more on text and images.

I get it, you want to create a mood for a TikTok ban for “environmental reasons”. Have you ever thought about how many emissions are caused by the consumption of porn videos? Let's just ban everything that's fun. After all, the big oil companies want to continue polluting the environment and society should focus on banning TikTok.

#environment #internet #online #traffic #co2 #future #climate #fun #censorship #politics #economy #pollution #earth #fail #news #society #carbonfootprint #propaganda #manipulation


oh je, m$ enttarnt sich selbst: doku wird für KI geschrieben, nicht für irgendwelche user ...

#computer #internet #Microsoft #KI

Image/photoFefebot wrote the following post Tue, 17 Dec 2024 13:56:05 +0100

[l] Microsoft hat einen Pull Request abgelehnt. Es war ein Patch für die Dokumentation, die mäandernd und wenig hilfreich war. Der Patch hat das restrukturiert.

Wieso würde man das ablehnen? Haltet euch fest:

Thanks for the contribution here and appreciate your attention to detail. We have decided to keep as-is.. part of that decision is that more and more folks are using AI chat to access guidance and tables don't always translate well in that context.

Ach soooo ist das! Die Doku war dann vermutlich vorher von "KI" geschrieben, deshalb war die so Kacke. Und sie verbessern geht nicht, weil Doku schreiben wir hier bei Microsoft nicht für Menschen sondern für unsere ranzige Bing-"KI", und die kann halt nichts. Ja geil ey.

Da versteht man auf Anhieb, wieso Microsoft-Dokumentation so schlecht ist, und wieso die einen mit mas chinell übersetztem "KI"-Müll zuspammen, wenn man in deren Doku irgendwas sucht.

Optimierungsziel waren nie menschliche Leser.

#fefebot #microsoft


MinusBrowser 2.43.1 is Published

MinusBrowser is a browser for the Minus, Gopher, and DICT protocols, with limited support for HTTPS.

MinusBrowser is written for Linux-based operating systems. GPLv3.

  • MinusBrowser will now handle videos on media.ccc.de/v/ (Chaos Computer Club) as well as videos on YouTube, YewTube, Framatube, and Undernet.
  • The built-in Minus server no longer reports that a file is not in the library when it should report that the URL is bad. MinusBrowser will never allow bad URLs to be requested from the server, but there may be other software that will. This fixes a bug in previous versions.
  • MinusBrowser now correctly handles all file:// URLs that specify files that do not exist or that you do not have permission to read, and not just those in links. This fixes a bug in previous versions.
  • Fixed a mistake on the Home Page. The status display is to the left of the "Home Page" button, not the "Bookmark page" button. This fixes a bug in previous versions.
  • MinusBrowser now works around a problem with some symbolic links to directories in /usr. This fixes a bug in previous versions.
  • MinusBrowser can now list items in directories in /dev. This fixes a bug in previous versions.
  • MinusBrowser now correctly handles URI schemes with unexpected characters, including -. This fixes a bug in previous versions.

To update to this new version, if you already have MinusBrowser 2.1 or later, just follow the instructions on your browser’s home page. You will not need to use a web browser to update.

To get MinusBrowser if you do not already have it, download this file from Codeberg.


There is no need to install MinusBrowser. Just download the .tar.gz file to your home folder and unpack it with

tar -xzf MinusBrowser.tar.gz

or use your favorite GUI software to unpack it. If you have a version of MinusBrowser earlier than 2.1, unpack the .tar.gz file into the same directory as your present MinusBrowser folder.

To follow the progress of the Minus Protocol Project, click on #minus-protocol or look at https://nerdpol.ch/tags/minus-protocol

You can download MinusBrowser from a terminal window with this command. This will work only if Tor Browser is running because it borrows Tor Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy. (Both Tor Browser and MinusBrowser contain their own copy of Tor.)

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://mvxpelpxu2f7kzotb2s2t6fkmggvrd7qdg2wjs6waiyf2nbhkawux4yd.onion:1990/9/MinusBrowser.tar.gz

This works because all Minus URLs can be translated into Gopher URLs.


For more information:


#internet #protocol #tcp #hypertext #http #gopher #minus #minus-protocol #browser #minusbrowser #minus-browser #server #minus-server


that is not so much science fiction anymore.

the dishwasher, which stopped being able to validate third-party dishes the week before when Disher went under

#future #science-fiction #CoryDoctorow #internet #enshittyfication #verkacken

Image/photodeprieto wrote the following post Sun, 15 Dec 2024 15:08:42 +0100

He aquí un fragmento del libro ‘Radicalized’ de Cory Doctorow @pluralistic, la historia se llama ‘Unauthorized Bread’, contiene rebelión ante máquinas IoT. Está bien chévere.



https://mastodon.social/@jensorensen/113653097610306336 jensorensen@mastodon.social - Latest comic. A British consumer rights group examined unnecessary data harvesting by “smart” devices, including air fryers connected to phone apps. While these devices may not pose the greatest privacy risk in our everyday lives, they are part of a growing Internet of Things capable of collecting data when and where we least expect it.

#comic #cartoon #technology #tech #privacy #surveillance #consumer #cooking #internet #internetofthings


Ist der #Cyberkrieg schon ausgebrochen und das Ziel ist #Microsoft?

Mein Firmencomputer hat sich heute neunmal geupdatet. Ziel des Updates war immer die Virenabwehr von #WindowsSecurity. Ich vermute da läuft gerade eine heftige Schlacht im #Cyberspace mit einem mutierenden #Virus, sodass die #Signaturen ständig geupdatet werden müssen. Normal ist ein #Update pro Woche. Weiß jemand genaueres was da los ist?

#Cyberwar #Verteidigung #windows #update #Sicherheit #Software #Betriebssystem #Computer #Internet #online #virus #trojaner #schadsoftware #malware


Das #BSI warnt vor #Schadsoftware auf #IoT - Geräten - nur Schade, dass die Betroffenen wohl kaum die Pressemeldungen des BSI lesen 🧐🪲💾

Siehe: https://www.bsi.bund.de/DE/Service-Navi/Presse/Pressemitteilungen/Presse2024/241212_Badbox_Sinkholing.html

Es ist eine Seuche, dass jedes IoT-Gerät heute zwangsläufig in der Cloud hängt (ob es Sinn macht oder nicht). Dadurch sind diese Geräte natürlich beliebte Angriffsziele, weil sie meist gar nicht geschützt sind und auch nie ein Update erhalten.

#Android #BadBox #ChinaSchrott #Technologie #Problem #Gefahr #Warnung #Sicherheit #Cybersecurity #Software #Cybercrime #Angriff #Infrastruktur #Internet #Schutz #Verbraucher #Update #Patch #cloud #Schaden


Police investigating Utah mom-fluencer after online uproar over video she posted of her son

Posting your whole life on line in an attempt to monetize it has some drawbacks, as many people on the internet turn out to be idiots. Mistakes made on both sides. Any lessons leaned, though?

The Utah mom influencer behind the viral "17 diapers" trend is being investigated by police after an internet uproar over a video that appeared to show her son flinching.

TikToker Hannah Hiatt, previously known online as Nurse Hannah, has since deleted the video, which was filmed in a grocery store and appeared to show her toddler startling and briefly hiding his face as his father walks up to him. As People Magazine reports, the video sparked hundreds of comments from people concerned for the boy's well-being.
She further explained that the video people are "freaking out about" shows James and his father playing, something she says they often do by scaring each other.

"Nothing is going on," Hiatt said tearfully.

#sharenting #internet #tiktok #youtube #instagram #CBC #news